
Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, said that "going to the place where the motherland needs it most", but he has actually applied to study in the United States?

author:Xiaobu has something to say


Yang Jinwen's passionate speech at the graduation ceremony of Shanghai Jiao Tong University sparked heated discussions among netizens. She called on everyone to be resilient idealists, never compromise, never give up. When she was ready to apply for graduate school at a top university in the United States, it caused questions and disappointment among netizens. Outstanding graduate representatives should have substantive presentations and be able to discuss in depth the issues and challenges faced by contemporary students. Netizens are wary of hypocrisy, believing that the conflict between truth and ideals needs to be faced.

Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, said that "going to the place where the motherland needs it most", but he has actually applied to study in the United States?

Yang Jinwen's speech style

Will you remember today? These are Yang Jinwen's opening remarks at the graduation ceremony of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Her passionate and infectious speech made her popular on the Internet overnight.

We need to be tough idealists, never compromise, never give up, she said.

Her speech won warm applause from the teachers and students present, and also moved countless netizens.

But just when everyone held her up to the sky, a message surprised netizens.

Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, said that "going to the place where the motherland needs it most", but he has actually applied to study in the United States?

The background of studying abroad has caused controversy

It is reported that Yang Jinwen is preparing to apply for graduate school at a top university in the United States.

Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, said that "going to the place where the motherland needs it most", but he has actually applied to study in the United States?

As soon as this news came out, netizens immediately boiled.

Some people expressed their disappointment, thinking that Yang Jinwen was just using the stage of the university to hype himself, and he still wanted to be a licking dog.

Some people also scolded her directly: "You go to the United States down-to-earth, don't ink any idealists." ”

Some people even joked: "Idealists have gone to the beautiful country, so who will take charge of the future of the big eastern country?" ”

Yang Jinwen's move also sparked heated discussions in public opinion.

Some people support her, believing that studying abroad is a personal choice and has nothing to do with idealism.

Others questioned her motives, arguing that the discrepancy between her speech and her actions was hypocritical.

Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, said that "going to the place where the motherland needs it most", but he has actually applied to study in the United States?

Typical characteristics of an excellent graduate

Every year, the college graduation season is a stage for outstanding graduates to show themselves.

They have achieved excellent results during their time at the school, or have made achievements in academic and scientific research, or stood out in various competitions, or played an important role in the construction of campus culture...... Whether it is ability or contribution, they are a group of shining "top students".

At the graduation ceremony, colleges and universities will give them special attention and honors, such as inviting them to be the representative of the graduation speech.

And these outstanding graduates have also become role models and benchmarks for other students to learn.

Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, said that "going to the place where the motherland needs it most", but he has actually applied to study in the United States?

Presentation content and social responsibility

As a representative of graduation speeches, it is important to be able to speak well, but it is more important to have something to say.

Presentations should be more substantive, in-depth on the practical issues and challenges faced by contemporary students, and provide guidance and encouragement.

Only in this way can the speech be valuable and the graduate representatives more convincing.

Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, said that "going to the place where the motherland needs it most", but he has actually applied to study in the United States?

The attitude of netizens towards hypocrisy

Although Yang's speech style was passionate, it was not commensurate with the accolades he had received before.

It is reported that she once won the first prize in a well-known academic competition and was hired as an assistant researcher at a university. In her speech, she also deliberately emphasized that she was "a loser in the struggle for honor and status".

It can be said that Yang Jinwen's achievements in the academic world are not lost to any outstanding graduate representatives.

But the question is, since she is so idealistic and yearns for "honor and status", how can she plan to study in the United States?

What's more, she is also a "never-compromising" tough idealist, and the two seem to be a bit incompatible.

Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, said that "going to the place where the motherland needs it most", but he has actually applied to study in the United States?

The clash between the real and the ideal

It is precisely because Yang Jinwen's speech is full of passion and appeal that netizens are more and more disappointed and questioning her application to study in the United States.

They are worried that if even the representatives of outstanding graduates have to go to the United States to mix "famous brands", then the students behind them may also follow.

They also expressed doubts about Mr. Yang's sincerity.

As a speaker, you should be substantiated and realistic; If you build a speech as a "stage show", it is easy to fall into hypocrisy and pompousness.

When similar events occur in the future, we should all maintain a normal heart of "seeing the mountains, speaking and doing things".


Regarding Yang Jinwen's study abroad plan, netizens showed different attitudes. Whether it is support or doubt, it reflects everyone's attention to the conflict between reality and ideals. In the face of similar incidents, we should all maintain rational conjectures, see the facts clearly, and make choices that are in line with our own values. Don't be easily deceived by appearances, but also keep a steady heart and stick to your beliefs.