
The constellations of lying are seamless, the logical thinking is super strong, and it is difficult to find loopholes

The constellations of lying are seamless, the logical thinking is super strong, and it is difficult to find loopholes

Lying is really not an easy thing to do. After all, there is a saying that a lie is said to use a hundred lies to round the lie, if you want not to be discovered, the logic must be tightly sewn, so that people can not find flaws, otherwise it is really easy to show the filling. People who can tell lies to perfection must not be simple.

The constellations of lying are seamless, the logical thinking is super strong, and it is difficult to find loopholes

Virgo: Logical and thoughtful

The logical thinking of Virgo says second, and no one in the zodiac dares to say first. After all, this is a Virgo with a strange name of logic, perhaps because of mercury domination, Virgo's thinking is particularly meticulous. They have never been predominantly emotional creatures, relying on powerful logical analysis to deal with problems.

There are many people who feel that Virgo is cold-blooded, desperate, and unsympathetic. But in fact, many things cannot be changed once a decision is made here in Virgo, because Virgo never relies on feelings and feelings, but really relies on the results of logical analysis. Even if it continues, even if it will go on, it will be a drag and consumption for each other.

So when Virgo wants to lie, he will think of all aspects, not only logical thinking rigorously, he is also a very detail-oriented sign. Those details that ordinary people don't pay attention to, they won't let go. A lie, a story, Virgo will use a lot of time and energy to perfect. The strength of Virgo has always been so strong, and his stories and lies really rarely find loopholes.

The constellations of lying are seamless, the logical thinking is super strong, and it is difficult to find loopholes

Scorpio: Straight to the point, straight to the essence

Scorpio is not actually a sign that is good at lying, but if you really need to lie, many people are often kept in the dark by him. Because Scorpio's control of human nature is always so precise. When he starts to lie, he thinks about everything that could happen.

After all, Scorpio has always been a suspicious sign, so they are always on the lookout for danger, always preparing for what hasn't happened yet. The same is true of lies, so that this lie is not exposed, Scorpios will make a lot of efforts, and even deliberately do something to make the lie look like it is true.

Not only that, Scorpio's brain has always been very clear, many people start to run out of brains when things happen, but Scorpio will not, they can always sort out the most important line, and then quickly come up with a solution. Even if you lie, it's the same. Calm, calm, never flustered to show the horse's feet.

The constellations of lying are seamless, the logical thinking is super strong, and it is difficult to find loopholes

Capricorn: Say more wrong, say less and be less wrong

There is a saying that comes out of the mouth, and there is another saying: More words will be lost. So Capricorns have always maintained an advantage in this matter, and they won't say much even if they lie. After all, the high cold of Capricorn is obvious to everyone. In order to be able to let his lies pass, Capricorn rarely says much to cover up like other zodiac signs.

Often after telling a lie or a story, it is rarely explained. Capricorn is actually not a sign that is good at lying, but if you really need to lie, then with Capricorn's caution and caution, she will definitely do it seamlessly, so that everyone can't see it at all.

Even for a lie, a story, at the expense of one's own interests. Capricorns have strong self-esteem, and this is where they are most likely to lie, lying in order to cover themselves up. Before they lie, Capricorns think about it and think about it, and they never talk nonsense, because Capricorn knows that if they say it, they will bear the consequences.

The constellations of lying are seamless, the logical thinking is super strong, and it is difficult to find loopholes

Conclusion: Lies, everyone will say. However, some people's lies are too clumsy to be discerned at a glance. There are also people who lie without thinking about the causes and consequences, and do not even know that they have said the exact opposite of this and done the exact opposite. Lying is really not so simple, and strong logic can be seamless.

The constellations of lying are seamless, the logical thinking is super strong, and it is difficult to find loopholes

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