
Mother's Day Special丨You are a prosecutor and the most beautiful mother

At the Qiongshan District Procuratorate,

There is a group of heroic female cadres and policemen,

In the work, vigorous and meticulous;

In life, tolerate care and pay without regrets.

They are prosecutors and the most beautiful mothers.

On the occasion of Mother's Day,

Two police officers were rated by the Qiongshan District Women's Federation

The "most beautiful mother" in Qiongshan District.

The most beautiful mother


We will share the stories of two of our most beautiful mothers.

Xing Wuyi

Assistant procurator of the Juvenile Prosecution Department

Rooted in juvenile procuratorial work for many years, with profound legal professional skills and rich work experience, he has written research articles involving minors and published them in the national magazine "Chinese Procurators". As a vice principal of the rule of law and a rule of law publicist, he has carried out rule of law publicity activities in primary and secondary schools in Qiongshan District many times, and is the "procurator's mother" of the children. Participate in the construction of a social support system for the Qiongshan District Procuratorate, a "one-stop" case-handling center for minors, and establish a base for juveniles involved in crimes.

Shoulder a beautiful mission to achieve excellent self

When she went to court as a national prosecutor, she insisted on justice and charged crimes and performed legal supervision duties; when she stood on the podium as a vice principal of the rule of law, she went deep and simple to spread legal knowledge and won a round of applause; when she changed out of the procuratorial blue uniform and returned to her warm home, she was an empathetic wife, the daughter of filial piety to her parents, and the mother who cared for her children, educated her children carefully, and accompanied her children with her heart.

As a "senior uninspected person", Xing Wuyi has solid professional knowledge, rich work experience, empathy and empathy for juvenile prosecution business. Adhering to the principle of "two-way protection", when handling cases involving minors, she educates and reforms juveniles involved in crimes, sincerely helps them to reform themselves and change their minds, and actively provides legal aid, judicial assistance and psychological assistance to minor victims. She makes full use of applied psychology expertise, participates in the construction of the social support system of the Qiongshan District Procuratorate, introduces psychological counselors and judicial social workers to integrate the resident team; as the vice principal of the rule of law and the publicity of the rule of law, she takes it as her duty to train students to be advocates, adherents and practitioners of the socialist rule of law, and has carried out the "Rule of Law into the Campus" activity in the primary and secondary schools of Qiongshan District for many times, bringing vivid and interesting rule of law lessons to the students, which has been widely praised, and is the "Teacher Xing" trusted and loved by the students. She loves the procuratorial cause, cares for and loves minors, and her special status is that of "procurator mother".

When a child comes to the world, the most trusted and most dependent person is the parent, and the child and the mother are inseparable. Xing Wuyi has a lovely four-year-old daughter, who reads a wide range of parenting books before giving birth, and prepares materials and conditions for her children from all aspects of food, clothing, shelter and transportation. After giving birth to a child, she carefully raises the child, so that the child has a healthy and strong physique, establishes a close attachment relationship with the child, gives the child a sufficient sense of security, accompanies the child to read, play, sleep, and carries out various outdoor activities on weekends to enjoy a good parent-child time. At the same time, she pays special attention to letting children develop various good habits from an early age, such as eating seriously, not wasting food, brushing teeth well before going to bed, etc.; regular children's life schedules, getting up early on time, taking a lunch break, bathing, and going to bed early; cultivating children's civilized parenting behavior, greeting and responding politely to others, being helped to say "thank you", speaking honestly, and changing mistakes. As the child grows, she constantly adjusts her parenting style, helps the child to continuously establish a sense of self-protection, self-confidence and self-love, let the child remember the parents' personal information, and tell the child how to deal with difficulties and dangers. She devoted all her efforts to caring for the child, and the child has grown into a lively and cheerful, well-behaved and sensible child under the irrigation of love.

This is her, freely transforming in multiple roles such as mother, wife, daughter, sister, prosecutor, etc., yearning for poetry and distant places, but also content with tea, rice, oil and salt, both galloping in the sea of stars and being willing to be down-to-earth.

Luo Caiyun

Head of the Sixth Prosecutorial Department

He has been engaged in procuratorial work for 14 years, and has won advanced commendations from units and individuals in many positions, with profound legal professional skills and rich work experience. Usually lead by example and accompany with heart, so that children with ADHD and tics fall in love with learning, and gradually grow into a self-disciplined, love to read, listen carefully to lectures in class, and have excellent grades.

