
Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

author:Star Stealing Tech House

Preface: In the story of stealing stars, the setting of "from one to the end" is very rare, cp can be dismantled, gender can be changed, parent-child relationship can be added, and dead people can be resurrected...

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

But there is only one setting, Zhou Mushroom has not forgotten his original intention and remembered the original intention, that is, to scold Gu Xilan.

Gu Xilan, the source of all evils and the head of a hundred sins in the world of stealing stars.

This article will use historical materialism and class analysis to explore the roots of the expansion and decline of the Silan Empire.

One of the essential differences between the star-stealing world and the real world is that a highly developed empire, Silan, has emerged in the ancient history of star-stealing.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

Not only does the country have a large number of superpower owners, but it also has the technology that will amaze the real world.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

But the country perished.

Then, the entire Earth fell back to the "normal" trajectory of history, and in the 21st century, the star-stealing world developed a social structure that was highly similar to that of the real world.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

The World of Ordinary People who stole stars in 2008↑

In addition to a very few special areas, such as Paradise Lost, Solon Land, Poseidon and other places, the pattern of the entire world is also highly similar to the real world, for example, the United States, which we know, also exists in the world of stealing stars.

The level of technology in the star-stealing world is higher than that of the real world in some aspects, such as artificial intelligence and technology to transform people, but in general, the lives of ordinary people are similar to the real world at the same time.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

Mr. K mastered the core technology ↑

Thus we can conclude that, in terms of the overall development of the earth, the ancient Syran Empire was completely destroyed, and future generations did not inherit from this country any technology worthy of stable inheritance and development.

So much so that the star-stealing world retreated to the Stone Age after the fall of Silan, and then embarked on a path of development that was highly similar to the real world.

The origin of the Syrmanian state

Turning over the history of stealing stars, as early as the 20th episode, when the Broken Army gave a lecture to the new students, it was already very clear: there was a meteorite that fell from the sky, so that the Silan people had the power of the gods, but the Silan people did not have a great soul like a god, so they used this power to frantically conquer and kill, and finally brought ruin to the ancient Silan Kingdom.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire
Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

Later plots add more detailed to Silan's various situations, but here the tone of Silan has already been given.

Syran was originally a "mediocre" normal state (or settlement), but due to the superpowers brought by meteorites, they embarked on the path of imperialism that was constantly expanding by force, which eventually led to extinction.

The core reason why GuSeran was able to become a "great" and "developed" civilization was to master the seventh sense, or an army of owners of the seventh sense.

The founding of the ancient Syran was the seventh sense, and the ruling class of the state was the owner of these seventh senses.

This army of seventh-sense owners continued to expand outwards, eventually conquering almost all of the human-infested areas of the planet.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

Notice the hair color and skin color of the Black Moon Iron Riders, which are obviously from different continents on Earth.

There are two points to note here.

The first point is that the expansion of Silan is not overnight, and it can be inferred from the coffins of the Silan kings in the wine and spirit chapter that Xilan has experienced about 30 generations of emperors before xuanyue, although I estimate that Silan is more Fei emperor, and the term of office of each emperor will not be particularly long, but on average it should not be less than ten years (there may also be a case of brothers and brothers).

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

Therefore, it is roughly estimated that after obtaining the seventh sense superpower, Silan operated and expanded on Earth for about 300 years, and then passed on to Xuanpa's generation.

Here's the problem. How did the Syran Empire continue to acquire the owner of the Seventh Sense during this hundred years of expansion?

The article "Seventh Sense Setting(I)" in the star-stealing world points out that the modern way of obtaining the seventh sense can be roughly divided into two categories.

The first type is exogenous, that is, the seventh sense is obtained through the elemental stone, and the attributes of the seventh sense are determined by the elemental stone.

See also: The Seventh Sense Setting in Stealing Stars (II)

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

Note: Dark Moon Knights are also exogenous in nature, as their time is a seventh sense acquired through the genes of the Black Moon Iron Rider.

