
Each of them has a "new identity"

author:Shangguan News
Each of them has a "new identity"

"I go first", "I can do it", "Resolutely complete the mission"... These days, party members and cadres of the district party committee office, Jin Jinde, Zheng Wenyu, Mao Wanting, Fu Weizhong, and Li Jingyi, have heard the orders and taken the initiative to ask for battle, and have thrown themselves into the community anti-epidemic action. Sentence after sentence of blood promise jumped on the screen, one after another busy figures rushed to the scene of prevention and control, some people became "porters", some people became "errand boys", some people became "operators", from the organs to the front line of the community, they did their best to win the "Great Shanghai Defense War" in an all-round way.

Each of them has a "new identity"

The recurrence of old diseases still adheres to the "epidemic" line

Jin Jinde and Zheng Wenyu were stationed in the Bund Street Beijing Residential Area. The density of living, the poor sanitary conditions, and the complexity of the houses are complex, because the number of infections in the early stage is large, and there are residents returning from the cabin and isolation point every day. After the two arrived at the post, they quickly entered the state, and completed various tasks quickly and accurately, with quality and quantity while doing a good job of self-protection.

Each of them has a "new identity"

"Here I come!" As early as the day of registration, the community needed to transport more than 3,000 sets of antigen reagents to the designated place as soon as possible, and Jinde rushed to move first despite the recurrence of the old disease of lumbar disc herniation. Subsequently, he joined the distribution team and chose the community that was the farthest away from the office of the neighborhood committee, and returned the materials several times. In the process of door-to-door distribution, it is also necessary to accurate the number of reagents to single digits, and he is not afraid of the cumbersome classification of each reagent, each test strip, each cotton swab, and each recycling bag, and carefully writes the number of materials in each household on the outer packaging. Wearing protective clothing and a mask, he insisted on drawing clearly one stroke and one stroke despite the difficulty of copying, and completed the delivery tasks of more than 1,000 residents in total, and his patience and meticulousness were unanimously praised by residents and other volunteers.

Each of them has a "new identity"

Also on the night of registration, Zheng Wenyu could not take a break, so he and another volunteer carried more than 1,500 boxes of supplies in just three hours, and when he took off his isolation suit, it was late at night. The next morning, he tirelessly transformed into a "courier" and distributed more than a thousand sets of antigen reagents. Every day in the community, he traveled back and forth between the neighborhood committee station and a household, and after a few days, he was quite familiar with the location of the various gates in the residential area, and was able to independently lead a group of volunteers to knock on the door from house to check the actual household situation.

When they hear the words of thanks and condolences from the residents again and again, they deeply feel that all the efforts and sweat are worth it.

A "telephone line" builds a "bridge of hearts"

Mao Wanting and Li Jingyi, who were stationed in Beijing's residential area together, were responsible for answering calls from residents at the neighborhood committee office. With the gentleness and delicacy unique to women, they do their best to explain the epidemic prevention policy and meet various needs with the residents. Every morning, from the moment the two people stepped into the office, the telephone rang almost non-stop until ten o'clock in the evening, often the previous problem was not completely sorted out, the microphone was just put down, the ringtone rang again, and this cycle of repetition has become the norm. After a few hours, you will suddenly find yourself dry mouth, and you can't care about drinking a sip of water.

Each of them has a "new identity"
Each of them has a "new identity"

In the face of some residents who do not understand the policy, often a phone call is an emotional catharsis, only when the other party is in a good mood, they then find the entry point at the right time, patiently explain, carefully reassure; some appeals can not be solved for a while, they will do a good job of emotional and psychological counseling, help find other ways to solve; some appeals are more special but reasonable, they communicate with the relevant person in charge, try to help coordinate the solution. When they encounter those eighty or ninety-year-old people living alone call, the speech is not clear, the psychological pressure is also large, they carefully enlighten the elderly, persuade the elderly to relax their mood, do not be too anxious.

Through a telephone line, they connected the "bridge of hearts" between the community and the residents, and conveyed to everyone the confidence and strength of the gradual improvement of the epidemic and the victory of the epidemic with earnest words and sincere emotions.

Every smiling face at the isolation point is an encouragement

A week ago, Fu Weizhong went to work at an isolation point according to organizational arrangements. The transfer and docking group composed of Fu Weizhong and two cadres from the Youth League District Committee and the Development and Reform Commission is known as the "central nervous system" of the entire isolation point, and undertakes the heavy responsibility of communication, coordination, management and standardization.

Each of them has a "new identity"

Within an hour or more than an hour of the district transfer office releasing the transfer information to the arrival point of the personnel, they need to nervously and accurately understand the situation of the personnel, arrange the room, coordinate the daily necessities, and jointly contact the public security personnel to check in; at the end of the isolation period, they need to provide an accurate list of room personnel within one day, coordinate the medical staff to do nucleic acid, sanitize team sanitize, disease control sampling monitoring, cleaning and cleaning the room, release housing information to the rear, and then receive the next batch of personnel. At present, there are people moving in and out every day at the point, because the work content involves real-time statistics of people entering and leaving and listings, and it can be said that the fault tolerance rate is zero. To ensure that the statistics were accurate and effective, he often went deep into the quarantine area, knocked on the door one by one to ask for checks, and counted the rooms and personnel. When transferring and receiving or returning quarantined personnel, it is also adhering to the consistent rigor and meticulousness in the work, checking the personnel information one by one to ensure that no one is missed, and one person is not missed.

Every morning, when the sun shines into the isolation point, Fu Weizhong's heart is full of strength, "It is an unforgettable experience for me to have the opportunity to fight side by side with everyone during this special period." Fu Weizhong said that whenever he saw the smiling faces of the people who had been released from isolation, he became more and more convinced that victory was ahead.

Reporter / Wang Yuehua

Editor / Sun Chong

Photo / District Committee