
Insist on drinking astragalus soaked water, the benefits or "invariably come"! Reminder: These five types of people, try to avoid

author:Dr. Wen Yan popularized science

Astragalus is a valuable traditional Chinese medicine, which has the effect of strengthening the body and strengthening the body, and the scope of application is still relatively wide. In ancient times, some people have used astragalus for health or disease.

Insisting on drinking with astragalus soaked in water, what benefits will be reaped? Presumably many people are more curious, let's analyze it specifically, of course, we must also pay attention to the contraindications to taking, do not joke about their health.

Insist on drinking astragalus soaked water, the benefits or "invariably come"! Reminder: These five types of people, try to avoid

Insist on drinking astragalus soaked water, the benefits or "invariably come"!

(1) Strong body

Scientists have done time to let animals take astragalus water. The results showed that the weight gain of animals after taking astragalus water was much faster than that of animals that did not take astragalus water, and the albumin and serum total protein contained in the body also increased significantly.

(2) Enhance myocardial contractility

In addition to strengthening the body, the benefits of drinking astragalus water include strengthening the contractility of the heart muscle, which can effectively prevent circulatory failure. If you have experimental gastritis. Drinking more astragalus water on a daily basis can effectively alleviate it and the amount of protein in the urine will also decrease.

Insist on drinking astragalus soaked water, the benefits or "invariably come"! Reminder: These five types of people, try to avoid

(3) Treatment of physical drowsiness

In terms of traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that drinking more astragalus water every day will make the spirit better and the shortness of breath will gradually decrease. If you increase the appropriate amount of windproof, ginger, etc. decoction with water, enhance the body's immunity, prevent the body from catching a cold; if you increase the appropriate amount of floating wheat and ephedra root, effectively treat the night sweats of the body after decoction.

(4) Treatment of hypertension

Many patients with high blood pressure, especially elderly patients, are prone to swelling of the lower body, and drinking astragalus water can play a good role in eliminating edema and reducing blood pressure.

Insist on drinking astragalus soaked water, the benefits or "invariably come"! Reminder: These five types of people, try to avoid

(5) Iron deficiency heart disease

If the patient suffers from iron deficiency heart disease, take 50 grams of astragalus every day and cook it in water and divide the solution into three doses. Scientists have also done experiments and found that astragalus and salvia tablets were compared and found that the effect of astragalus was much better. In addition to alleviating the condition of angina pectoris, the benefits of drinking astragalus water are to improve many clinical objective indicators and have a good effect on restoring the body.

(6) Psoriasis

This disease can make astragalus and angelica, raw land and white tribulus terrestris, four kinds of Chinese medicine prepared 30 grams each, and then decocted with water twice, drink once a day in the morning and evening, the success rate of treatment is as high as 90%, so it is absolutely trustworthy. Of course, psoriasis is currently incurable, and it is better to only effectively alleviate it.

Insist on drinking astragalus soaked water, the benefits or "invariably come"! Reminder: These five types of people, try to avoid

(7) Diabetes

Diabetics in general have puffiness. The face is sallow, so you can drink astragalus water, and the effect of adding kudzu root is better; if there is a case of lower limb ulcers, then adding kudzu, red peony, and salvia is better. Diabetes is still not truly curable, but by taking astragalus soaked water, it can effectively improve its complications.

(8) Chronic rhinitis

Taking astragalus with white art and windproof together in decoction water can effectively treat diseases such as sweating, allergic rhinitis, asthma, and colds. Drinking astragalus water is an effective treatment for chronic rhinitis! Especially nowadays, the number of people facing rhinitis is increasing, and insisting on drinking water with astragalus can make your nose more comfortable.

Insist on drinking astragalus soaked water, the benefits or "invariably come"! Reminder: These five types of people, try to avoid

(9) Osteoporosis

If you have osteoporosis, you can insist on drinking water with astragalus, which can help maintain qi and blood, run smoothly, and help make people full of energy and effectively alleviate the soreness of the lower limbs.

