
Xinzheng Meishan is a master architect who has compiled architectural masterpieces that have become models for future generations

author:Zheng Zhouyou
Xinzheng Meishan is a master architect who has compiled architectural masterpieces that have become models for future generations

The tomb of Li Jie is located in the west of Yuzhai Village, Longhu Town, Xinzheng City. According to the "Records of Zheng County", Li Zhi zhengzhou guancheng died in February of the fourth year of the Northern Song Dynasty (1110 AD) and was buried in Xinzheng Meishan.

Xinzheng Meishan is a master architect who has compiled architectural masterpieces that have become models for future generations

During the Song Dynasty, the tombs on the tomb of Li Jie were tall, and after that, the Li Jie family was buried in the cemetery to form the Li Jie tomb group. Descendants gradually abandoned, the mounds were constantly damaged by people and nature, and when the cultural relics survey was conducted in 1961, only 3 meters high remained, and the rest had been razed to the ground, surrounded by farmland.

Xinzheng Meishan is a master architect who has compiled architectural masterpieces that have become models for future generations

Li Jie, zi Mingzhong, was born in a family of officials during the Northern Song Dynasty, served as a lieutenant of Caozhou County, served as a general supervisor for seven years in Yuzhou and Zhizhou Yuanyou for 13 years, successively serving as a supervisor, a supervisor, a young supervisor and a general supervisor, personally presided over the construction of many large-scale construction projects, such as palaces, royal residences, Taimiao Temple, Peiyong, Shangshu Province, city gates, temples, and Ming Hall where the emperor held ceremonies, etc., accumulating rich practical experience in the planning, organization, and management of the project.

Xinzheng Meishan is a master architect who has compiled architectural masterpieces that have become models for future generations

It is not only a special book for architectural design and construction of the Northern Song Dynasty official repairs, but also has a profound impact on the evolution and development of architecture in later generations. The book is the most detailed and comprehensive architectural grand dictionary of ancient architecture handed down in China. Li Zhi was erudite and versatile, and was good at painting. He is the author of the thirteen volumes of the Sutra of Continuing Mountains and Seas, the ten volumes of the Ancient Seal Sayings, the three volumes of the Lute Records, and the two volumes of the Records of the Continuing Names. Li Jie died in 1110 and was buried in the west of Yuzhai Village, Longhu Town, Xinzheng City.

Xinzheng Meishan is a master architect who has compiled architectural masterpieces that have become models for future generations

Li Jie compiled the architectural masterpiece "Construction of the French Style", which became an epoch-making innovation in the history of Chinese architecture and a major innovation in the history of construction. It is a scientific summary of the valuable experience of the working people in ancient China in architecture. It had a profound impact on the development of construction technology in later generations, and Li Jie became a great architectural scientist known at home and abroad, and Li Jie also became the grandfather enshrined in the ancient Chinese architectural circles.

Xinzheng Meishan is a master architect who has compiled architectural masterpieces that have become models for future generations

Li Jie wrote many works in his lifetime, but all of them have been scattered and lost, and only the book he was commissioned to edit in the fourth year of Shaosheng (1097) < to create a French > has survived. "Constructing the French Style" is one of the most complete civil construction engineering works in ancient China.

Xinzheng Meishan is a master architect who has compiled architectural masterpieces that have become models for future generations

Written in the third year of the Northern Song Dynasty (1100) and the fourth year of Shaosheng (1097 AD), the "Construction of the French Style" was ordered to re-edit the "Construction Of the French Style" (formerly known as the "Yuanyou French Style", completed in the sixth year of the Reign of Emperor Zhezong (1091 AD)," completed in the third year of the Yuan Fu (1100 AD), and promulgated in the second year of Huizong Chongning (1103 AD). It was published in the second year of Chongning (1103) and republished in the fifteenth year of Shaoxing in the Southern Song Dynasty (1145). The book consists of thirty-four volumes, divided into five parts: the name, the system, the limitations, the examples and the drawings. Became the norm for official buildings at the time.

