
Na Ren Hua: Not only is she a film queen, but also a good daughter-in-law, giving birth to children at an advanced age, and now the family business has a double harvest

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Na Ren Hua

Naren flower is known as a flower that blooms forever on the grassland.

Na Renhua first entered the film industry at the age of 13, and was nominated for the Golden Rooster Award at the age of 24, becoming famous at the same time as Chen Chong and Liu Xiaoqing.

Tongschenkova and Sarengova are known as the three golden flowers of Mongolia, but she is the youngest of them.

Na Renhua's ambition from childhood is not to learn medicine from art, but she embarked on the road of art, and on this road she walked in a stormy way, successively shortlisted for many Chinese awards such as Huabiao Award, Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers, and finally won the Golden Rooster and Huabiao Double Film Queen.

Na Ren Hua is an actress who is deeply loved by the audience, and she conquers the audience with her works.

From actress to director, Na Ren Hua proved herself with strength, and her life was full of legends.

Na Ren Hua became famous very early, at the peak of her career, she chose to retire from the rapids, study abroad, and did not humble herself to shoot many documentaries reflecting Chinese culture overseas, and then returned to China to dedicate herself to the film.

Na Renhua's whole life has been busy filming, studying, no time to fall in love, she once thought that she would not marry in this life.

Na Ren Hua won the award photo

Who ever thought that people to middle-aged Na Ren Hua also met love,

And desperately marrying him, giving birth to a son at the age of 42, what is the charm of this man?

Today we will walk into Na Ren Hua together and see the love story of her legendary experience and the man who conquered her.

01 The arrangement of fate

Na Renhua was born in Inner Mongolia in 1962 to her parents, both of whom were authentic state officials.

This "Na Ren Flower" means "Sunflower", and her parents gave her this name in the hope that she would not only look beautiful and beautiful, but also hope that she could grow up as tenacious and healthy as a sunflower.

Early years of Na Ren Hua

Na Ren Hua lived up to her parents' expectations and grew up beautiful, but she was a very shy child and did not like to talk to others.

When she was in school, she was drawn by the teacher in class to read the texts, and she was a little afraid, but because of her good image, she was often arranged by the school to go on stage to offer flowers or something, but at that time, Na Renhua's parents did not think of letting their daughter engage in work related to the literary and art industry.

Na Ren Hua's parents hope that she can become a doctor when she grows up, and because Na Ren Hua has been weak and sick since she was a child, she often lives in the hospital, and the image of a doctor is particularly great for her, and she herself wants to become a doctor and save her life.

But before she could pursue her ideals, fate arranged another path for Na Ren Hua, in Na Ren Hua's own words:

I was introverted from an early age, dry acting is a very big tempering for me, not I chose the movie, it is the movie that chooses me, I don't know anything except the movie, many things have not had time to think, fate has made arrangements for me.

Teen Na Ren Hua

But Na Ren Hua seems to have been born for performance.

In 1976, when the 13-year-old Na Ren Hua was just in her first year of junior high school, director Mal Lu was preparing to make the movie "Battlefield Yellow Flower".

At that time, the crew needed a small actor to play the role of the little granddaughter, and Na Renhua, who was outstanding, was introduced by the teacher to audition, but did not expect to pass smoothly.

The film was filmed in Xilingol League, filmed for nearly a year, Na Renhua entered the crew as a child actress and followed for a year, and by the time she returned to school again, she could not keep up with the course.

It just so happened that at that time, the Xilin Gol League Song and Dance Troupe and the Inner Mongolia Art School both felt that Na Renhua had artistic talent and wanted to recruit her.

At that time, Na Renhua was still young, and her parents could not bear to let her be too far away from home, compared with the two, her parents felt that the song and dance troupe was closer to home, so they let Na Renhua learn to dance.

In this way, Na Ren Hua officially embarked on the road of art.

02 Young fame

After entering the song and dance troupe, Na Ren Hua studied cultural lessons while conducting high-intensity physical training.

But the daily leg press practice makes Na Renhua very uncomfortable, not because she is physically uncomfortable, but because she is a person who likes to challenge and use her brain, but these external trainings are too simple for her.

Just when Na RenHua was confused and confused, the challenger came to the door.

In 1978, Xi'an Film Studio was preparing to shoot "Milk Yan Fei", which is a movie about gymnasts, when the crew watched "Battlefield Yellow Flower", they were very satisfied with the beautiful little girl inside, so they found Na Renhua and let her play the heroine Shang Xiaoli.

It just so happened that Na Renhua had been practicing dance in the song and dance troupe for half a year at that time, which was equivalent to laying a good foundation for the movie.

