
Favorite blossoms, between the leaves, dragging due to the wind, rain and sunny nights and exquisite days, ten thousand branches of incense, red silk breeze. Happy year after year. #镜头记录夏天的花 #

Love the blossoms the most,

On the inter-leaf branches,

Dragging by the wind,

Rainy and sunny nights and exquisite days,

Wanzhi Xiangyuan,

Red silk whiskers.

Happy year after year. #镜头记录夏天的花 #

Favorite blossoms, between the leaves, dragging due to the wind, rain and sunny nights and exquisite days, ten thousand branches of incense, red silk breeze. Happy year after year. #镜头记录夏天的花 #
Favorite blossoms, between the leaves, dragging due to the wind, rain and sunny nights and exquisite days, ten thousand branches of incense, red silk breeze. Happy year after year. #镜头记录夏天的花 #
Favorite blossoms, between the leaves, dragging due to the wind, rain and sunny nights and exquisite days, ten thousand branches of incense, red silk breeze. Happy year after year. #镜头记录夏天的花 #

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