The second type is the endogenous type, which acquires the seventh sense through Xuan Yue (the elemental needle or meditation city) or self-cultivation. The type of seventh sense is determined by itself.

The situation in ancient times should be similar to modern times, except that there may have been many more elemental stones in ancient times than in modern times.

I reckon that the meteorite that hit the earth (maybe more than one) split into many, many small pieces like the Jade of The Four Souls, and then flew everywhere, but there were still more ancient Syran's territories there than anywhere else.

So one of the success factors for the Syrans was that they were the first to successfully use the Elemental Stone and form an organized legion of superpowers.

However, the search for the Elemental Stone still depends on luck. And if you want to continue to arm the legion of superpowers that conquer the world, relying on elemental stones alone is not enough.

In fact, in the main chapter of stealing the stars, the way to get the most sense of the seventh sense is to rely on Xuan Yue.

Although the number of fallen angels is not large, the fallen angels who have lost their species and the superpowers in meditation city later are all the handiwork of Xuan Yue.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

Here I guess, I think that the meteorite that hit the earth contained a huge amount of radiation, and many people on the earth (especially those near the land of Silan Longxing) were genetically modified to obtain the potential "seventh sense talent".

For the concept of seventh sense talent, see: Seventh Sense Talent Theory

And one of the people in one family has a superpower in their genes that can stimulate this talent.

Of course, the people of this family themselves also have a very high talent for the seventh sense, and their strength is super strong. Therefore, it was logical to become the supreme ruler of the empire.

This family is the hereditary royal family of Xilan, just Xuan Yue's family.

Gu Xilan should have developed a "safe" plan to use the royal bloodline, so that the lucky ones who were "chosen" could successfully obtain the seventh sense (that is, the Meditation City Plan).

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

The Xilan royal family also used this to spread "favors", buy the hearts and minds of the people, and gather a group of "seventh sense families" who supported the Xilan royal family.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

Even these people in the Senate, during the reign of Xuan Dad, he could no longer control this group of interest groups

One of the reasons for the demise of Silan was that XuanPa died, Xuan Yue slept, and the Xilan royal family was broken, resulting in the disappearance of this most important channel for the development of the seventh sense, so this large ancient empire that relied on the seventh sense to establish a country collapsed.

So if Xuan Yue hadn't fallen asleep and he had succeeded Emperor Xilan after Xuan's father's death, would the situation have changed?

A: It is possible to delay the collapse of the Syran Empire, but it is almost impossible to solve the problem fundamentally.

What is the fundamental problem of the Syrvan Empire? What is the fundamental difference between this country and the modern state?

This brings us to the kingdom of Seran.

Serena is an army packaged into a state.

Specifically, the state's power and resources were highly concentrated in the hands of the "seventh sense aristocracy", which made Silan a seriously polarized society.

On the one hand, the Xilan Royal City was magnificent and magnificent, and the Xilan royal family at that time had mastered quite developed technology, some of which were even more advanced than the modern era ten thousand years later, such as the frozen black moon iron riding ten thousand years of technology.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

But on the other hand, The wine father is like living in the Middle Ages, and the government's management of the grassroots is extremely low, which leads to the honey juice operation after the wine is picked up.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

She was not taken to the police station to report, as there might not be any government agencies with similar functions.

If you don't take her to hukou or kindergarten, most of these two institutions don't have one.

She was also not taken to her parents, because the family of the spirit of the wine default suffered great misfortune, so the spirit lived on the street, indicating that there were many children who had similar encounters at that time.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

A wine daddy I advise you not to make up your own brain...

Moreover, the scourge of the spirit plagued several villages and was not caught, which also corroborated the huge harm that the unregulated owners of the seventh sense could cause to ordinary people, and the Silan government's level of management of the population was extremely low, so it could not deal with these problems in time.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

The root cause of these problems is that Silan did not embark on a correct path of development, because the ruling class of Silan is not the broad masses of the people, but the "nobles of the seventh sense".

