
How much does an Israeli defense burn in one night? Expert: Over $1 billion $3.5 million for an interceptor missile

author:International Detective

Israel's defense economy under the fire of war in the Middle East

In the smoke of gunfire in the Middle East, the conflict between Israel and Hamas has become more and more intense, and the war has entered its sixth year. With the addition of other armed groups, what appears to be a localized conflict is actually turning into a grand game that affects the entire Middle East. And in this seemingly unequal war, Israel is under tremendous pressure, especially the huge economic expenditures are remarkable.

How much does an Israeli defense burn in one night? Expert: Over $1 billion $3.5 million for an interceptor missile

According to Israel's "ynet" news network reported on April 14, Rim Aminoach, a former financial adviser to the Israeli military, said that in order to intercept Iranian missile and drone attacks, the Israeli army's defense cost overnight exceeded 1 billion US dollars, about 1 billion to 1.3 billion US dollars.

According to expert estimates, Israel's defense costs more than $1 billion for just one night, and the cost of an interceptor missile is as high as $3.5 million. Behind these figures is Israel's unwavering commitment to its own security and its strict defense against potential threats. However, this high defense spending also raises concerns: Can Israel afford such a huge economic burden?

How much does an Israeli defense burn in one night? Expert: Over $1 billion $3.5 million for an interceptor missile

At the same time, the cost to the attacker appears to be much lower. Armed groups such as Hamas use wheel tactics to carry out sustained strikes against Israel at a small cost. This asymmetrical pattern of warfare puts Israel in a dilemma: on the one hand, it has to invest huge sums of money to strengthen its defenses in order to maintain its national security; On the other hand, low-cost attacks from adversaries make it difficult for Israel to deal with them.

For example, he said, an interceptor missile of the Israeli army's "Arrow" air defense system is worth as much as $3.5 million, and an interceptor missile of the "David Slingshot" air defense system is worth $1 million. In addition, the Israeli army also dispatched jet fighters. The "Arrow" air defense system is mainly used to defend against long-range missile threats, and the "David Slingshot" system is used to intercept medium- and long-range missiles and rockets.

How much does an Israeli defense burn in one night? Expert: Over $1 billion $3.5 million for an interceptor missile

And the cost of an Iranian attack is less than one-tenth of the cost of Israel's defense. Researchers at American think tanks estimate that the cost of launching a domestically produced one-way attack drone in Iran is up to $20,000.

However, the exact cost of defense can be affected by a variety of factors, such as the size and duration of the attack, the use of defense systems, and so on.

This situation not only puts economic pressure on Israel, but is also likely to trigger a broader crisis in the Middle East. If Israel becomes unable to afford the cost of defense, or if relations with neighboring countries deteriorate further, then the stability of the entire Middle East region will be seriously threatened.

How much does an Israeli defense burn in one night? Expert: Over $1 billion $3.5 million for an interceptor missile

The cost of modern warfare is indeed rising, and with the development of technology and the upgrading of weapons systems, the funds and resources required for war are also increasing. Under such circumstances, how to balance national security and economic development, as well as how to resolve disputes and conflicts through diplomatic means to avoid the outbreak of war, is an issue that the international community needs to think about together.

How much does an Israeli defense burn in one night? Expert: Over $1 billion $3.5 million for an interceptor missile

Therefore, the Israeli government needs to carefully consider its current defense strategy and seek a more reasonable and effective solution. While ensuring national security, we should also give full consideration to economic factors and avoid falling into the quagmire of a bottomless pit of war. The international community should also play an active role in promoting the resolution of differences between Israel and neighboring countries through dialogue and consultation, so as to jointly maintain peace and stability in the Middle East. After all, in this ancient land, any war can bring immeasurable loss and suffering.

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