
couldn't laugh anymore, Li Yitong responded to the centipede incident: It's okay! I died laughing in the comment area of netizens


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When Li Yitong was filming the new drama "A Dream of Books", he encountered an unexpected "frightening" moment.

At that time, the atmosphere at the shooting scene was tense and busy, and Li Yitong devoted himself to the interpretation of the role. However, during this seemingly ordinary shooting, a huge centipede actually climbed onto her slender legs. Imagine that scene, an ugly and possibly poisonous centipede, unsuspecting, has a "close contact" with Li Yitong's skin, what a creepy scene!

couldn't laugh anymore, Li Yitong responded to the centipede incident: It's okay! I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Interestingly, at first, Li Yitong mistakenly thought that the people around her were praising her for being "beautiful". This kind of misunderstanding makes people nervous, but they can't help but feel a little bit of sadness for her innocence and optimism. But when she realized that it was a centipede that had climbed up her legs, she did not panic in the slightest. She remained calm and showed extraordinary professionalism.

At this critical moment, Liu Yuning and the staff quickly came to help. Liu Yuning did not hesitate at all, showing his bravery and decisiveness. The staff also worked together to drive the scary centipede away and ensure Li Yitong's safety.

couldn't laugh anymore, Li Yitong responded to the centipede incident: It's okay! I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Afterwards, Li Yitong posted on social media to thank everyone for their care and support. Her gratitude makes people feel her kindness and sincerity even more.

Netizens have expressed their appreciation for Li Yitong's calmness and professionalism. In such a sudden and frightening situation, she was able to quickly adjust her state and continue to devote herself to the shoot, which is truly admirable. This reminds me of a time when an actor was filming a rain scene, despite the severe cold and physical discomfort, he still insisted on completing the filming, showing the same professionalism and tenacity.

couldn't laugh anymore, Li Yitong responded to the centipede incident: It's okay! I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

And Liu Yuning's timely shot has also been recognized by everyone. His actions not only show his care and attention to his partners, but also show his responsibility in an emergency. This allows us to see the warm side of mutual support and mutual help between artists in the entertainment industry.

This incident has also sparked a wide discussion about the safety of filming. Filming is a challenging and uncharted job, and actors often have to deal with a variety of complex scenarios and potential dangers. For example, during the filming of costume dramas, actors may be injured due to problems with WIA's equipment; When filming war scenes, you may face the risks of blasting scenes.

couldn't laugh anymore, Li Yitong responded to the centipede incident: It's okay! I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

The entertainment industry should pay more attention to the safety of actors. This not only requires the crew to make adequate safety preparations before filming, such as carefully inspecting and cleaning the filming location to ensure that there are no potentially dangerous items; It is also necessary to provide the necessary safety training and protective measures for the actors, so that they can have adequate security in their work.

As viewers and fans, we should also give more understanding and respect to the dedication and efforts of the actors. In order to bring us wonderful works, they are often under great pressure and risk behind them. In short, Li Yitong's experience this time has sounded the alarm for the entire entertainment industry. We should not only focus on the glamorous performance of the actors in front of the screen, but also on the various risks and challenges they face behind the scenes.

couldn't laugh anymore, Li Yitong responded to the centipede incident: It's okay! I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

For example, in the filming of an action movie before, because the props on the scene did not undergo strict inspection, in a fierce fight scene, a prop suddenly broke, almost causing serious injury to the actors. This warns us that no matter whether it is a large-scale production or a small-budget film and television production, there can be no negligence in the slightest safety issue.

Think of a crew that shoots in a hostile environment, where the actors may have to endure extreme heat or cold, as well as deal with all sorts of unexpected situations that may arise. And all this is to present wonderful works to the audience. For actors, they give too much for the role and the work. Li Yitong's calmness in the face of centipedes is actually a reflection of her long-term professional accumulation. This kind of literacy is not formed overnight, but honed through countless shooting experiences.

couldn't laugh anymore, Li Yitong responded to the centipede incident: It's okay! I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

The rapid response of Liu Yuning and the staff also let us see the unity and cooperation of a team at a critical moment. It's like a battle without gunpowder, and everyone has an important role to play in their position. We call on the relevant departments and people in the entertainment industry to really pay attention to it and establish a more complete security mechanism. From the preliminary site survey, prop preparation, to real-time monitoring and emergency treatment during the filming process, there must be a set of strict standards and processes.

couldn't laugh anymore, Li Yitong responded to the centipede incident: It's okay! I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

We also need to see that the role of fans and the public in such events cannot be ignored either. The care and support of fans can give the actors strong mental strength, so that they can feel warmth and encouragement when they encounter difficulties. Just like Li Yitong after this incident, fans left messages in the comment area to express their concern, and built a spiritual protective wall for her with full love. Public opinion should also play an active role in supervision, prompting the entertainment industry to pay more attention to safety issues.

couldn't laugh anymore, Li Yitong responded to the centipede incident: It's okay! I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Other industries can also learn from this incident. For example, in the construction industry, safety measures must be in place when workers are working at height; In the medical industry, healthcare workers also need to ensure that they are not infected when treating patients. Every industry has its potential risks, and only by always being vigilant, improving the safety system, and strengthening personnel training can we effectively avoid accidents.

I believe that after this incident, the entertainment industry will be more vigilant, and always put the safety of actors first on the road of pursuing artistic and commercial value. Let us look forward to the future of the entertainment industry full of sunshine and safety, bringing more excitement to the audience, and at the same time, allowing the actors to pursue their dreams with peace of mind. The actors themselves should also enhance their awareness of self-protection. While concentrating on the performance, it is important to always be aware of your surroundings, spot potential dangers and take timely measures.

couldn't laugh anymore, Li Yitong responded to the centipede incident: It's okay! I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

It is hoped that through this incident, the entire entertainment industry can carry out a deep reflection and improvement. Let every actor work in a safe and secure environment, and bring us more high-quality works. Let's continue to pay attention to the follow-up development of Li Yitong, and look forward to the entertainment industry taking this incident as an opportunity to create a safer and healthier working environment for the actors. I believe that with the joint efforts of everyone, the future entertainment industry will be more beautiful, full of more excitement and touching.

couldn't laugh anymore, Li Yitong responded to the centipede incident: It's okay! I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

I hope that in the future, in the entertainment industry, there will be fewer and fewer such accidents, and every actor will be able to show their talents in a safe and comfortable environment, and bring us more excellent works. Let's praise Li Yitong's professionalism and bravery, and hope that the entertainment industry can pay more attention to the safety of actors, so that every shooting becomes a beautiful experience, not a terrible memory.

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