
The murderer was regarded as a "hero" for 18 years, written into the class and praised by everyone, and the matter was revealed and sentenced to life


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Fitzgeralo of the United States once said: "Behind every hero is a tragedy." ”

In 1967, in order to prevent the "gangster" Li Shibai from blowing up the bridge, the "hero" Liu Xuebao was seriously injured in his left arm and could only amputate his leg. His fearless spirit and "heroic deeds" were hyped up by many newspapers, so he became a "heroic figure" that everyone admired.

However, 18 years later, the "hero" Liu Xuebao was arrested for "homicide" and sentenced to life imprisonment after interrogation.

This makes people wonder, how can a "hero" become a murderer? What kind of story did he find in him?

I have dreamed of being a hero since I was a child

Throughout the ages, people have especially worshipped heroes, and most people have fantasized about becoming heroes and being admired, and Liu Xuebao is no exception.

The murderer was regarded as a "hero" for 18 years, written into the class and praised by everyone, and the matter was revealed and sentenced to life

Liu Xuebao is a native of Sanyuan County, Shaanxi Province, and the age of his birth has been circulating the deeds of Dong Cunrui, Huang Jiguang and many other figures. They are revered, called heroes, and passed on by word of mouth.

And Liu Xuebao, who grew up listening to the stories of these heroes, also had the idea of becoming a hero in his heart. Therefore, as soon as he reached the age of joining the army, he had the dream of becoming a hero and bid farewell to his parents and joined the army.

The murderer was regarded as a "hero" for 18 years, written into the class and praised by everyone, and the matter was revealed and sentenced to life

After a period of time in the People's Liberation Army, Liu Xuebao found that the situation was stable and there was no war. He had no chance to make a contribution, let alone become a great hero admired by everyone.

This made Liu Xuebao's heart anxious, but he knew that if he wanted to be a hero, he must have a good quality of helpfulness.

Therefore, from 1966, he began to "pay attention" to the people and things around him, appearing at the right time to reach out to those in need. Slowly, his good reputation spread, and he was praised by the troops, and his position was promoted from a soldier to deputy squad leader.

However, this alone is not enough to become a hero, he also needs a bigger chance.

On December 17, 1967, the opportunity that Liu Xuebao had been "waiting" for finally came.

"Stop" blowing up the bridge, losing your left arm, and becoming a hero

At about 9 p.m., a huge explosion resounded over the Datong River in Chimuha Village, Yongdeng County, Gansu Province.

When the villagers heard the explosion, they panicked and put on their clothes and ran away, and when they arrived, they found Liu Xuebao lying on the ground.

The murderer was regarded as a "hero" for 18 years, written into the class and praised by everyone, and the matter was revealed and sentenced to life

His left arm was blown to pieces, bleeding profusely, and his face looked a little sinister from the pain. Although he was seriously injured, the first words he said when he saw the villagers were: "Leave me alone, someone blew up the bridge, go and stop him." ”

The bridge in Liu Xuebao's mouth is the Datong Bridge that the villagers have just built recently, and it is the only transportation route from several nearby villages to the county seat, which is very important.

Therefore, when the villagers heard that someone had blown up the bridge, they rushed to the Chase Bridge. After approaching, they found that the bridge was not damaged, but on the road east of the bridge, Li Shibai was lying on the ground covered in blood.

The villagers did not think that Li Shibai wanted to secretly blow up the bridge, but they did not expect to meet Liu Xuebao, and the two fought in the dispute.

During the fight, Liu Xuebao lost his hand and injured Li Shibai, but he was also accidentally blown up in the arm for rescuing the bridge.

The murderer was regarded as a "hero" for 18 years, written into the class and praised by everyone, and the matter was revealed and sentenced to life

Thinking of this, their hearts immediately resented Li Shibai.

But with lives at stake, it was imperative to send both men to the hospital for treatment. However, because he suspected that Li Shibai was the "murderer" of the bridge, the villagers directly dragged him to the hospital with his arms, while Liu Xuebao was carefully carried to the hospital.

In the end, Li Shibai died before he was sent to the hospital. Liu Xuebao had to cut off his left arm because the blow injuries were too severe.

When he woke up, he did not bother to check the injured left arm, but grabbed the person guarding his hospital bed with his right hand and asked nervously: "How is our bridge, is the bridge all right?" ”

The villagers were very touched by this, and not only passed on his heroic act of "defending the bridge", but also wrote a letter of thanks to the leader of the unit.

Liu Xuebao became famous for this, and the troops also praised him and promoted him to a higher position.

In April 1968, the People's Liberation Army Daily published an article trumpeting Liu Xuebao's deeds and calling on all the people to learn from him. Subsequently, authoritative newspapers in various places followed suit.

The murderer was regarded as a "hero" for 18 years, written into the class and praised by everyone, and the matter was revealed and sentenced to life

His deeds were not only painted into comic strips, but also written into elementary school textbooks. Since then, Liu Xuebao has completely become a household name "big hero", and his position has also risen step by step.

He was promoted from deputy squad leader to deputy instructor, not only joined the party, but also participated in the people's congress as a party representative.

Another client, Li Shibai, was verbally abused, and even his family was implicated. His wife was sent to the countryside and was trampled; His son was framed for wanting to destroy Liu Xuebao's deeds memorial hall, and he also went to prison and was tortured.

At that time, even if people who knew Li Shibai suspected that he could not be a "murderer" at all, they did not dare to "fight against the wind" and question a great hero who was respected.

Therefore, the truth of the bridge bombing incident can only be buried.

