
The Youth Traffic Optimization Creative Competition in the High-tech Zone ended successfully

author:Tianfu TV

On June 29, the award ceremony of the Youth Traffic Optimization Creative Competition of the High-tech Zone was held in the International Talent Port of the High-tech Zone, marking the successful conclusion of the event.

The Youth Traffic Optimization Creative Competition in the High-tech Zone ended successfully

The reporter learned that the competition will be launched on May 6, 2024, and will be hosted by the Office of the Road Traffic Safety Comprehensive Management Committee of Chengdu High-tech Zone, the Education, Culture and Sports Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone, and the Sixth Branch of the Traffic Management Bureau of Chengdu Public Security Bureau, attracting the active participation of many primary and secondary school students in the High-tech Zone. More than 200 creative works on traffic optimization were collected and a roadshow was held at today's award ceremony. From the unique perspective of teenagers, these works explore innovative solutions for urban traffic optimization and "weave" a civilized transportation network from multiple perspectives.

The Youth Traffic Optimization Creative Competition in the High-tech Zone ended successfully

After a rigorous review by the expert team, a total of 61 groups of participating authors stood out and won three awards: the Future Transportation Home Award, the Smart Transportation Pioneer Award, and the Transportation Innovation Contribution Award. At the award ceremony, the roadshow of outstanding entries became the highlight of the scene, and many of the works showed unique creativity and practical effects of traffic optimization. Among them, works such as "Suggestions on the Optimization of the Traffic Environment Around the Primary School of Xinchuan Science and Technology Park in the High-tech Zone" and "Farewell to the "Difficult" Avenue after School Tide" fully demonstrate the in-depth observation and bold thinking of the teenagers on the traffic environment. These creative and effective suggestions were well received by the guests and the audience.

The Youth Traffic Optimization Creative Competition in the High-tech Zone ended successfully

It is worth mentioning that this competition has received positive responses from many primary and secondary schools in the high-tech zone, which has provided strong support for the success of the event. To this end, the organizer has set up a special "Traffic Civilization Pilot Award" to recognize the outstanding contributions of the school in promoting traffic safety education and civilized travel. No. 7 Middle School (Tianhuan Campus) and Chengdu Montpellier Primary School received the award for their outstanding performance in organising the event.

The relevant person in charge of the event said that this competition not only enhanced the awareness of young people on traffic safety, but more importantly, stimulated their enthusiasm for participating in urban traffic optimization, and hoped to guide students, parents and schools to pay attention to traffic problems through such activities, and work together to contribute to the improvement of road traffic in the high-tech zone.

The success of the competition not only provided a platform for young people to showcase their creative talents, but also conveyed the concept that traffic safety is everyone's responsibility in the whole society. We believe that through the joint efforts of all sectors of society, the traffic environment of the high-tech zone will get better and better!

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