
May 24, the day of Guanyin's opening of the library, pay attention to the four auspicious times, the five taboos

author:Lemon tea

In traditional Chinese culture, May 24 is a special day when the Bodhisattva Guanyin opens her treasure house and bestows good fortune and well-being. On this day, people sincerely pray for the blessings of Guanyin Bodhisattva, hoping for peace, health, and happiness in the new year. Blessed people, leave a sentence in the comment area, "One shun and one hundred shun, the Bodhisattva blesses" for yourself, for your children, and for the whole family

May 24, the day of Guanyin's opening of the library, pay attention to the four auspicious times, the five taboos

Let's take a look at the four auspicious times:

1. Mao Shi (5 a.m. to 7 a.m.): This time period is the time when the yang energy between heaven and earth rises, and it is also the beginning of the day. At this time, people can start performing various activities, including praying for blessings, making wishes, worshipping, etc. On the day of the opening of the library of Guanyin, this time point is very auspicious, because Guanyin Bodhisattva will bless the world at this time.

2. Midi (9 a.m. to 11 a.m.): Midi is the time when the yang energy is at its peak and one of the best times of the day to pray for prayers. During this time, people can express their wishes to Guanyin Bodhisattva and ask for the blessings and blessings of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

3. Shen Shi (3 pm to 5 pm): Shen Shi is the hour before the sun sets, and it is also the time of the day when the yang energy gradually fades. At this time, one can express something that needs help to Guanyin or ask for wisdom and guidance.

4. Hai Shi (9 pm to 11 pm): Hai Shi is the end of the day and the time when people start to rest. At this time, one can express some innermost wishes and prayers to Guanyin Bodhisattva, because this is the time when people's hearts are most calm and sincere.

May 24, the day of Guanyin's opening of the library, pay attention to the four auspicious times, the five taboos

However, on the day of Guanyin's opening day, there are also some five taboos that need to be paid attention to:

1. Don't drink and drive: On this special day, one should pay extra attention to traffic safety, especially in the area around the temple. Drunk driving can not only endanger your own life, but also the lives of other pedestrians.

2. Avoid quarrels and brawls: On the day of the opening of the Guanyin store, people should maintain peace and tranquility in their hearts and refrain from quarreling and brawling with others. Because quarrels and brawls will not only ruin your own good luck, but also affect the mood of those around you.

3. Donations for charity: On this day, people can donate to charities or help those in need. In this way, not only can you help others, but you can also accumulate merit and good fortune for yourself.

4. It is advisable to read and study: On the day of the opening of the library of Guanyin, people can take time to read and study and improve their knowledge and skills. In this way, you can not only enrich your life, but also accumulate more blessings for yourself.

5. Be reunited with your family: Family is paramount on this day. Family members should be reunited and share each other's joy and happiness. Family harmony can bring good luck and good fortune to oneself.

May 24, the day of Guanyin's opening of the library, pay attention to the four auspicious times, the five taboos

In short, the opening day of Guanyin on May 24 is a very special day. On this day, one should follow the principles of the four auspicious times and the five taboos, maintain inner peace and tranquility, and express one's wishes and supplications to Guanyin Bodhisattva. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to safety and family harmony. Only in this way can we truly enjoy the auspiciousness and well-being bestowed upon us by Guanyin Bodhisattva.

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