
The status quo of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices, living in Qiaodong, returning to his hometown to farm, selling vegetables on the street, and completely becoming an Internet celebrity


When it comes to Zhao Benshan, many people will think of the era of the "Sketch King" with infinite scenery, and his apprentices also attracted much attention for their aura. Time has passed, and these apprentices who once shined on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala are now living in a state of embarrassment.

Recently, a news about the current situation of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices has attracted widespread attention. The former celebrity apprentices are now living in different ways, some live in Qiaodong, some return to their hometowns to farm, some sell vegetables on the street, and some have even become complete Internet celebrities. Once this information was exposed, it quickly sparked heated discussions and discussions among netizens.

Many people were shocked and puzzled by the current situation of these disciples. How could a former star fall into such a situation? How much of it is due to personal choice, and how much is forced by reality? These questions have undoubtedly provoked a strong emotional response from the public. While sighing at the ruthlessness of the entertainment industry, everyone can't help but think, what have these former comedians experienced?

The status quo of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices, living in Qiaodong, returning to his hometown to farm, selling vegetables on the street, and completely becoming an Internet celebrity

Most of Zhao Benshan's apprentices were accepted when he was in his glory, when they were young and talented, and they followed the master to the north and south, and appeared on countless large and small stages. Especially the Spring Festival Gala, the most high-profile stage, made them famous overnight. Behind the glamour of the entertainment industry, there are many unknown hardships and cruel competition.

The status quo of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices, living in Qiaodong, returning to his hometown to farm, selling vegetables on the street, and completely becoming an Internet celebrity

Many people think that as long as they enter the entertainment industry, they will definitely be able to live a prosperous life, but the reality is far from that. The entertainment industry is an industry that is changing rapidly, and if you are not careful, you may be replaced by newcomers. Zhao Benshan's apprentices quickly became popular relying on their master's fame and resources, but as Zhao Benshan gradually faded out of the entertainment industry, their resources and attention also decreased.

The apprentice who lives in Qiaodong was revealed to be wandering around the city, without a fixed residence, and living by doing odd jobs. It's not that he hasn't worked hard, it's just that he didn't do a good job of financial management when he was in the limelight, and his quality of life declined rapidly after his income decreased. The one who returned to his hometown to work as a farmer chose to return to the countryside and live a life of farming because he could not find a suitable job in the city. He said that although the income is not high, life is simple and fulfilling.

The status quo of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices, living in Qiaodong, returning to his hometown to farm, selling vegetables on the street, and completely becoming an Internet celebrity

The apprentice who sells vegetables on the street is even more surprising. He used to be humorous and funny on the stage, but now he is busy in the vegetable market, dealing with aunts and uncles who buy vegetables. It is understood that he chose this relatively stable way of making a living because of family changes and urgent need for money. Although this is a huge contrast to his star status, he says that being able to support his family is the best option.

The current situation of these apprentices reflects the cruelty and ruthlessness of the entertainment industry. Fame and loneliness may only be in a thought. Zhao Benshan's apprentices fell from the peak to the bottom, and now they are finding different ways to survive, which makes people have to sigh about the impermanence of life and the changeability of fate.

The status quo of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices, living in Qiaodong, returning to his hometown to farm, selling vegetables on the street, and completely becoming an Internet celebrity

When it comes to Zhao Benshan, many people will think of the era of the "Sketch King" with infinite scenery, and his apprentices also attracted much attention for their aura. Time has passed, and these apprentices who once shined on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala are now living in a state of embarrassment.

Recently, a news about the current situation of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices has attracted widespread attention. The former celebrity apprentices are now living in different ways, some live in Qiaodong, some return to their hometowns to farm, some sell vegetables on the street, and some have even become complete Internet celebrities. Once this information was exposed, it quickly sparked heated discussions and discussions among netizens.

The status quo of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices, living in Qiaodong, returning to his hometown to farm, selling vegetables on the street, and completely becoming an Internet celebrity

Many people were shocked and puzzled by the current situation of these disciples. How could a former star fall into such a situation? How much of it is due to personal choice, and how much is forced by reality? These questions have undoubtedly provoked a strong emotional response from the public. While sighing at the ruthlessness of the entertainment industry, everyone can't help but think, what have these former comedians experienced?

The status quo of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices, living in Qiaodong, returning to his hometown to farm, selling vegetables on the street, and completely becoming an Internet celebrity

Most of Zhao Benshan's apprentices were accepted when he was in his glory, when they were young and talented, and they followed the master to the north and south, and appeared on countless large and small stages. Especially the Spring Festival Gala, the most high-profile stage, made them famous overnight. Behind the glamour of the entertainment industry, there are many unknown hardships and cruel competition.

Many people think that as long as they enter the entertainment industry, they will definitely be able to live a prosperous life, but the reality is far from that. The entertainment industry is an industry that is changing rapidly, and if you are not careful, you may be replaced by newcomers. Zhao Benshan's apprentices quickly became popular relying on their master's fame and resources, but as Zhao Benshan gradually faded out of the entertainment industry, their resources and attention also decreased.

The status quo of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices, living in Qiaodong, returning to his hometown to farm, selling vegetables on the street, and completely becoming an Internet celebrity

The apprentice who lives in Qiaodong was revealed to be wandering around the city, without a fixed residence, and living by doing odd jobs. It's not that he hasn't worked hard, it's just that he didn't do a good job of financial management when he was in the limelight, and his quality of life declined rapidly after his income decreased. The one who returned to his hometown to work as a farmer chose to return to the countryside and live a life of farming because he could not find a suitable job in the city. He said that although the income is not high, life is simple and fulfilling.

The apprentice who sells vegetables on the street is even more surprising. He used to be humorous and funny on the stage, but now he is busy in the vegetable market, dealing with aunts and uncles who buy vegetables. It is understood that he chose this relatively stable way of making a living because of family changes and urgent need for money. Although this is a huge contrast to his star status, he says that being able to support his family is the best option.

The status quo of Zhao Benshan's 8 apprentices, living in Qiaodong, returning to his hometown to farm, selling vegetables on the street, and completely becoming an Internet celebrity

The current situation of these apprentices reflects the cruelty and ruthlessness of the entertainment industry. Fame and loneliness may only be in a thought. Zhao Benshan's apprentices fell from the peak to the bottom, and now they are finding different ways to survive, which makes people have to sigh about the impermanence of life and the changeability of fate.

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