
How to do early education training for a 3-month-old baby? 3 sets of pictures, hand in hand to teach you to "cheer" for the baby's intelligence

author:CiCi mom says parenting

3 months is a small node in the baby's development, to this month you will find that the baby can suddenly sleep for several hours at night, some babies eat, sleep, play and other daily life every day, and gradually develop a law that can be found, and the mother with the baby is also relaxed a lot.

As the baby's activity time gradually increases, mothers can also start early education at this time. The significance of the existence of early education is to cultivate children's various abilities, such as big movement ability, surprise movement ability and cognitive ability development. The form of early education for 3-month-old babies is very simple, and it is very simple for mothers to learn.

How to do early education training for a 3-month-old baby? 3 sets of pictures, hand in hand to teach you to "cheer" for the baby's intelligence

The first set of pictures: turning over training - big movement ability

"Three flips, six sits, seven climbs, weekly will walk", this is a summary of the development of large movements in infants. The developmental significance of large movements is an important sign of normal development of the nervous system, and it is also the basic ability to survive and develop. Babies will have their first big action development at 3 months: turning over. Parents master some small skills to turn over, and it is necessary to help the baby master this skill.

Turnaround training method:

(1) Put a playful toy on the left side of the baby, then put his right leg on the left leg, and then put one of his hands between the chest and abdomen, gently support his right shoulder, and push the baby to the left behind the back, and the baby will turn to the left;

(2) Let the baby stay on the bed in a lying position on the side, and hold the toys that the baby is interested in to tease the baby to turn over on both sides;

(3) Parents show the baby how to turn over and stimulate the baby's imitation ability;

How to do early education training for a 3-month-old baby? 3 sets of pictures, hand in hand to teach you to "cheer" for the baby's intelligence

Precautions for training your baby to turn over

  • When training the baby to turn over, the baby should first learn how to turn over from the supine position to the side lying position, and then return to the supine position, and then guide the baby to turn over after the turning posture is familiar;
  • Train your baby to turn over 2-3 times a day, each time training for 2-3 minutes;
  • Do not train to turn over within 1 hour after your baby has just finished feeding, so as not to cause your baby to vomit.
How to do early education training for a 3-month-old baby? 3 sets of pictures, hand in hand to teach you to "cheer" for the baby's intelligence

The second set of pictures: Touch toys - fine motor skills

The so-called fine movements are the actions produced by the baby using his own small hands and the small muscles on his fingers, mainly holding, pinching, grasping, bending, holding, turning and so on. The development of fine motor shows that it looks like a muscle movement, but it is actually very helpful for the baby's intellectual development. The 3-month fine motor training is mainly based on "grasping":

Touching toys is a way to train fine motor skills:

The mother holds the baby and has the baby lying on his back, facing the mother, or you can let the baby lie between the mother's knees. The mother smiles and looks at the baby to attract the baby's attention, and then the mother holds a small plush ball in front of the baby's eyes with her hand, and then gently places the plush ball on the baby's face and neck to stimulate the baby's desire to grab the ball with her hands.

Objective: This training method can train the baby's hand-eye coordination, and the second is to promote the development of the baby's fine movements.

How to do early education training for a 3-month-old baby? 3 sets of pictures, hand in hand to teach you to "cheer" for the baby's intelligence


(1) The hairball can be replaced by other toys that are easy to attract the baby's attention, but not too big, and it is appropriate for the baby to be able to grasp and touch it with his hands; like when I gave the baby early education before, I bought this one

Aobei baby cute cat fitness rack ¥129 purchase

AUBY children's toys are active little monkey baby fitness rack. Practical and fun, multi-purpose, edutainment:

How to do early education training for a 3-month-old baby? 3 sets of pictures, hand in hand to teach you to "cheer" for the baby's intelligence

There are more brands of this baby fitness rack on the Internet, choose this because it belongs to the "rainbow label" product, what does this logo represent? It is a quality certification that means that this toy is very safe and reliable.