Because The flying yellow Tengda of Silan is relying on a handful of seventh-sense owners to conquer the north and the south, these people are the natural ruling class of Silan.

Therefore, the essence of the "seventh sense nobility" is a military aristocratic group, although some of the seventh sense can be used outside of war, such as Dove's healing virus and prophecy, but in fact, the seventh sense in stealing stars is basically used for combat rather than production.

This class and the kingdom of Serran, which it ruled, started with war and was accustomed to relying on war to solve problems.

So what is the question?

The first is man's endless greed. The way this military group wants to realize its self-worth and make meritorious achievements is to fight wars, constantly win battles to obtain land and resources.

Although there are also people engaged in scientific research, scientific research is in the service of the direct interests of the nobility, so it will not be used to develop the general productive forces - after all, the army can easily plunder materials from ordinary people, yours is mine, I don't care if you will starve to death!

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

Second, the group itself will naturally swell, on the one hand, the number of children is probably more than the father's generation, and the children want to obtain as much land (that is, wealth) and power as their fathers, so that they can only continue to promote war in order to obtain the opportunity to "make meritorious achievements" and divide up new conquered lands.

And because of the overwhelming superiority of the owners of the seventh sense over ordinary people, these noble children do not feel that waging a war is a big deal, so Silan is likely to be in a "wartime state" for a long time.

Finally, since elemental stones are scattered, it is likely that there will be spirit-like "folk seventh sense owners" who may encounter these situations:

1. Being discriminated against like a spirit, then going astray and eventually being eliminated;

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

2. Join the Silan government, but because he has no family background, he is extremely eager to make a contribution, hopes to fight, and eventually becomes a member of the "Noble of the Seventh Sense" and a defender;

3. Disgusted with the system established by Silan, hoping to use the seventh sense to develop productive forces, but due to the weakness of the force, the results of production are likely to be deprived by Silan for various reasons (after all, people will send troops to rob children), and eventually achieve nothing.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

4. Extremely disgusted with the Silan Empire, unite with other "folk seventh sense owners" and ordinary people to form a rebel army and bring down Silan. This is probably the beginning of Muir V, and the ending, you know.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

All in all, Serran is not a country that can give people peace and hope, and the fundamental reason is that Seran cannot solve the inherent contradictions of the owners of the seventh sense as the ruling class.

The owners of the seventh sense did not become representatives of the advanced productive forces, they became the ruling class because their combat power overwhelmed the ordinary people, and in order to maintain their status as rulers and to coordinate the internal strife of the ruling group, they passed on the contradictions through war.

War to gain more allocatable land and resources (including population) can also reduce the number of seventh-sense owners and alleviate internal conflicts.

It can be argued that by the time of Xuan Pa's reign, Silan had incorporated all the inhabited places on the earth into his own territory.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

Please also appreciate the hair color and skin color difference of the Black Moon Iron Rider

The evidence is that the Black Moon Iron Rider embodies a rich racial diversity, and they are all children collected from all over Silva. Although the race in the stealing star is not the same as reality (how can this colorful hair color pupil color be the same?). But the richness of the Black Moon Iron Riders' physical characteristics can fully reflect that they come from different continents.

And with the whole earth subservient to the feet of Silan, but the military group of the "Seventh Sense Nobles" still exists and continues to expand, what will they do?

Although there is no way to verify the cause of the feud between Silan and Karenkaya, we know that when Miao Mang was young, Karen Kaya was thrown a meteorite by Silan, and then Mangya married Silan, and Karenkaya lost his independence and was forced to participate in the handling of the spiritual incident.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

What's more comical is that Silan, who was able to force Karenkaya to destroy the country, was counterattacked by Karenkaya in just a few years (Cangyue age plus one, maybe about 7 years), and if it wasn't for Xuan Dad's hanging, the whole thing didn't know how to end!

