
Three volt days, it is recommended that women do not do "3 things", drink more than 6 Yangyuan soup, and the face is like a peach blossom appearing young

author:First cuisine

The three-volt day is approaching, and the hot summer is the season of suffering for women. Summer is a high incidence of gynecological diseases, especially during menstruation, many women will feel stuffy and uncomfortable, female friends with painful menstruation in winter can use hot water to warm their stomachs, but in the summer, hot hot water bottles and warm babies have no way to relieve pain, painkillers have large side effects, strong dependence, and are not suitable for regular consumption.

Three volt days, it is recommended that women do not do "3 things", drink more than 6 Yangyuan soup, and the face is like a peach blossom appearing young

Female friends on three volt days should do 3 things less, eat less 1 melon and 1 bean, drink 6 more nourishing warm palaces, relieve dysmenorrhea, drain blood and dissolve stasis of Yangyuan blood soup, a bowl of soup every day during menstruation, change drinks every day, and friends who want to stop dysmenorrhea in the summer must look down.

Do three fewer things during your period

1. Stay up late less and get angry less.

Menstrual female friends because of the fluctuation of hormones and mood changes, because of a very small thing angry, irritable and crying, these changes are very normal, menstruation to do more of their own happy things, try not to be angry or it is easy to hurt the liver depression; In addition, menstruation is a stage of detoxification of the female body, so do not stay up late and sleep well to make the body detoxify better.

2. Eat less cold drinks and drink ice water.

Because of physical fitness and perennial habits, it is better for female friends in our country not to eat cold drinks during menstruation, otherwise it is easy to cause less menstrual flow and the next painful menstrual period.

3. Less blowing stomach on the air conditioner, do a good job of keeping warm.

You can't blow the air conditioner on a three-volt day, but don't blow on your stomach; In addition, the menstrual period should do a good job of keeping warm, otherwise it is easy for you to die and live in pain during menstruation, and the amount of bruising will increase.

Eat 1 melon and 1 bean less

1. Eat less "cold melon".

During menstruation, eat less "cold melon" represented by "watermelon" and "bitter melon", eat too much and it is easy to get cold and form bruises, which then leads to dysmenorrhea.

2. Eat less mung beans.

Mung bean cold, female friends during menstruation are generally relatively poor resistance, mung bean cold stimulates the stomach and intestines, not only nourishing and warming, so friends with poor physique are not recommended to eat, heat detoxification is its benefit, of course, for menstrual female friends is a drawback.

Drink 6 more soups

Recommended recipe: Tonic pork heart soup

1. Cut a pig heart into thin slices to wash the blood and water, soak in water for 10 minutes; Prepare sand ginger or ginger, lotus seeds, dates cut open, lilies, ginseng, soak in warm boiling water for 10 minutes.

Three volt days, it is recommended that women do not do "3 things", drink more than 6 Yangyuan soup, and the face is like a peach blossom appearing young

2. Boil half a pot of boiling water and pour in some cooking wine, put in the pork hearts for boiling, cook until there is no blood water overflow, fish out the pig hearts to rinse clean and control the water for later.

Three volt days, it is recommended that women do not do "3 things", drink more than 6 Yangyuan soup, and the face is like a peach blossom appearing young

3. In the hot pan without putting oil, directly pour the pork heart and fry the dry water, fry until the pork heart is dry and rolled, you can pour it out.

Three volt days, it is recommended that women do not do "3 things", drink more than 6 Yangyuan soup, and the face is like a peach blossom appearing young

4. Pour boiling water into the casserole, add shallots, ginger slices and freshly soaked accessories, then add pork hearts, add a little salt, first cook on high heat until boiling and then turn to medium heat and simmer for 20 minutes, stew the soup into a milky white sprinkle into a small handful of goji berries, cover the pot and simmer for 5 minutes, add salt, a little sugar, monosodium glutamate, chicken powder, pepper, drizzle some sesame oil, sprinkle with coriander and green onions.

Three volt days, it is recommended that women do not do "3 things", drink more than 6 Yangyuan soup, and the face is like a peach blossom appearing young

Recommended recipe: Red date lily soup

1. An appropriate amount of fresh lilies should be rooted and broken open and cleaned; A small handful of goji berries are soaked in water; A few red dates are soaked in water, and the dates are nucleated and cut into strips; Set aside an appropriate amount of rock sugar; Put an appropriate amount of pea starch in the bowl, stir it with water to dissolve, and use pea starch to make the soup clearer.

Three volt days, it is recommended that women do not do "3 things", drink more than 6 Yangyuan soup, and the face is like a peach blossom appearing young

2. Boil water in the pot into the rock sugar, boil the water and pour in the lilies, cook on high heat until boiling to skim off the foam on the side of the pot, turn to medium-low heat and simmer for 10 minutes, then pour pea mustard powder while stirring, add the mixture to your favorite concentration in parts, beat the foam in the pot, sprinkle the red date shreds on low heat and cook for another 2 minutes, and finally sprinkle with goji berries delicious.