How to do early education training for a 3-month-old baby? 3 sets of pictures, hand in hand to teach you to "cheer" for the baby's intelligence

As for the function of this fitness rack, there is not much to say, the basic hand and foot exercise, music enlightenment, fine motor training, etc. are basically out of the question; this toy is also known as the "baby artifact" of the baby toy industry, the baby is not tired of playing, alleviating the mother's trouble with the baby;

For 0-1 year old babies, most of the toys are not used to play, but to bite and eat, safety must be put first. Therefore, to buy toys for babies, we must not only look for the "rainbow watch, but also pay attention to quality and brand".

How to do early education training for a 3-month-old baby? 3 sets of pictures, hand in hand to teach you to "cheer" for the baby's intelligence

(2) Do not use too heavy or some dangerous goods for the baby to grasp, so as not to put it in the mouth and cause danger;

(3) 3 months old, play games with the baby or do early education time should not be too long, to the premise of the baby's happiness and comfort, each action can be repeated 3-5 times.

How to assess whether the fine movements of a 3-month-old baby are up to standard?

Method 1: Let the baby lie on his back on the bed, observe whether the baby's two hands can hold each other in front of the chest, if you can hold, it proves that the baby's fine motor development is up to standard.

Method 2: Stuff the rattle or toy with a thin handle into the baby's hand to see if the baby can hold the toy for 30 seconds, if you can, it proves that the baby's fine movements are up to standard!

How to do early education training for a 3-month-old baby? 3 sets of pictures, hand in hand to teach you to "cheer" for the baby's intelligence

The third set of figures: Find a mother - cognitive ability

"Cognitive ability", as the name suggests, is the process of human cognition of things and processing of external things. For babies in infancy, their cognitive abilities are manifested as the ability to recognize things around them. How can a 3-month-old baby do a good job of cognitive training? The method is simple.

"Find a Mom" cognitive training method

The father first holds the baby, so that the mother, grandfather, grandmother and the surrounding neighbors and relatives are standing opposite the baby. Dad slowly walked past these people with the baby in his arms and watched the baby's reaction. Generally speaking, the baby will show a happy expression and dance when approaching the mother's side.

Objective: To allow the baby to learn to distinguish the characteristics of the people around him, such as smell, clothing, face, voice, etc., and enhance the baby's recognition and cognitive ability.

Note: In the early stage of cultivating cognitive ability, it is very important that parents accompany each other, which will not only give the baby more sense of security and advice on the world's trust; and when they grow up (after 1 year old), the baby with sufficient security has a stronger desire to explore the world and has more benefits for the development of intelligence.

How to do early education training for a 3-month-old baby? 3 sets of pictures, hand in hand to teach you to "cheer" for the baby's intelligence

3 months baby ability assessment, hurry up to see if your baby's ability development is up to standard?

The following assessment methods are derived from the 0-3 year old parenting sutra

The answer is +1 point, and the answer is +0 points;

[9-10 points, excellent]; [7-8 points, good]; [5-6 points, general]; [5 points or less, the baby needs to strengthen training].

  • See your mother take the initiative to throw in your arms [yes +1 point; no +0 points];
  • Head and neck movement freely, able to chase the red ball by going up and down, left and right [yes +1 point; no +0 points];
  • Be able to hold and grasp quilts, clothes, toys, etc. with your hands [Yes +1 point; no +0 points];
  • Put a bell on your baby's feet or legs, and your baby will make the bell sound by manually and foot movements [Yes +1 point; No +0 points];
  • Will smile when you see an acquaintance [yes +1 point; no +0 points];
  • Ability to change from prone to side reclining [yes +1 point; no +0 point];
  • Be able to lift the half chest and support the upper body with the elbow [yes +1 point; no +0 points];
  • When parents lift the baby with both hands on the chest from both sides, the baby's head, torso, and hip are in a straight line, and the knees are flexed in a swimming shape [yes +1 point; no +0 points];
  • Supporting the baby's armpits can stand on the hard bed and take 10 steps [yes +1 point; no +0 points].
How to do early education training for a 3-month-old baby? 3 sets of pictures, hand in hand to teach you to "cheer" for the baby's intelligence

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