(10) Hypocrisy

There are many benefits of astragalus water, including the treatment of hypothermia. Common hypothermia is mainly manifested as physical burnout, shortness of breath, phlegm and other conditions. Astragalus is taken with decoction water with ginseng, baishu, poria, etc., to effectively treat spleen deficiency.

Insist on drinking astragalus soaked water, the benefits or "invariably come"! Reminder: These five types of people, try to avoid

Astragalus soaking water is very high for human health, but must learn to mix reasonably, of course, take, any health ingredients should follow the doctor's advice, astragalus is "medicinal and food homologous" ingredients, must consult a professional doctor, do not blindly take, otherwise it will lead to a great impact on health.

Reminder: These five types of people, try to avoid

(1) Pregnant women

Pregnant women have a special physique, relative to the normal human body, their physique is relatively weak, there is no special need, it is not suitable to eat astragalus; astragalus is strong and strong, replenishing the qi and fixing the table, blood replenishment effect is relatively strong, pregnant women eat it is easy to lead to fetal development too fast and too large, causing post-term pregnancy is not conducive to maternal health.

Insist on drinking astragalus soaked water, the benefits or "invariably come"! Reminder: These five types of people, try to avoid

(2) Those who are prone to fire

Astragalus is mild in nature, suitable for weak, cold people to eat; easy to fire people in the body of the fire itself is relatively heavy, at this time eat astragalus, it is easy to aggravate the fire in their own body, aggravate the dry throat, sore throat, dry mouth, red lips and tongue, yellow tongue and other uncomfortable symptoms occur, causing harm to the health of the human body.

(3) Those who are in the midst of yin and fire

Huang Wei taste sweet and warm, is a legume Astragalus plant, has a strong warm tonic effect; yin deficiency fire is relatively heavy in the body, drinking astragalus soaking water, easy to aggravate its symptoms, aggravate its hand and foot heart heat, dry mouth and throat, hot flashes night sweats, tongue red and mossless and other symptoms, is not conducive to its health.

Insist on drinking astragalus soaked water, the benefits or "invariably come"! Reminder: These five types of people, try to avoid

(4) Those who are hot and humid

People with hot and humidity in the body are also not recommended to eat astragalus in life, mainly because the main manifestations of damp and hot people are bitter mouth, dry mouth, and yellow tongue; and astragalus belongs to a kind of warm medicinal materials, taking astragalus is prone to stagnation, resulting in aggravation of the disease, which is not conducive to good health

(5) Colds

People who have a cold in life are best not to use astragalus to soak water to drink, astragalus is a common solid table medicinal materials can resist leakage invasion, but in the case of their own evil gas invasion is not recommended to take astragalus, eating astragalus will lead to the body evil qi can not be vented, so that the cold symptoms aggravated, is not conducive to their own health, I hope that everyone must be treated scientifically.

Insist on drinking astragalus soaked water, the benefits or "invariably come"! Reminder: These five types of people, try to avoid

Does astragalus have anti-cancer effects?

The anti-cancer effect of astragalus is present, but the effect is very weak, often as an adjunctive treatment drug. There are many types of cancer, and each person's cancer characteristics are different, and modern treatment methods can be used, such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted therapy, etc.

These treatment methods can make tumor cells shrink rapidly, and at the same time cooperate with astragalus and proprietary Chinese medicines such as tonic pills, as well as related drugs for symptomatic treatment, quickly improve the body's qi and improve the body's immunity

Astragalus is often a characteristic of adjuvant therapy in the treatment process of tumors, which can regulate immunity, can well make the body's immune cells for tumor related recognition, and maximize the anti-cancer effect.

Insist on drinking astragalus soaked water, the benefits or "invariably come"! Reminder: These five types of people, try to avoid

In addition, astragalus can also be extracted in related ways to extract tiny components that have an effect on tumors, such as astragalus polysaccharides and astragalus saponins, which need to be further studied.