
Unforgettable, leading the "leading cow" of the mountain village to get rid of poverty and become rich

author:New Fujian
Unforgettable, leading the "leading cow" of the mountain village to get rid of poverty and become rich

Gao Quanyang introduced the specialties of the military camp village to CCTV reporters. (File photo) Photo by Chen Jiaxin

"Many old Xiamen people come to the military camp village and will be amazed by the rich and beautiful 'butterfly change' of this alpine village." Behind the scenes of the butterfly change, there is such a strivers, the wax torch into ashes, dedicated his life to the years of strong villages and rich people.

Whoever holds the salary for the people will be remembered by the people. In the past 23 years, he has adhered to and fought on the front line of poverty alleviation in remote mountain villages, using the vivid practice of rural revitalization to pave the 'strong village road' of the rich people and lead countless 'later generations'. Remember and pay tribute to Secretary Gao Quanyang! ”

Recently, at the award ceremony of the 2021 "Moving Xiamen" Top Ten Figures Selection Activity, such an affectionate introduction was given to the late Gao Quanyang, former secretary of the party branch of the military camp village in Lianhua Town, Tong'an District, Xiamen City. As a grassroots leader, Gao Quanyang has been fighting on the poverty alleviation front in remote mountain villages for 23 years and is affectionately known as the "Secretary of the Bull's Head".

Mentioning this industrious and cheerful "leading cow", the common people often say: "The beautiful and rich alpine village is his best epitaph." "Unforgettable, the 'leading cow' who led the mountain village to get rid of poverty and become rich!"

He is an "old scalper" who does practical things for the people.

The power of moving attracts the attention of the whole city. At the 2021 "Moving Xiamen" Top Ten People Award Ceremony, Gao Quanyang's son Gao Yipeng received the trophy on behalf of his father.

"My father used to help the village build bridges and roads, and helped the villagers get rid of poverty and get rich... I am very proud of my father, I will follow his example, and I will learn from him in the future and contribute to society! Facing the camera of the media, this young man with a clear eyebrow said.

He is a proud and learned example in his son's heart, a diligent and selfless leader in the eyes of the villagers, and a good comrade-in-arms admired and unforgettable by colleagues and friends... Many of the "labels" on Gao Quanyang's body come from the moving stories he has written in the ordinary countryside.

Since 1997, Gao Quanyang has served as the village director of the military camp village, and since 2009, he has served as the village secretary, until his death due to illness in 2020, and most of Gao Quanyang's life has been spent running for the masses and fighting for the development of the village.

When he was elected chairman of the village committee, Gao Quanyang was 27 years old. Gao Shuzu, a villager who grew up with Gao Quanyang, remembers that on the potholed path of the military camp village, Gao Quanyang left his vow: "I will build the military camp village into the first village of all lotuses." ”

In Gao Shuzu's view, this goal sounds more difficult than ascending to the sky - at that time, the military camp village was one of the poorest villages in the town, with a per capita income of less than 2,000 yuan, and the innate lack of alpine villages made development out of reach.

However, Gao Quanyang was like a stubborn cow, and he could not pull back when he identified the target - in 2001, in order to build a village road, Gao Quanyang ran no less than twenty times to the relevant departments in the city. Under his efforts, the hard road was built from the mouth of the village to the village department, and the big truck that bought tea drove into the village.

In 2008, in order to improve the village environment and crack the rural chaos of chicken and duck manure, Gao Quanyang won the help of the Elderly Association, did the work of all villagers, and established a village agreement on the captivity of chickens and ducks, and the appearance of the village was greatly improved. Since 2009, the military camp village has ranked first in the city's health assessment for many consecutive times.

In 2011, when the village was repairing a tea garden machine ploughing road, it encountered a "nail household". Gao Quanyang took the village cadres to do ideological work every day, and he said to the village cadres: "We must be like going to relatives and begging for wives, we can't talk about it tonight, we will continue to go tomorrow, and we will continue to go the day after tomorrow." ”

As a deputy to the district people's congress, he proposed a bill to solve the water problems of many alpine villages, including Shangling Village and Neilin Village in Lianhua Town...

In his diligent and earnest efforts to run for the people and fight for the people, the title of "Secretary of the Bull's Head" was called away.