See also: Stealing the Stars september day: Interpretation of the article "Waiting for Your Long Hair and Waist"

Ah, it is true that I did not receive the scene, otherwise there would be no story of "Stealing the Star September Day".

Why did Karenkaya and Silan go to war in the first place, the stealing star did not say, I myself am more inclined to think that Silan provoked the trouble, not Karen Kaya.

Why? The first is because Seran already has the need for war, and its inherent militaristic nature makes it want to continue to expand.

Secondly, Karenkaya is a fairly harmonious planet. After all, people's princesses can hang around in the street (gai), and countries that love to expand and love foreign conquest are often not very stable at home, see the fxs countries of modern World War II, which is not a serious domestic differentiation and contradictions?

New Year's Special: How to Combine Star Stealing Analysis with Current Events

In such a country, it was impossible for the little princess to wander around alone, and It should not be once in a while that Mangya met Muir, but that she often did this to maintain the relationship between the two.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

And Xilan, who loves to engage in expansion, the prince and princess (Cangxuan) can only play in the royal city.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

Therefore, the CPs that XiLan gives you are all princes and princesses (沧玄 + 沧 mom and father), paying attention to the door to the door, what cinderella story, poor boy bubble princess drama you don't want to think!

Of course, no matter how you guess, the reason why Seran destroyed Karen Karen Kaya is not given in the original book, and we can count karen kaya's death here.

But Silan's operation of destroying the country is also too outrageous, right?

Ethics aside. Shouldn't the choice of which policy to implement against the defeated countries be based on "doing what is right"?

When the United States occupied Japan after World War II, the disparity in national strength between the United States and Japan was far greater than that of Sika, but the United States did not choose to annex Japan for reasons that can be imagined - high cost, trouble→ not worth it.

It is not that the ruling clique of the United States was kinder than the ruling clique of Silan, but that the rulers of the United States were one-vote capitalists, and the starting point for formulating policies was mainly profit-making.

The essence of the Shailan ruling clique is a bunch of militarists, and the expansion of territory is their interest, so their goals cannot be achieved without swallowing Karenkaya.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

And I reckon that Silan was able to force Karenkaya to destroy the princess with overwhelming military superiority because they sacrificed another Silan king.

In your long hair and waist, Xuan Dad was still very young at the time, so where did Xuan Ye go? Even if he abdicates the throne and becomes the emperor, why don't his grandsons and sons come out to see each other forever?

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

Some people don't show up to mean they're dead.

Referring to Xuan Dad's age, When Xuan Ye died, he was probably at most 50-60 years old. As the King of Silan, he enjoyed the best medical techniques of Silan, and considering that there should be a super treatment of the seventh sense similar to the Extreme Healing Technique, and Xuan Yue did not show any genetic diseases, and his health was better.

Therefore, Xuanye should not have died of illness, let alone died of old age.

Considering Xuan Dad's soft-lying personality (and quite peace-loving), plus he could not hold the chancellor's ability to rule at all, I guess the war against Ka was not initiated during his reign, but by his father.

Genya has launched a war against Kaka (presumably to make peace for his son), but Karenkaya is also a country full of superpowers, which is completely different from the ordinary people on Earth before.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

Therefore, it is likely that Xuanye used forbidden arts to gain divine power, which gave Seran an overwhelming advantage over Karenkaya, but he also died, and the young Xuanpa succeeded to the throne and married Mangya.

Of course, this is just my speculation, because Xuan Pa and Xuan Yue actually died in the Forbidden Arts (Xuan Yue was killed by Muir during the forbidden arts, but September could save him with another Forbidden Technique), and it is estimated that using the Forbidden Arts to dedicate himself to the earth is also the traditional skill of the King of Silan.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

At such a huge price, Serran's eating appearance was even more ugly.

In fact, Serran simply did not have the ability to assimilate Karenkaya after annexation. During Xuan Pa's succession, he had to prepare for possible future disasters, so he collected the Black Moon Iron Horse.