Three volt days, it is recommended that women do not do "3 things", drink more than 6 Yangyuan soup, and the face is like a peach blossom appearing young

Recommended recipe: Corn spinach soup

1. Cut off the corn kernels with a tender corn stick; A handful of spinach is washed; One green onion white cut into green onions, one piece of ginger cut into ginger shreds and put together; Cut half a carrot into carrot pieces.

Three volt days, it is recommended that women do not do "3 things", drink more than 6 Yangyuan soup, and the face is like a peach blossom appearing young

2. Boiling water in the pot add 2 grams of salt, pour in a little vegetable oil, after the water is boiled, pour the spinach into the pot, spinach blanching water can effectively reduce the oxalic acid in spinach, spinach quickly blanched in the water after fishing out with clean water rinsed, after controlling the dry water on the board cut into segments.

Three volt days, it is recommended that women do not do "3 things", drink more than 6 Yangyuan soup, and the face is like a peach blossom appearing young

3. Burn a little oil in the pot, after the oil is hot, pour in the onion ginger and carrot grains to fry the aroma, add the right amount of water, then add 2 grams of salt, cook until the soup boils and then put in the corn kernels, the water is boiled and skimmed out of the foam and cook for 4 to 5 minutes, cook until the corn kernels are broken, add 1 gram of chicken powder, hook half a spoon of water starch to increase the viscosity of the soup, cook for 1 minute on low heat into spinach, sprinkle a handful of shrimp before cooking, stir evenly, delicious.

Three volt days, it is recommended that women do not do "3 things", drink more than 6 Yangyuan soup, and the face is like a peach blossom appearing young

Recommended recipe: Lotus root four red soup

1. Peel and cut into small pieces of lotus root, soak in water with white vinegar to prevent oxidation; Cut the ginger into slices; Red dates, cinnamon balls and a handful of goji berries, soaked in water for a while; Set aside an appropriate amount of brown sugar.

Three volt days, it is recommended that women do not do "3 things", drink more than 6 Yangyuan soup, and the face is like a peach blossom appearing young

2. The prepared raw materials are poured into the casserole in turn, the goji berries can not be boiled for a long time to finally put in, pour the appropriate amount of water first with high heat to boil, and then turn the low heat to simmer for 20 minutes, the lotus root stew poured into the goji berries and then simmered for a while, delicious is ready.

Three volt days, it is recommended that women do not do "3 things", drink more than 6 Yangyuan soup, and the face is like a peach blossom appearing young

Recommended recipe: Yam stewed chicken soup

1. Chop half a chicken into small pieces; Peel and cut a yam into hob pieces and soak in water with white vinegar to prevent oxidation; A few red dates and goji berries are soaked in water; Cut the ginger into slices and the green onion into horseshoe slices and set aside.

Three volt days, it is recommended that women do not do "3 things", drink more than 6 Yangyuan soup, and the face is like a peach blossom appearing young

2. Boil water in the pot, put cold water into the chicken nuggets and add a little cooking wine to remove the fish, cook for 2 minutes until the chicken nuggets change color and then pour out, rinse and control the water for later.

Three volt days, it is recommended that women do not do "3 things", drink more than 6 Yangyuan soup, and the face is like a peach blossom appearing young

3. Start the pot to burn the oil, when the oil temperature is 50% hot, put in the slices of onion and ginger and sauté the aroma, pour in the chicken nuggets that have controlled the moisture, stir-fry continuously over medium heat, add a little salt to fry out the water, put it in the casserole, pour in the appropriate amount of warm water, boil on high heat and simmer for 40 minutes, put in yam, red dates and goji berries into the casserole, cook until boiling and turn to low heat and continue to simmer for 5 minutes, add the appropriate amount of salt, chicken essence and pepper to open the seasoning, delicious.

Three volt days, it is recommended that women do not do "3 things", drink more than 6 Yangyuan soup, and the face is like a peach blossom appearing young

Recommended recipe: Sugarcane silver ear lotus seed soup

1. Lilies and lotus seeds are soaked in warm water; White fungus is soaked in warm water, remove the yellow hard root and tear it into small pieces; Sugarcane cut into strips; Cut the dates open.

Three volt days, it is recommended that women do not do "3 things", drink more than 6 Yangyuan soup, and the face is like a peach blossom appearing young

2. Boil water in a casserole dish, add all the accessories, then cook for 40 minutes.

Three volt days, it is recommended that women do not do "3 things", drink more than 6 Yangyuan soup, and the face is like a peach blossom appearing young

(First Food Editor: Cao Cao)

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