After entering the crew, Na Renhua was arranged to practice gymnastics for half a year, which was more difficult for her than her days in the song and dance troupe, and she even began to doubt, she even began to doubt: "Is this for me to act?" Or gymnastics. ”

Because of this half-year life experience, she not only eats and lives with professional gymnasts, the coach not only treats her as a gymnast, but also opens a small stove for her, works overtime to practice, and strictly makes her and her companions a little unbearable.

Kung Fu pays off, Na Renhua's bitterness of practicing gymnastics has not been eaten in vain, and after the release of "Milk Yan Fei", she became a hit and became popular, and the film was continuous.

Subsequently, Na Renhua starred in "Love and Legacy" of The Western Film Studio, and was subsequently transferred to the Actors Troupe of the Western Film Studio and became a professional film and television actor.

Since then, Na Renhua's acting career has been smooth, and she has starred in many films such as "Traitor", "Everyone Is Happy", "Silent Rain", and played three plays at the same time in the busiest time.

Such intensive work made na renhua, who was good at thinking, begin to reflect on the meaning of her own filming, when she was only 19 years old, when playing a mature woman, because she did not have too much experience and precipitation, she could not find that feeling.

In order to play a good role and shoot the night scene, she had to start brewing emotions from the morning, not letting others talk to her, she tried to find the feeling of "sinking", but after all, she was still too young, and she had not received professional acting training, could not find the skills, she realized that she should recharge.

At that time, in Na Renhua's own words, it was:

I felt like I was like a sponge, almost squeezed dry, not acting.

With this realization, Na Ren Hua asked the leader that she wanted to go to film school.

Seeking support, Na Ren Hua also wrote to the director of the film bureau, saying that she was too young to just practice if she did not go to school.

In this way, in 1982, Na Renhua was admitted to the undergraduate class of the Acting Department of the Beijing Film Academy, and became a classmate with Lin Fangbing, Yan Xiaopin and others.

Na Ren Hua took a group photo with her classmates

03 Trouble

Na Ren Hua imagined that the university should be very beautiful, the classmates are harmonious, and the teachers love and love, but in fact, this is not the case.

During her school days, na renhua rarely spoke in order to keep up with the teacher's class, because she was always worried that she would be found out by her classmates as a "unlearned" person.

However, she also wants to have a good relationship with her classmates, but in the eyes of her classmates, she is already a popular star, not only famous, but also receives a salary of more than forty yuan per month, and she does not like to talk, and always feels that she is superior.

This misunderstanding was rife between her and her classmates, so no matter how hard she tried, it was futile to try to have a good relationship with them.

In order to "please" her classmates, she even funded a photo of each classmate in the class, and shared a birthday cake with them.

Her behavior not only did not bring her friendship, but also made her classmates think that she was showing off and showing off, and brought more cynicism.

Na Ren Hua couldn't understand that she attributed this to the troubles caused by her star status, and she wanted to express to everyone that she was not that kind of person, but the harder she tried, the more counterproductive it became.

For a while, she even felt that even the teacher treated her differently because of her identity, and she had a big quarrel with the teacher for this reason.

But in fact, these are all caused by Na Renhua's own inner self-confidence, and she does not understand the teacher's good intentions.

At that time, every student was the same in the eyes of the teacher, and she just hoped that every student she taught would become a qualified and excellent actor.

Until many years later, Na Renhua still remembered the truth taught to her by Teacher Li Ranran:

"As an actor, you have to dedicate your heart to your character."

During her time in school, Na Renhua also took over dramas such as "Silent Rain", "XiangNu Xiaoxiao", "War Does Not Let Women Go Away" and so on, and through her performance in these dramas, Na Renhua combined theory and practice to prove that her choice was correct.

After professional learning and teacher guidance, she will shape the role again.

Especially in "Xiangnu Xiaoxiao", she successfully presented a character who was diametrically opposed to her own life as real and natural, and won the recognition and appreciation of experts and audiences in the industry.

Stills from "XiangNu Xiaoxiao"

In this way, Na Renhua completed her studies in "pleasing" her classmates and practicing.

According to this path, after graduation, Na Renhua should show her talents in the film and television field and continue to dedicate good films to the audience, but Na Renhua is a person who has high requirements for herself.

When she graduated from film school, she was only 23 years old, and she was full of expectations for her future and a little confused, and there were two paths in front of her: one was to continue filming, and the other was to stay in school to teach.

Faced with such a choice, Na Ren Hua was confused:

If you continue to shoot, how should you surpass your former self? If you stay in school to teach, you are still too young, what qualifications do you have to be a teacher? And what can be taught to others?