Xinzheng Meishan is a master architect who has compiled architectural masterpieces that have become models for future generations

In addition to "Constructing the French Style", he also wrote ten volumes of the Continuation of the Classic of Mountains and Seas, two volumes of the Continuation of the Same Name, three volumes of the Pipa Record, three volumes of the Ma Jing, three volumes of the Six Bo Classics, and ten volumes of the Ancient Seal Sayings. Volumes 1 and 2 are the examination of the terminology of civil architecture and the calculation method of quotas; the third to fifteenth volumes are the systems of trenches, stone works, large wood works, small wood works, carving, spinning, sawing, bamboo, tile, mud, paint paintings, brick works, kiln work, etc., explaining the selection of materials, processing methods and the interrelationship and position of each type of work; the sixteenth to twenty-fifth volumes stipulate the labor quota of each type of work; and the twenty-sixth to twenty-eighth volumes stipulate the material quota of each type of work Volumes XXX-34 are reproductions.

Xinzheng Meishan is a master architect who has compiled architectural masterpieces that have become models for future generations

Throughout the book, the outline is clear and well organized. The compilation and revision of "Construction French Style" comes from the practice of ancient craftsmen, which has been passed down from generation to generation and has been practiced for a long time, so the book reflects the level reached by Chinese civil engineering technology at that time. Its compilation and revision of the Sui and Tang Dynasties and the Lower Qi, Ming and Qing dynasties, is of great significance to the study of ancient Chinese civil engineering and the development of science and technology. According to the content, the "Construction of the French Style" can be divided into five parts: name examples (one volume, two volumes), system (three volumes to one or five volumes), functional limitations (one six volumes to two or five volumes), material examples (two six volumes to twenty-eight volumes), and drawings (two nine volumes to three or four volumes).

Xinzheng Meishan is a master architect who has compiled architectural masterpieces that have become models for future generations

Among them, "Construction of the French Style" devotes a large amount of space (thirteen volumes) to list the systems of various projects, including trenches, stone works, large wood works, small wood works, carvings, spin works, sawing, bamboo works, tile works, mud works, painted paintings, brick works, kiln works, a total of thirteen kinds of 176 project scale standards and basic operational essentials, similar to modern construction engineering standards. This section prominently reflects the outstanding talents of ancient Chinese construction workers and the high level of skill of ancient Chinese architecture.

Xinzheng Meishan is a master architect who has compiled architectural masterpieces that have become models for future generations

Li Jie was both a master builder and an artist and scholar. His compilation of "Constructing the French Style" is an encyclopedia of architectural science and technology, which has a profound impact on the construction technology and architecture of later generations. At the same time, he has extensive research in geography, history, writing, music, etc. Li Jie is the author of 10 volumes of the Sutra of Continuing Mountains and Seas, 2 volumes of the Records of the Names of the Continuation, 3 volumes of the Book of Horses, 10 volumes of the Ancient Seal Sayings, 3 volumes of the Pipa Sutra, and 3 volumes of the Six Bo Jing, and is also good at drawing horses.

Xinzheng Meishan is a master architect who has compiled architectural masterpieces that have become models for future generations

In the fourth year of Daguan (1110), Li Jie died of illness while serving as the prefect of Yuzhou and was buried in Guancheng, Zhengzhou (present-day Yuzhai Village, Longhu Town). Originally 2 meters high and 40 meters circumferential, Li Jie's tomb was razed to the ground in 1960 when the land was leveled.

Xinzheng Meishan is a master architect who has compiled architectural masterpieces that have become models for future generations

In 2003, the 900th anniversary of the promulgation of Li Jie's "Construction of French Style", the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, the China Ancient Architecture Society and the China Cultural Relics Society held a symposium on the 900th anniversary of the promulgation of "Building French Style" and the groundbreaking ceremony of the original tomb of Li Jie in Xinzheng City on August 9. After that, the tomb of Li Jie was sealed, the tree stele was sealed, and a stele pavilion was built.

Xinzheng Meishan is a master architect who has compiled architectural masterpieces that have become models for future generations
Xinzheng Meishan is a master architect who has compiled architectural masterpieces that have become models for future generations
Xinzheng Meishan is a master architect who has compiled architectural masterpieces that have become models for future generations
Xinzheng Meishan is a master architect who has compiled architectural masterpieces that have become models for future generations
Xinzheng Meishan is a master architect who has compiled architectural masterpieces that have become models for future generations
Xinzheng Meishan is a master architect who has compiled architectural masterpieces that have become models for future generations
Xinzheng Meishan is a master architect who has compiled architectural masterpieces that have become models for future generations
Xinzheng Meishan is a master architect who has compiled architectural masterpieces that have become models for future generations
Xinzheng Meishan is a master architect who has compiled architectural masterpieces that have become models for future generations

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