Suspicious points were found, and the water came out

Liu Xuebao finally realized his "hero" dream and lived a very moist life every day. After a long time, his nature was slowly exposed.

Liu Xuebao changed his previous humility and kindness, and said how heroic he was. He also often used his "hero" identity for personal gain and ran amok.

The murderer was regarded as a "hero" for 18 years, written into the class and praised by everyone, and the matter was revealed and sentenced to life

In the end, the bullied person really couldn't stand it and reported him. After Liu Xuebao learned of this incident, he slipped through the process of changing jobs and returned to a factory in his hometown as the chief of the security section.

In 1978, the rehabilitation of the two major wrongful cases caused a sensation throughout the country. Li Shibai's wife contacted a friend and wrote a joint letter and handed it to the local police.

After receiving the joint letter, the police attached great importance to it and immediately launched an investigation.

The murderer was regarded as a "hero" for 18 years, written into the class and praised by everyone, and the matter was revealed and sentenced to life

After the investigation, they found that there were many doubts in the case of that year. First of all, in the process of visiting, they learned that Li Shibai had worked in the Kuomintang gendarmerie for a period of time, but he had always been gentle and simple, and was a kind-hearted person.

Second, even if Li Shibai was a Kuomintang agent, he did not have to take the risk of blowing up a newly built bridge. And according to Li Shibai's wife, her husband was asked out that night.

Finally, when Liu Xuebao "rescued the bridge", it was the left hand that was blown up, not the right hand. In general, when we encounter an emergency, we subconsciously use our usual hands to do things. But it is understood that Liu Xuebao is not left-handed.

Therefore, the local police immediately submitted the suspicious points they found upwards and applied to re-examine the case of that year.

The murderer was regarded as a "hero" for 18 years, written into the class and praised by everyone, and the matter was revealed and sentenced to life

In 1983, the central government agreed to a re-investigation application submitted by the Yongdeng County Police Department. The police immediately contacted the relevant departments in Shaanxi to bring Liu Xuebao back for investigation.

Liu Xuebao did not expect that after many years, the case of that year would be turned over and re-investigated. For a moment, the square inches were confused, and the horse's feet were exposed in the process of inquiry. The interrogators seized the opportunity to break through his psychological defenses in one fell swoop.

In the end, Liu Xuebao had to honestly explain the events of that year.

Liu Xuebao, who has not done anything after joining the army and has a very low education, is difficult to have a head start. But he was not willing to be only a small soldier for the rest of his life, so he moved his mind.

At first, he just creates some accidents that don't endanger people's lives, and then comes forward at key moments to gain gratitude and praise.

But the speed of this promotion was too slow, and he gradually became a little dissatisfied, so he wanted to plan a more "sensational" event.

The murderer was regarded as a "hero" for 18 years, written into the class and praised by everyone, and the matter was revealed and sentenced to life

Just as he was racking his brains to think about how to create a big event, he suddenly thought of the bridge being built in the village. Thus, a series of plans were born.

On the night of the incident, Liu Xuebao called Li Shibai out on the grounds that there was something to discuss. Then, Liu Xuebao guided Li Shibai slowly closer to the Chase Bridge.

When they walked to the east of the bridge, Liu Xuebao took advantage of Li Shibai's lack of preparation and directly picked up the stone and smashed it on his head, smashing him to the ground and not getting up before stopping.

The murderer was regarded as a "hero" for 18 years, written into the class and praised by everyone, and the matter was revealed and sentenced to life

Subsequently, Liu Xuebao took out the explosive package hidden in advance and lit it. In his vision, he should throw the explosives package on the bridge. But because his technique is not skilled, throwing it a little late, he will hit the arm.

The reason why he chose to use his left arm instead of his right arm is also because if there is an accident, the injury of the left arm will not affect his daily actions.

He chose Li Shibai as the object of "back the pot" because Li Shibai's identity as a "former member of the Kuomintang gendarmerie" has a very large operating space.

In addition, Liu Xuebao created an image of "humility and enthusiasm" for himself. Therefore, after the incident at that time, although people had doubts about the truth of the matter in their hearts, there was Li Shibai's identity in front, and no one would easily suspect him.

When the police made the truth of the matter public, it caused an uproar.

I also did not expect that the "hero" who had been praised by people for eighteen years was actually the real murderer, and Li Shibai, who was scolded by people at that time, was innocent.

The murderer was regarded as a "hero" for 18 years, written into the class and praised by everyone, and the matter was revealed and sentenced to life

After trial, Liu Xuebao was sentenced to life imprisonment. At the same time, textbooks praising his deeds were removed and rewritten, and all his identities and honors were revoked one by one.

In 1985, the Yongdeng County Party Committee held a special meeting to rehabilitate Li Shibai, restore his reputation, and compensate his family.

Li Shibai's family wept with joy, and they finally no longer had to bear the infamy, hiding like a mouse, and they could walk in the sun with honor.


Liu Xuebao envisioned becoming a hero, but he did not understand the true meaning of the two words "hero". He doesn't want to be a hero, he just wants attention, he wants fame and fortune.

Although Li Shibai was eventually rehabilitated, his life could never come back, and the harm suffered by his family could not be repaired.

Throughout his life, Liu Xuebao did not understand that the reason why heroes are called heroes is not because of how earth-shattering what they do.

But because they sincerely pay for the people, and their spirit of sacrificing themselves and dedicating themselves to the country is very precious.

So, we can worship heroes as much as we want, but we don't want to be false heroes.