
Using raw meat to lure wild animals under national second-level protection? The park responded

author:Overseas network

Source: Chengdu Business Daily

Using raw meat to lure wild animals under national second-level protection? Park side: add warning signs to strengthen patrols and persuasion

Using raw meat to lure wild animals under national second-level protection? The park responded

Recently, in Chengdu Huanhuaxi Park, a pair of national second-level protected wild animals "crested eagles" are in the brooding period, attracting bird lovers and photography enthusiasts to watch, and thus outbreak of "conflict".

Originally, bird watching enthusiasts found that when photographing crested eagles, they used bullfrogs, raw beef and even dead rats to hang in the low treetops for abduction, because the abduction behavior for animals, there is a potential harmful behavior, may interfere with the natural laws of bird survival, the two sides have had many conflicts on the Internet.

Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star News reporters learned from the Huanhuaxi Park Management Center that after they learned of the situation, they have added signs to the shooting area, and strengthened patrols and persuasion to abduct and take pictures.


There are photography enthusiasts

Pat the crested eagle with raw meat in the park

The crested eagle is a medium-sized bird of prey with a body length of 41-49 cm and is included in China's List of National Grade II Protected Wild Animals.

This year, a pair of crested eagles in Huanhuaxi Park bred young birds, bird watchers in the group to inform each other, but also attracted a group of photography enthusiasts to shoot. "The crested eagle is a bird of prey, a larger bird, and is a good subject for some photography enthusiasts to shoot 'blockbusters'." Mr. Wang, a citizen, said that the most common place for crested eagles to appear is in a grove of trees on Wanshu Mountain in Huanhuaxi Park. However, although there are fixed locations that appear frequently, there is no control over when they appear and in what kind of shooting environment.

While waiting for the crested eagle to appear, bird lovers found that photography enthusiasts in order to pursue "clean picture", no shade, or to attract the crested eagle to appear, hung raw meat on the lower branches for seduction. Mr. Wang told reporters that according to the incomplete statistics of the group of friends, they have seen photography enthusiasts use bullfrogs, raw beef, and even dead rats to attract crested eagles.

Mr. Wang explained that first of all, the food used by photography enthusiasts to lure is not in the "recipe" of the crested eagle, and hanging on the tree is a day, raw meat becomes carrion, there is a potential risk of spreading germs, and the crested eagle may get sick when it eats it. Secondly, during this time, belonging to the brooding stage of the crested eagle, the bird father and the bird mother should teach the survival skills of the young birds to prey, and this feeding behavior is likely to change the feeding habits of the crested eagles, and will also make the young birds lose their hunting skills. "[The people who shoot birds] don't go every day, they don't have this food, and if the birds can't hunt, they will starve to death." Mr. Wang said that this behavior of interfering with natural habits is very dangerous for birds.


There are bird shooters waiting to be photographed

There are no feeding warning signs in the park

On the morning of October 3, the reporter came to Huanhuaxi Park and found a fixed point for shooting crested eagles, but did not see photography enthusiasts shooting crested eagles. At the fixed point here, the Chengdu Business Daily - Red Star News reporter saw a sign set up by the park management office to "Pay tribute to tourists", which reads "Dear Tourists and Friends: According to the provisions of Article 40 (5) of the "Chengdu City Park Regulations", please care for wild animals and strictly prohibit feeding animals in the garden area!" Notice is hereby given". The payment will be delivered on September 29.

In another part of the garden area not far from the cloister, the reporter also saw a warning sign, but it was different from the uniform sign style set up in the park, which should have been deliberately set up recently. At the lowest point of the cloister, there were two elderly men carrying photographic bags and photographic equipment, and the reporter asked if it was the first time to photograph birds, and one of them pointed to the other and said, "He often comes." The two quickly left.


Park Management Center:

Strengthen patrols and discourage abduction

The Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star News reporter called the telephone of the Du Fu Caotang Huanhuaxi Park Management Center, and the duty officer told the Chengdu Business Daily -Red Star News reporter that after learning that some photography enthusiasts used raw meat to lure photos, the park management center strengthened patrols in the area and persuaded the abduction behavior. "[Feeding] is not allowed." The staff member said that the management center had also added notice boards and increased the frequency of patrols.

"(National Day) There are no bird shooting and feeding behaviors in these days, which may also be related to the National Day holiday." The staff member said that the security staff did not persuade the effect well, and the photography enthusiasts who fed the temptation did not seem to think that the behavior was inappropriate.

Chengdu Business Daily - Red Star News reporter Yu Zunsu photo report

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