And because Xi Lan's management of the grassroots is better than nothing, the spirit was picked up by The Wine Father after the disaster caused several villages, and finally caused a catastrophe.

The scourge created by the spirit forced the whole army of Silan to move, and it was only after uniting karenkaya's army that it was barely suppressed. Isn't it a bit of a World War II colony that helped the suzerainty fight fascism?

So I won't say more about what happened in many of the colonies after World War II.

It is worth mentioning that although the spiritual thing is not the direct cause of Serena's demise, it is actually of greater significance.

Karenkaya exposes Serra's external problems, while the spiritual problems expose Silan's deeper internal contradictions.

Ling was born into an ordinary family, but accidentally gained a seventh sense, and then she was treated as a monster and severely discriminated against, and eventually she slaughtered her own village.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

This highlights the serious antagonism between ordinary people and the owners of the seventh sense under the rule of Silan— ordinary people resent and fear the owners of the seventh sense.

Moreover, Xilan's internal communications are extremely backward, although Ling was born in a remote mountainous area, but the Xilan Empire was stunned by a series of vicious incidents she had committed, and every time she had to work hard and hurt the people.

When dealing with the September problem, it is even more outrageous, the person sent by Xuan Dad to "pick up" September is actually a soldier!?

Excuse me! What do soldiers do? Soldiers fight wars and deal with the enemy, and as a result, they are used to rob the children of ordinary people!

Leaving aside the royal blood that Father Ajiu is likely to have, the good villains work for the royal family, to put it bluntly, the "civil servants" or "public institution" staff paid by the national government.

Reference: September's lineage: Ancient Silan Royal Examination

Although it is not as good as the princes and nobles, it is also logically the most supportive and highest-ranking group of people among the commoners.

And I don't think Daddy Ajiu is like the kind of person who has no righteousness, and it is indeed a very honorable thing to be chosen to be the child who saves the earth in September.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

So people who communicate well and have a mobilization meeting may directly hand over their children, where is it like bandit robbery?

This actually reflects that the Silan royal family is highly dependent on the army, and the essence of the army is the "seventh sense aristocratic group" - of course, there should be a large number of ordinary people in the army, who are attached to this group.

In any ancient society, public officials who became state officials were an important channel for ordinary people and ordinary families to rise in social class.

In most cases, the selection criteria for officials and subordinates are closely related to their level of education.

According to common sense, the matter of taking away September should be handled by local officials, not directly by the army.

Therefore, I speculate that the local management level of Xilan is so low because it has no civilian management system at all, only local garrisons, and the army has done a lot of things that civilian officials should have been in charge of.

The civilian selection system that should have been used as a channel for social ascension did not exist at all, and the upward channel of society became a soldier.

For a long time, soldiers could acquire land and distribute new benefits by constantly expanding outwards, but during the reign of Xuan Dad, there were no places to conquer, but the number of soldiers was very large, so they had to be entrusted with inappropriate tasks.

The result is that ordinary people are miserable! As a member of the public official, the soldiers dared to smash his house, and it is conceivable that other ordinary people of lower status would encounter him.

This management mode of pulling crotches directly led to Ah Jiu's unguarded adoption of the spirit, which caused a more serious disaster, and in order to deal with the destruction of the spirit, Karenkaya was also mobilized, and the contradiction of the land card was aggravated, and it was endless.

Those under Serena's rule

After reading the above analysis, it is not difficult to conclude that the essence of Serran is a "man-eating" country and an extremely distorted society.

This "cannibalistic" attribute is not only reflected in the oppression of ordinary people, it has other malignant manifestations -

This distorted society does not allow any good people to exist.

Several important figures involved in the Ancient History of Stealing Stars are: XuanPa, Mangya, Muir V, Xuanyue, Cangyue, Ajiu Daddy, and Ling.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

None of these people are inherently bad-natured, but because they are in this twisted world, they all end up in a catastrophe, causing a series of vicious consequences.