Lead the poor countryside into rich soil

Turning over the map of Xiamen, in the northwest corner of the territory, a narrow strip of land extends outwards, and the military camp village with an average altitude of more than 900 meters is located in it. For most Xiamen people, this is the farthest place in the city.

Remote alpine villages, how to break out of their own way out?

For the development of the whole village, Gao Quanyang "has a unique vision", seizing the opportunities of the pilot construction of mountain villages in the old district, the pilot construction of "five-in-one", and the construction of "beautiful Xiamen", he led the military camp village to continuously promote the improvement of infrastructure, actively develop and build tourist attractions, and seize the east wind of "rural tourism" to seek development.

In 2017, the funds for the village landscape project have not yet been in place, afraid of delaying the progress of the project, Gao Quanyang paid for it himself, and even found someone to borrow money, raised more than 200,000 yuan to pad first, to ensure that the project was completed on time, quality and quantity.

Encourage qualified villagers to take the lead in running homestays, and encourage villagers to return to their hometowns to set up Taobao shops to sell mountain goods... Behind every "new action" in the village, he tirelessly communicates with the villagers and does work.

There are more tourists in the military camp village, and Gao Quanyang has promoted the introduction of more professional enterprises outside the village, and has set up a joint venture with the military camp village to implement unified management of the homestay, while giving profits to the villagers, guiding the sustainable development of the homestay.

"China's most beautiful leisure village" "National Rural Governance Demonstration Village"... Year after year, under the leadership of Gao Quanyang, the military camp village has achieved a magnificent transformation of poor villages into rich soils and mountain villages into gardens.

Worried about everyone's affairs and the affairs of the whole village, Gao Quanyang neglected his own health. Although he had long been suffering from leg discomfort, he did not go to the hospital for examination until 2019, was diagnosed with a malignant tumor of soft tissues in the lower limbs, and after the operation, he did not tell others about the condition.

Less than a month after the operation, he appeared in the village, limping around, still happy all day, and everyone said that he had fallen. But his condition worsened, and he gradually became unable to work for the village anymore.

At the end of that year, when he saw the news that the villagers of the military camp village had received the dividends of the cooperative for the first time on CCTV, he said to his niece who accompanied him: "Now the development opportunities of our village are very good, and when I am better, I will go back to continue to grasp the development of the village and build my hometown better!" ”

"The spirit of the bull's head will always remain on the mountain"

"Give up 'little family' for 'everyone'" "Praise for the 'bull's head' that leads villagers to get rid of poverty and get rich"...

After paying attention to the fact that the deceased Gao Quanyang was awarded the top ten people who "moved Xiamen", many people who knew and did not know the "Bull Head Secretary" forwarded his deeds in the circle of friends.

From the beginning of his tenure as a village cadre, Gao Quanyang always put the affairs of the village first. As long as it is good for the villagers, he spares no effort to do it. Gao Quanwei, the current secretary of the party branch of the military camp village, said.

After becoming a village cadre, Gao Quanyang devoted himself to his work, and always wanted to give them to the villagers when there were projects that made money. On weekdays, the villagers' children did not have enough money to go to college, and he mated; Villagers want loans to start a business, and he gives guarantees; The loan is not repaid, he first pads... As long as the villagers have difficulties, Gao Quanyang will be the first to lend a helping hand.

"When you are a village cadre, don't think about making money, otherwise the villagers will not be able to do the work." This is what Gao Quanyang said before he died.

After Gao Quanyang fell, many villagers learned that their leaders of prosperity had long been shy, and they had owed more than 700,000 yuan in foreign debt for medical treatment. According to incomplete statistics, after Gao Quanyang's illness and death, there were a total of 57 arrears returned by villagers and friends, with a total amount of nearly 400,000 yuan.

Model worker of Fujian Province, leader of beautiful rural construction in Fujian Province, model worker of Xiamen City, the most beautiful village official at the grassroots level of practicing the core values of socialism in Xiamen City... The Scythians are gone, and the honor lives on.

"Although the secretary of the minotaur is gone, the spirit of the minotaur will always remain on the mountain!" Villagers say they will continue to struggle to make the village more beautiful and better.

(Yang Shanshan, Yang Xinliang)