How to make an active baby fall in love with reading

My baby has been very active since he was able to climb, and he often climbed on you to grab your hair with his hands and bite you with his mouth to express his desire to communicate. I was often tortured by him to the point of throwing tantrums and helpless. Later, he went to kindergarten to go to school, changed three kindergartens, and each teacher who took him said that he was very active and could not communicate and play well with children, such as the June 1st Children's Day class performing dance festivals, other children were dancing with music, he either ran off the stage to pick up balloons, or he went to push the children next to him with his hands and damaged the dances of other children. One of the more experienced teachers said that I had been teaching early childhood for more than twenty years, and this was the first time I had met such a dynamic child, and suggested that I take him to the test to see if he had ADHD.

Since he was born, I have also read a lot of children's books, one of which is called "Good Mother Is Better Than Good Teacher", this book inspired me a lot, which mentioned a point of view, saying that do not label children casually, children's ADHD is just an illusion, as long as parents are willing to spend time with their children, children's hyperactivity can be eliminated, and the best way to accompany children is to read. After reading this book, I think it is a good way to use reading to accompany the child and let him try to calm down. So from the time he was two years old, I bought a storybook to read to him, the first month, he would not sit quietly and listen, you read next to it, he was bouncing around, playing with his own, whether he listened or not, I read mine, so after about a month, one day, he sat down next to me, and I read words, I was surprised to close my mouth, I didn't expect him to listen to what I read when I was noisy, so I gave me hope, I slowly took him to the library to read a book during the week, Every time he went to the library, he said he wouldn't go, he wanted to play, but as soon as he arrived at the library, he would sit in the library and listen to me read softly to him. Slowly, every day before going to bed, he himself will take the initiative to let me read to him, at the same time, I found that he likes small animals, so I bought a lot of books about small animals, such as "Sidon Animals", "Insects", every day after reading a chapter, I will ask the baby a few questions about the story, such as what difficulties did the little white rabbit encounter here? How is it solved? Each time he was able to answer my questions accurately. At the same time, in response to some of his shortcomings, I will remind him how so-and-so animal in the book corrected it, and every time I say this, he agrees.

Every time the whole family goes out to play together, the baby is absolutely unable to sit still in the car, he is either pulling his hair, or punching and kicking, anyway, he can't stop for a moment, I was scared by him every time he went out, and then one day, I put a book in my bag, and when I took the car again, I took the book out to read, and he quickly quieted down to listen to me read...

When the baby was in the first grade of primary school, he still didn't listen to the teacher's class, the homework was written slowly, there were such and such problems, but he still loved to read, every night he had to read a little extracurricular books, if the time of reading was short, he would lose his temper... And I found that he can now insist on finishing his homework at night, do not hate reading, although now his academic performance is average, but I believe that through long-term continuous reading, his thinking has been broadened - life is a marathon, with the habit of loving reading, I believe that the baby's marathon will not run too badly.

When the baby was in the second grade, his ADHD was still not alleviated, and there was tics again, when he appeared with this condition, my heart was broken, I felt that there was no hope in life, seeing the child's involuntari twitching, I couldn't help but secretly cry every night. But life has abused me a thousand times, and I have to treat life like my first love. I made up my mind to start studying his condition, and I bought all the books I could search for on Taobao about ADHD and tics, and read them one by one. Taking notes, I finally found that tics is a medical problem all over the world, and with Western medicine methods, it can only control the child's nerves and cause secondary harm to the child. From the perspective of Chinese medicine, the child's ADHD and tics, because the child's overall weakness, yin and yang disorder caused, and finally I decided to use the way of traditional Chinese medicine to treat his condition, I took him to Guiyang to see Chinese medicine, I combined with his usual physical condition, with diet to regulate his body, and finally in the first semester of his fourth grade, his condition no longer appeared repeatedly, now the baby has been on the first year of junior high school, some time ago I asked the baby's class teacher, how is the child's performance in school, The class teacher's reply was that the child listened to the class very seriously, once the teacher saw that he did not finish the notes in class, asked him what was going on, the child replied to the teacher that he had been listening to the teacher's lectures, and did not care about taking notes.

Finally, using the results of this semester's midterm exams to illustrate the problem, the total score of the seven lessons ranked fourth in the class. Now, I no longer worry about the child's body and learning, as long as he has a continuous reading habit, I just have to wait quietly for the flowers to bloom.


Source: People's Procuratorate of Qiongshan District, Haikou City

Editor: Zeng Jia

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