With this doubt in mind, Na Ren Hua chose to stay in the school, because she preferred the academic atmosphere of the school to the outside world.

However, in the face of the teachers around her, she also lacked self-confidence.

At this time, the school had an opportunity to go to the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom for a year of exchange, and Na Ren Hua's English level was very good, so she became the most suitable candidate.

The opportunity is reserved for those who are prepared, and na renhua can speak fluent English, which she has also practiced hard herself.

As early as 1980, when filming "Marco Polo", Na Renhua could not even practice English words, but the role she played needed to be said, and the large sections of the lines were all memorized by rote, and as for what she said specifically, she could not remember clearly.

This experience made Na Renhua particularly embarrassed.

Since then, she has made up her mind to learn English and memorize words in her free time. She must learn this language well.

She felt that as an actress, not being able to speak English was a flaw. So this opportunity to communicate in the UK was seized by her.

04 Study UK

The reason why Na Ren Hua is a flower that blooms forever is because she is always tireless and always pursues upwards.

In exchange in Britain, in addition to objective reasons, subjectively Na Ren Hua is also full of yearning for the outside world.

She wants to learn more, she is eager to understand the Western world, and she hopes to get a higher level of sublimation in her performance.

So after a year of exchange visits to the UK, the next year, Na Ren Hua was admitted to the British National Film Directing Department, which was eight years.

After arriving in the UK, Na Renhua's biggest feeling is: it is good to be an ordinary person.

Because no one knew her there, didn't know she was a big star, no one asked who she was, where she came from, it was all an equal exchange relationship, and she loved that feeling.

In the past eight years, Na Ren Hua has had a very easy life, because she knows very well what kind of personality she is, she is introverted and does not like to show off.

But fate arranged for her to become famous at a young age, as a celebrity, although there are many people around, but there is always a loneliness in her heart that cannot be discharged, in those days of filming, she cannot overcome her introverted personality, and filming is always impossible to let go.

So at that time, she often had nightmares, either dreaming that she forgot the words or forgot the action, or that she couldn't find clothes or was late for the show.

For many years, she had been in a very anxious state of mind. This study experience allowed her to grow and find a lifestyle that suited her best.

While studying as a director, Na Ren Hua not only filmed documentaries introducing Chinese history and culture overseas for a number of British television companies, including the BBC, but also filmed "Cultural Heritage along the Three Gorges Coast" for the Discovery Channel in the United States.

Na Renhua "Parental Love" Yang Secretary stills

Na Ren Hua is an amazing Chinese woman.

During her study abroad, someone once paid a huge amount of money to make a documentary that foreigners love to watch, but she was not humble and refused.

After returning to China after completing her studies, for those who worship the foreign world, Na Renhua is also very disdainful, she loves the culture of her own nation, loves Chinese culture, and filmed dramas such as "Black Horse" and "Opium War".

Since then, she has also produced many documentaries such as "Three Gorges Dam Project" and "Secrets of the Great Wall", and starred in "Chinese World" broadcast on Huayi Television in the United States.

From the age of 19 to 39, Na Ren Hua is either filming or studying, her personal problems have never been put on the agenda, her parents and family have begun to urge marriage, but Na Ren Hua has her own pursuits, she will not marry because of her age, in order to get married.

Ning Cai

For many years, Na Renhua's focus has been on her career, and she thought that she might not fall in love for the rest of her life.

So it is good to dedicate her life to the film and television industry, but heaven will not fail to live up to a brave woman who pursues upwards, just when Na Renhua thinks that she will be single for a lifetime, a like-minded man who is as good as her "descends" to her side.

This person is the actor and director Ning Cai.

Ning Cai is one year younger than Na Renhua, graduated from the Shanghai Theater Academy majoring in drama performance, a graduate student of the Directing Department of the Beijing Film Academy, a native of Inner Mongolia, a first-class actor of the Inner Mongolia National Theater Troupe, a Golden Rooster Film Emperor, and the director of the Inner Mongolia Film Studio.

Ning Cai

05 Soul Mate

Na Ren Hua and Ning Cai met, like most actor couples, because of the drama.

In 2000, Ning Cai was preparing for the TV series "Quiet Emin River", which was based on the novel of the same name by mongolian female writer Sarentoya, who was very interested in the script, but at that time, Ning Cai was just starting out as a director, and she was still a little worried that he would not be able to control it.

But soon, Na Ren Hua found herself looking down on Ning Director, not long after entering the crew, Na Ren Hua had a crying scene in it, she quickly entered the play, the tears flowed out, Na Ren Hua thought that she was good enough.

Konin didn't think so, and he said to Na Renhua: "The tears of Mongolian mothers are different, their tears are flowing to their hearts, not hanging on their faces." ”

Na Ren Hua didn't think so, she had acted in so many plays, did she want him to teach?

