
The Japanese were cut in China, and Lin Fangzheng sent consulate personnel to support them and reminded them by email

author:Erudite rice balls

In response to the fact that a Japanese attack on a large country in the East has aroused concern, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded that similar incidents can happen in any country, stressed the need to continue to ensure the safety of foreigners, pointed out that there is no need to make a fuss, and stressed that foreign citizens are welcome to come to China for exchanges

The Japanese were cut in China, and Lin Fangzheng sent consulate personnel to support them and reminded them by email


Recently, a Japanese attack on a large country in the East has aroused widespread attention, according to reports, on June 24, a Japanese student was attacked in Suzhou, a large country in the East, when the incident occurred, the student was on the playground for morning exercises, suddenly attacked by an unknown man, resulting in injuries, fortunately not life-threatening.

As soon as this incident was exposed, it immediately aroused great concern in Japanese society, and Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi also made solemn representations and demands on the big eastern powers, demanding that the big eastern countries thoroughly investigate the matter and properly handle the relevant issues.

The Japanese were cut in China, and Lin Fangzheng sent consulate personnel to support them and reminded them by email

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also pointed out that the public security environment of the eastern country has always been very good, and it is one of the countries with the lowest crime rate in the world.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also stressed that the big country in the East has always been an open country, and foreign citizens are very welcome to come to China for exchange and study, and it is believed that the handling of this incident will not affect the confidence and enthusiasm of Japanese students and other foreign citizens in coming to China.

The Japanese were cut in China, and Lin Fangzheng sent consulate personnel to support them and reminded them by email

1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responds to the attack on Japanese students

Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs attaches great importance to and pays attention to this matter, and has asked the relevant departments to carry out a thorough investigation into the matter, and will report to the Japanese Embassy in China as soon as there is the latest investigation progress and results.

The Japanese were cut in China, and Lin Fangzheng sent consulate personnel to support them and reminded them by email

Zhao Lijian also pointed out that there may be many reasons for the occurrence of similar incidents, but no matter what the reason is, it cannot be used as an excuse to hurt others, let alone be restrained by choking, and the perpetrators must be severely punished in accordance with the law to ensure that the legitimate rights and interests of the victims are protected, and it is also necessary to send a correct message to the international community, that is, the big country in the East has always been a safe and friendly country, and foreign citizens are welcome to come to China for exchange and study.

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying also said at a regular news conference that similar incidents can happen in any country, and the Japanese side should be able to understand and accept this, and the authorities of the big eastern countries will, as always, ensure the safety of foreigners in China and will not change their friendly attitude toward foreigners because of such incidents.

The Japanese were cut in China, and Lin Fangzheng sent consulate personnel to support them and reminded them by email

Second, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stresses that there is no need to make a fuss

In the face of Japan's high attention and representations, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stressed that the public security environment in the eastern countries has always been very good, and it has one of the lowest crime rates in the world.

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said that she believes that the Japanese side should also be able to look at this matter objectively and rationally, and will not be prejudiced or misunderstood about the public security environment and the quality of its people in the big eastern countries because of a similar incident, still less will it affect the friendly exchanges and mutual understanding between the peoples of the two countries because of choking.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also stressed that the big eastern country has always been an open country, and foreign citizens are very welcome to come to China for exchange and study, and it is believed that the handling of this incident will not affect the confidence and enthusiasm of Japanese students and other foreign citizens in coming to China, and hopes that the Japanese side will also actively cooperate with the investigation work of the big eastern countries and jointly safeguard the friendly relations between the two peoples.

The Japanese were cut in China, and Lin Fangzheng sent consulate personnel to support them and reminded them by email

3. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responds to the request of the Japanese side

Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said that the big countries in the East attach great importance to Japan's concerns and demands, as well as to friendly exchanges and mutual understanding between the peoples of the two countries, and will properly handle the matter in accordance with Japan's reasonable concerns and promptly inform the Japanese side of the latest progress and results of the investigation.

Zhao Lijian also hoped that the Japanese side would be able to look at this matter objectively and rationally, and that it would not be prejudiced or misunderstood about the public security environment and the quality of its people in the big eastern countries because of a similar incident, still less would it affect the friendly exchanges and mutual understanding between the peoples of the two countries because of choking; he believed that with the joint efforts of both sides, the matter would certainly be properly handled, and he also hoped that the Japanese side would actively cooperate with the investigation work of the big eastern countries and jointly safeguard the friendly relations between the peoples of the two countries.

The Japanese were cut in China, and Lin Fangzheng sent consulate personnel to support them and reminded them by email


However, we believe that through the joint efforts and cooperation of both sides, we will certainly be able to properly handle this matter, and I also believe that such an incident will not affect the confidence and enthusiasm of Japanese students and other foreign citizens in coming to China.

It is also hoped that the Japanese side will actively cooperate with the investigation work of the big eastern countries and jointly safeguard the friendly relations between the peoples of the two countries, and believe that with the joint efforts of both sides, it will certainly be able to effectively prevent and curb the occurrence of similar incidents, and will also inject more positive energy into the friendly exchanges and mutual understanding between the peoples of the two countries.

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