Xuan Dad, very peaceful with Mangya who put a hat on him, still wants to protect Cangyue, and when he dies, he is still saying good things to Miao Mang, is he a good person?

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

But on the other hand, he could hardly control the princes and ministers, even the royal city, and the whole Ofelan was still a society with chaotic management and severe oppression, and Xuan dad himself had both oppressive and oppressive attributes.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

On the one hand, as the leader of the "Seventh Sense Aristocratic Group", he was born at the top of the exploiting class, with his own oppressive attributes, and it was indeed september that he ordered the soldiers to "rob", and he did indeed oppress the common people.

On the other hand, marriage, can not make their own decisions, who wants to marry a foreign princess with a stinky face or a promise all day long? Buy one get one free with a green hat? Marrying Mangya was purely a political marriage, and she sacrificed her life for the country.

And in the end, he had to sacrifice his soul for Silan, and the gods were destroyed and squeezed to ashes.

Speaking of Mangya, she didn't say a word in the whole story of stealing stars, but everyone thought that she was the embodiment of righteousness.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

However, the matter of great righteousness cannot be realized by thinking about it in the heart, and if we want to truly realize great righteousness, we must have corresponding strength.

And Mangya itself has no strength, this point from the time of the land card war, Mangya can only stand in the palace and wait for people to rescue her, if it is cangyue, it would have been on the battlefield to cut people.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

She has only value, as the political value and sexual value of Princess Karenkaya (including reproductive value, i.e. bloodline).

So she decided to use her value to exchange Karenkaya for a "better future", but this expectation eventually went bankrupt.

Karenkaya was still severely exploited by Silland (i.e., demanding that troops be sent to deal with the spiritual incident), and the people of Karenkaya could not be satisfied with succumbing to the status quo of Syllen, so only a few years later, the Battle of Dika broke out again.

Moreover, Cangyue's life was poked out, Mangya was powerless to protect her child, and the only reason why Cangyue was saved was not what fused with Xilan's bloodline, but that she would play a role in the future.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

One is to deal with spiritual events, and the other is to act as a pawn against Karen Kaya.

The hostility between Cangyue, the Wolf, and Karenkaya was clearly calculated by the Ancient Syrans.

In the final analysis, Mangya herself has great righteousness and is very simple and kind, but in this dangerous and extremely harsh interstellar environment, the inability to be kind is of no benefit, and even incurs disasters and brings more suffering.

This is the embodiment of the "cannibalism" and distortion of the society of Silan at that time, in such a society, a kind and simple person will be forced to shark himself.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

And another kind and simple person, Ajiu Daddy, also caused the disaster of killing because of his kindness.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

Every time I re-watch the plot of stealing stars, I will be very emotional and happy.

Because I only need to live, study, and work step by step, and do not take the initiative to do bad things, I can be a "good person", I will not hurt others, and there will be no vicious incidents to find me.

But in the ancient world of stealing stars (in fact, stealing stars is also very dangerous in modern times), it is a luxury to want to be a salted fish that has no quarrel with the world.

Speaking of which, after Xuan Dad entrusted the power of the true gods to September, the ancient history of stealing stars came to an end.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire

But the rest of the waves are far from over.

With the loss of foreign enemies and the severance of the royal bloodline, Seran should soon fall into a split, with the various families guarding the Elemental Stone and the Temple dividing one side.

Some family powers have even continued into modern times, including the village of Tumida (Temple of the Sun), the Solons (Prophetic Elemental Stone), and the Poseidon System (Elemental Stone of Light).

These forces are deeply influenced by the historical legacy of Silland, which is generally malignant, but they have also been fundamentally changed at the end of the star stealing.

In addition, Muir V, Cangyue, Xuanyue, Wolf, and Lingmei Paper will also be active in the modern world of stealing stars, they are all historical problems, we will talk about it next time.

Stealing the Stars of September Day: The Mystery of the Demise of the Ancient Syran Empire