Na Ren Hua questioned Ning Cai's ability in her heart, but the experience of being a guest at a herdsman's home made Na Ren Hua look at Ning Cai with surprise.

At that time, the herders who were guests of Na Ren Hua lost a group of horses, which was originally a very sad thing, but the herders did not cry, they repeatedly sang the Mongolian long tune, Na Ren Hua was puzzled, and the herdsman's mother said:

"You think I'm not sad?" But the tears of our steppe people remain in our hearts, not on our faces. ”

At that moment, Na Renhua was impressed by Director Ning and attracted by his talent, he really understands movies and understands good directors.

After the cooperation, because of the weather and other reasons, the shooting conditions are very difficult, other actors can not stand it, but Na Renhua can still persist, Ning Cai also admired this little girl's five bodies to the ground.

In this way, two talented people feel sorry for each other.

After a scene was filmed, each of them admired each other and developed a good feeling for each other.

"Quiet Emin River" is Na RenHua's first TV series, and as soon as this drama was completed, she was invited by the Mongolian "director husband and wife file" Seif and Melise to shoot "Heavenly Steppe".

Na Ren Hua played the female lead in the film, but the male lead was undecided, Na Ren Hua just finished cooperating with Ning Cai, she recommended Ning Cai, so the two played a couple in the play.

After the cooperation of the two plays, the feelings of the two have been sublimated, both of them are career-oriented, and they are like-minded, and they are both actors and directors, and they are equal, and they believe that the other is the person they are looking for.

So in 2002, when Na Renhua was 40 years old and Ning was only 39 years old, the two held hands and walked into the hall of happy marriage.

Na Renhua's career focus is in Beijing, after marriage they settled their home in Beijing, in order not to let the husband and wife live separately, Ning Cai was also transferred to the North Film Studio to work, the couple lived together in Beijing.

Na Ren Hua and Ning Cai are both people who pursue careers, but after they are together, they have not forgotten to enjoy life, and they will live in the world of two people between work and enjoy the romance of two people together.

As for the child, they are the attitude of fate, plus Na Ren Hua is no longer confused, at this time to have a child is to give birth to a child at an advanced age, so they are all natural attitudes.

Did not want to god to care, soon after the marriage Na Renhua became pregnant, the next year Na Renhua gave birth to a son, from the world of two to a family of three, Na RenHua and Ning Cai are immersed in the joy of parenthood.

Na Ren Hua with son

The philosopher Dewey once said, "A happy marriage is like an unusually rich pension." In the prime of the year, you put everything you get into it, and over time, it turns into silver into gold, and then from gold to platinum. ”

I deeply believe that a good marriage can not only bring a loving and sweet life to both husband and wife, but also promote the development of the couple's common career.

After Na Renhua and Ning Cai got married, they supported and encouraged each other and made continuous breakthroughs in their careers, just one year after the birth of their son, Na Ren Hua and Ning Cai's careers have been raised, which can be described as double happiness.

Ning Cai won the Golden Rooster Film Emperor with "Heavenly Grassland", and Na Renhua was only nominated. But for her, nomination is affirmation, and her husband's award is their common glory.

And soon after, Na Renhua also won the "Huabiao Award" and "Golden Rooster Award" with "Eji", these two awards were late, although Na Renhua's acting skills and strength have long been recognized by the industry and the audience, but many nominations, this time finally spent on her home, it is deserved.

In Ning Cai's heart, Na Renhua was originally an excellent filmmaker, and it was only a matter of time before she won the award.

And in his heart she was always the best, he admired her, they resonated together, they were each other's soul mates.

In Na Ren Hua's heart, Ning Is a very talented person, he is as low-key and unassuming as she is, with an introverted personality, but he is sincere and bold, they appreciate each other and nourish each other with love.

In the career, both stand on the pyramid, and in life, two people take care of each other, and their small family is run happily.

Since they got married, they have held hands and loved each other for twenty years, and in the past 20 years, they have acted low-key without hype, without gossip, focusing on film and television and family, and achieving a double harvest of love and career.

Some people say that a good marriage is a win-win for happiness and wealth.

Na Ren Hua and Ning Cai are the best examples.

Before they met, they worked hard to constantly improve themselves and shine in their favorite fields;

When they meet, they are like-minded, evenly matched, and love each other;

After holding hands, they went in the same direction, supported each other, trusted each other, and achieved a better self and a better us while achieving career success.

May you also be like Na Ren Hua, blooming well when you are alone,

When the two people bloom together, live as they like, and become the happiest person in the world.

Wen | one by one

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