
"Beekeeper's Sunscreen" is on fire! The 30-year-old female white-collar woman saw a doctor with back pain, and the results of the examination made her regret it

author:Beiqing Net

In the summer, sun protection is a top priority

Sunglasses, sun hats, sunscreen clothing, sunscreen sleeves, sunscreen...

Anything that goes with the sunscreen

Sales are rising

Enter the sunscreen clothing on the shopping App, jump out of a variety of: anti-ultraviolet rays, breathable and light, ice cool, shawl short, medium and long, long model, for a time do not know which one to choose. Point sales sorting, a breathable thin sunscreen, has 200,000+ reviews. The product description reads: 12cm wide hat brim, multi-angle sun protection, sunscreen mask protection to the corner of the eye.

Going out in the summer, everyone is eager to "beekeeper-style sunscreen" from head to toe fully "armed" all over again!

"Beekeeper's Sunscreen" is on fire! The 30-year-old female white-collar woman saw a doctor with back pain, and the results of the examination made her regret it

Actually, excessive sun protection

Sometimes it's not necessarily a good thing.

The results of the 30-year-old female white-collar low back pain examination made her regret it, "Doctor, I have been suffering from low back pain for most of the year, I don't know if it is a lumbar disc herniation, you help me see?" ”

Last week, Lu Huijie, deputy chief physician of the Department of Orthopedics of the Affiliated Hospital of Hangzhou Normal University, came in a fully armed, white-skinned and beautiful little sister Xiaolin. Kobayashi said, take off the sunglasses, sunscreen hat, sunscreen mask, sunscreen sleeves, fade the "beekeeper-style sunscreen", revealing his true face. Dr. Lu suggested that she have her waist examined and a bone density test at the same time. The report came out, bone density T-value

After a series of examinations, it was ruled out that the related special disease, Kobayashi's back pain, was related to her osteoporosis. Considering that Kobayashi's osteoporosis had already developed symptoms, in addition to a period of dietary adjustments, Dr. Lu arranged anti-osteoporosis medication for her, along with vitamin D supplementation. "Bone density doesn't increase so fast, and the course of treatment takes at least 3-5 years." Dr. Lu said.

The time to sun during the day is less than 10 minutes "beekeeper-style sun protection"

At the age of 30, I was osteoporosis

Kobayashi couldn't believe his ears

"Isn't this a disease of old age, something you can get at such a young age?"

Dr. Lu Huijie explained that osteoporosis is no longer exclusive to the elderly, and now the probability of young women suffering from osteoporosis has greatly increased, "which is related to the working state, life and eating habits of young people." For example, Xiaolin, who is engaged in administrative work, is not only afraid of the sun, but also very homely, basically the time when the sun can really be basked during the day, adding up to less than 10 minutes: going out at 7 o'clock in the morning, picking up the car in the underground garage, driving to the unit; There is a canteen in the office building at noon, and there is no need to go out; I drove home from work at 6 p.m., and when I got home, I basically didn't go out. Even if you have to go out on weekends, you will do enough sun protection and wrap your whole body up. Kobayashi is still a coffee controller, a cup of coffee every day to base, sometimes staying up late at night, but also another cup..."

Many women are worried about being tanned, so they are reluctant to take the initiative to bask in the sun, or even excessive sun protection, coupled with long-term lack of exercise, accelerated bone loss, and excessive intake of caffeine, which are all triggers for osteoporosis. Patients with osteoporosis in young women like Kobayashi are becoming more and more clinical. Dr. Lu further explained, "On the one hand, the bone content of the skeleton of the women themselves is low, on the other hand, because of staying at home, the time spent basking in the sun is relatively less, and the effective synthesis of vitamin D is reduced, resulting in less absorption of calcium." ”

People who do better sun protection tend to be prone to vitamin D deficiency

"Osteoporosis is preventable and treatable." Dr. Lu said

Vitamin D supplementation is an important way to prevent osteoporosis

There are usually two pathways

One is to take drugs that contain vitamin D components orally

The other is basking in the sun

"Beekeeper's Sunscreen" is on fire! The 30-year-old female white-collar woman saw a doctor with back pain, and the results of the examination made her regret it

"Supplementing with vitamin D through sun exposure is the most affordable and best way to do it." Dr. Lu said that past studies have shown that 80%-90% of the vitamin D obtained by the human body comes from sun exposure, and the 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin is converted into vitamin D by non-enzymatic photosynthesis reaction, which enters the blood circulation from the skin and forms active vitamin D through the liver and kidneys, which is used by the body. The remaining 10%-20% vitamin D is mainly obtained from small amounts of foods containing vitamin D. Therefore, for many people, the better the hard sunscreen and chemical sunscreen, the less ultraviolet rays the skin receives, the less vitamin D is synthesized, and the easier it is to lack vitamin D.

According to the survey, in the population over 50 years old, one in every three women will experience a osteoporosis fracture, and one in every four men will be "recruited". The International Osteoporosis Foundation predicts that the incidence of hip fractures in women will increase by 240% globally by 2050, while the incidence of hip fractures in men will increase by 310%. Scientific sun protection, moderate exercise in the case of protection to consciously contact the sun

"In fact, osteoporosis is preventable and treatable."

Dr. Lu stressed that first of all, we must change the bad life schedule, stay up less and drink less. If you really can't quit coffee, you should pay attention to calcium supplementation at the same time, such as seafood, milk is a good choice. He suggested that appropriately increase outdoor activities, maintain exercise habits, and basking in the sun are one of the best ways to prevent osteoporosis.

"Beekeeper's Sunscreen" is on fire! The 30-year-old female white-collar woman saw a doctor with back pain, and the results of the examination made her regret it

Of course

Nor is it advocating that everyone has no sun protection at all,

Like now that summer has arrived, the sun protection must be prevented,

Important is scientific sun protection.

Don't completely isolate yourself from the sun,

Be consciously exposed to sunlight in a protected situation.

Dr. Lu said that in the summer, we do not advocate that everyone go out to bask in the sun when the sun is at its strongest, and you can choose to spend 20-30 minutes a day when the light is relatively soft in the morning and evening, so that 15% of the skin area of the body can be exposed to the sun.

"Beekeeper's Sunscreen" is on fire! The 30-year-old female white-collar woman saw a doctor with back pain, and the results of the examination made her regret it

In addition, it is best to sunbathe your legs more during the sun to accelerate the absorption of calcium in your legs, and after sun exposure, you should eat more foods containing vitamin A.

(Liaoshen Evening News)