
The transformation of social values and human nature

author:Hometown Cloud 0477

At the 2021 Tokyo Olympic Games, Quan Hong chan jumped to fame and made her debut at the World Championships in 2022. The hardships behind it speak for themselves. With her diligence and talent, she may become a new generation of diving queens, who can reap more medals, applause and flowers. But that was only part of her life, not the whole story. I still remember that after the fire of Quanhong Chan last year, her home became a punch card for Internet celebrities, and she also became the focus of social attention, with sincere praise and praise, and there were also black smoke miasmas of businessmen seeking profits. In the face of some impetuous voices in the society, Gree boss Dong Mingzhu poured a basin of cold water at that time. She means that in the face of a child who is only 14 years old, a child who is still dreaming and is very happy when she goes to the zoo, we should be more concerned about guiding her to learn, establishing correct social values, and perfecting her life.

The age of Quan Hong chan is exactly the age at which the child's "three views" are formed. Outside the training ground and the arena, society should give her more purity, let the child quiet down, improve herself through learning, and plan her life through thinking; Instead of giving the child an impetuous society, or turning her into a target for capital to pursue profits; Don't mislead children into thinking that the age of learning and thinking is the age at which they can "lie and win", which is irresponsible to the child and may even destroy a child.

A word from Gree boss Dong Mingzhu also sounded an alarm bell for our society, reminding our society how to treat a famous and underage child. Because what children of this age need most is not a house, tickets, flowers and applause, but the need to use correct social values to guide them how to establish a correct world view, outlook on life and values, and become a person with a complete personality charm in the future, so that they can go high and far.

Water can carry boats, but it can also cover boats. In the same way, social values can make a person and destroy a person, especially for children who are growing up in the years of ignorance.

This reminds me of the Wenchuan earthquake that landslided, in which Lei Chunian became a celebrity, a respected earthquake hero, and won the applause and flowers of the society. However, compared to Quan Hongchan's hard-won applause and flowers, Lei Chunian's honor came too suddenly and too simply, and he did not experience too many setbacks and adversities, and he did not even have a skill. At the end of being pushed to the cusp of the storm, boredly fell into flowers and applause, was held half to death, and finally went to jail.

Lei Chunian is the son of a pair of ordinary miners, and in the eyes of his parents, the world is either simple and kind, in fact, it is so simple. It is also this simple and simple philosophy of life that deeply affects Lei Chu Nian's childhood and youth. It was the original simple social environment that accumulated a foundation of integrity and kindness for the young Lei Chu Nian, so that he fully demonstrated his simple love in the face of catastrophes and calamities. At the same time, the class teacher's feat of defiance once again inspired his courage like a newborn calf.

Virtue can carry things, and the inner saint can carry the outer king; If virtue is not worthy, there will be disasters. These two sentences contain a simple social philosophy. That is, their own cultivation and pattern should match the social responsibilities they bear and the rewards given by society, otherwise, they will be punished.

Without the earth-shattering Wenchuan earthquake, Lei Chunian might have been like most ordinary people's children, studying, working, marrying and having children, and taking an ordinary person's path in a plain and ordinary way, although mediocre and frank; Or with their own simplicity and kindness, after the big waves and sand, when they can bear greater responsibilities, they stand out and achieve a big cause, so that they can flourish. But fate seemed to have made a joke with Lei Chunian, because of the big earthquake, because of his courage and simple love. After becoming famous, how to face the glory in front of him and the various gods and immortals that came from the crowd, he did not seriously think about it, nor did his parents think about it, because they had never had such a brilliant and brilliant sublime.

Lei Chunian said in the report that in those days, I experienced a tempering that I had never experienced before. I have a deeper understanding of the power of friendship, the preciousness of family affection, and the sense of responsibility of being a useful person to society, and I find that I have grown up! But is the truth that Lei Chunian really grew up? The answer, of course, is no. When he rushed to the crumbling school building, we saw a simple and kind soul and the friendship between classmates. Although it is an impulse to look at, it also reflects the simple personality charm of parents and teachers, and the subtle influence on the teenager Lei Chu Nian. Even if he later became the youngest volunteer of the Pengzhou Earthquake Relief Command Center, it is still a mixture of impulsiveness and kindness.

Lei Chunian's simplicity and naivety, the confusion and short-sightedness of his parents and relatives and friends, this is beyond reproach. But what does our society have for children? Lei Chunian's initial behavior was a kind impulse, and his later behavior was completely involuntary. After being named a hero of earthquake relief, there are too many social activities that follow. When the students are studying in the classroom, he is talking everywhere and shooting propaganda videos everywhere; When his classmates were preparing for the middle school entrance examination, he became an Olympic torchbearer. Everywhere the hero goes, there is a sea of police cars opening the road, flashing lights, applause and flowers. At that moment he enjoyed the infinite glory of honor. The bottomless praise made Lei Chunian suddenly feel that fame and profit should be eternally fixed at what moment. Excessive publicity and praise make it difficult for children's minds to be self-assured, and finally they are slowly distorted.

There is no work of bones and bones, no experience of clothing and clothing, but he sees himself as a Slovak who has achieved great enlightenment. Rainbows that do not experience wind and rain, ethereal mirages, when the sun clears, what remains is an empty silence. Under the illumination of the aura, Lei Chunian was like a wild horse that had been stripped of its reins, running directionlessly and unscrupulously. However, the more you run, the farther away you are from the heroic teenager. In the end, he was killed by some bad social atmosphere, and his thinking deviated from the normal life track. When the wind and waves receded, I found myself swimming naked.

In the face of a naïve and naïve heart, what should not be tolerated, society tolerates too much, should give to children, society gives them too little. As Gree boss Dong Mingzhu said, at the age of learning, we must let them learn in school to improve themselves. Instead of going around giving speeches and attending too many social events. Only in this way can our "heroes" withstand the baptism of society and truly grow up.

In the face of a naïve and naïve heart, society needs to return them to a pure land. Do not use them as their own achievements or power chips, and do not try to use the hero or celebrity effect to seek ill-gotten gains for themselves, this is the civilization and progress of society, such social values are conducive to the physical and mental health of children.

This topic may be very heavy, or it may be a bit old-fashioned, but children are the future of the Chinese nation, and without children with hope, where does the hope of the country begin.