
Suichang these sweet and soft cakes, have you tasted them all?

author:Suichang Tourism

#Suichang # Collected issue 03

#Original Suichang # Included in Issue 04

#Farming Reading Suichang # Collected Issue 03

#Rhymes on earth # Contains 26 issues

#Pathfinder Squad # Collected Issue 05

Suichang these sweet and soft cakes, have you tasted them all?

Suichang Tourism opened a food column "Taste Research Institute"

Walking the streets is only to discover the food with Suichang's memory points

Take you to experience the delicious and authentic food in the city

Suichang these sweet and soft cakes, have you tasted them all?
Suichang these sweet and soft cakes, have you tasted them all?

Cake is the crystallization of rice, condensing thousands of years of farming civilization.

Suichang's cakes tell the streets and alleys, the love and praise of life of every household, and the experience of thousands of years of traditional food customs, which are endless and more brilliant.

Suichang these sweet and soft cakes, have you tasted them all?

"Snowflakes fluttering, Grandma cooking cakes." In the dialect of Suichang, making cakes is also called "cooking cakes". The family gathered around the stove waiting for the steamer to come out of the pot, and the room was filled with white mist, which was unique to the warmth and fireworks of the waxing moon.

Suichang these sweet and soft cakes, have you tasted them all?
Suichang these sweet and soft cakes, have you tasted them all?
Suichang these sweet and soft cakes, have you tasted them all?

In the old custom of the past, eating cakes seemed to be the tradition of the Spring Festival, because "cake" was consonant "high", which means "rising higher and higher". And now, in addition to the Spring Festival, you can eat cakes all year round.

Suichang these sweet and soft cakes, have you tasted them all?

So in Suichang, what cakes have you eaten?

- 01 -

Mille-feuille cake

I remember when I was a child, every summer, my grandmother would make us mille-feuille cakes. A handful of straw and a loofah, the authentic Suichang mille-feuille cake came from this way. The sliced mille-feuille cake is layered and crystal clear, and when you take a bite, your mouth is full of sticky, sweet and not greasy.

Suichang these sweet and soft cakes, have you tasted them all?
Suichang these sweet and soft cakes, have you tasted them all?

© | Grandma's recipe

- 02 -


The soft and sweet baguette is made from glutinous rice and garnished with kumquat cakes, walnut meat, preserved preserves and red and green silk. This mouthful of fruit cake, which is loved by Suichang people, looks colorful and rich, and it tastes sticky and fragrant, and it is sweet and Q bomb.

Suichang these sweet and soft cakes, have you tasted them all?
Suichang these sweet and soft cakes, have you tasted them all?

- 03 -

Hair cake

Suichang hair cake, with good wishes for annual hair and backgammon. Fermented with sake lees, sweet but not greasy, sticky but not sticky, it is a must among cakes. What's more interesting is that Suichang people like to smear a layer of magenta (food coloring) on the white jade hair cake, which means red and hot, auspicious.

Suichang these sweet and soft cakes, have you tasted them all?
Suichang these sweet and soft cakes, have you tasted them all?

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Green cakes

Green cake is a traditional folk spot in Suichang, with a history of more than 500 years. The green cake with wormwood is emerald in color, and the fragrance is fragrant, which is tempting. Taste immediately, the entrance is soft, soft and non-sticky teeth, the taste is slightly sweet, is the pure "Nian" taste of Suichang that makes people linger.

Suichang these sweet and soft cakes, have you tasted them all?
Suichang these sweet and soft cakes, have you tasted them all?

© Momo Komori |

Suichang these sweet and soft cakes, have you tasted them all?

- 05 -

Sugar cake

Every year around the 20th day of the Waxing Moon, every household begins to soak glutinous rice and prepare cooking sugar cakes. Eating sugar cakes in the New Year means the reunion of the whole family, and the happiness and beauty of life. The sugar cakes that have just come out of the steamer are as fragrant as bronze, sticky and sweet, and full of aroma.

Suichang these sweet and soft cakes, have you tasted them all?
Suichang these sweet and soft cakes, have you tasted them all?

© | Time-lapse photography

Suichang these sweet and soft cakes, have you tasted them all?


It is the taste made by the people who miss it

A mouthful of sweet glutinous, acacia

Are you homesick?

Suichang these sweet and soft cakes, have you tasted them all?