
Dao Sichuan (47) | Da'an District: Lost Lantern Dragon Shadow Red Plum Proud Snow

author:Culture near and far
Dao Sichuan (47) | Da'an District: Lost Lantern Dragon Shadow Red Plum Proud Snow
Dao Sichuan (47) | Da'an District: Lost Lantern Dragon Shadow Red Plum Proud Snow
Dao Sichuan (47) | Da'an District: Lost Lantern Dragon Shadow Red Plum Proud Snow

▲ "Overview of Da'an District" Book near and far

Dao Sichuan (47) | Da'an District: Lost Lantern Dragon Shadow Red Plum Proud Snow

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Talking about Zigong is actually talking about the history of Sichuan salt, this dusty crystal, witnessing the ups and downs of a region. In and around Zigong, there is no place that does not smell of salt, but different mountains and rivers have their own wonderful origins.

Dao Sichuan (47) | Da'an District: Lost Lantern Dragon Shadow Red Plum Proud Snow

Daan, too, is more than that.

Historically, Da'an once belonged to Fushun County. In the Qing Dynasty, the Furong Salt Field was divided into east and west, and this belonged to the east field. Later, from Gongjian City, a piece was separated from Fushun County, such as Liangshan Mountain and Datu Fort. According to the establishment, there are four townships, Dawen Town, Lianggao Township, Dashan Township, and Gaotong Township, and these townships are divided into four districts behind them. These districts were gradually merged, and in 1953 only one large tomb fort district remained. This name is really not very good, once when it was still a tomb fort, the then chairman of Sichuan Province Zhang Qun had changed it to Dawen Fort, but the people were used to it, has not changed, this time since it is combined into a large area, the name naturally can not be too tacky, so a few years later changed its name to Da'an District. In the nearly five years from 1956 to 1961, Da'an District was merged with the Artesian Well District, still called the Artesian Well District, but after 5 years, the Da'an District was re-established until now.

Because it was once an important part of the Toei Salt Works, the history of salt is still thick here. There is a famous salt well in Da'an District, called the Shēn Sea Well, which is now an important tourist resource in Da'an District. This well is the world's first man-made drilling of more than 1,000 meters deep well, which was excavated from three years after The Qing Daoguang was excavated until the fifteenth year of the Daoguang, which lasted thirteen years. The well was drilled to a depth of 1,000 meters and then gradually deepened to 1,100 meters.

Dao Sichuan (47) | Da'an District: Lost Lantern Dragon Shadow Red Plum Proud Snow
Dao Sichuan (47) | Da'an District: Lost Lantern Dragon Shadow Red Plum Proud Snow

▲ Shēn sea well

Such drilling technology is far ahead of the West in the same era, shocking overseas. The Shenhai Well has changed its name many times in the more than one hundred years since it was drilled, but the only thing that has not changed is its grand reputation. It is also a "water and fire" well that can extract both salt halide and natural gas at the same time. For more than one hundred and fifty years, countless salt halides have been extracted from here until they are exhausted, but the natural gas in them is still abundant. It is still used today. The tall crane on the salt well is a symbol of the prosperity of the Great Anxi, known as the "Eiffel Tower of the East".

The huge crane also highlights the Zigong people's exploration and respect for the salt industry, a mouthful of salt, for this land, has eternal significance. In the past, the Zigong people had a lot of etiquette and elegance before digging salt wells. You need to ask Mr. Yin and Yang to choose the place, measure the time, and schedule. When it's time to break ground, the rooster must be slaughtered and the blood of the chicken is poured out of the chisel range before it can begin. After Jing Cheng, he had to thank the land and stick a chicken feather on the crane before he was allowed to release the car to get the brine. Although these rituals appear feudal, they also reflect the salt workers' reverence and gratitude for nature.

Dao Sichuan (47) | Da'an District: Lost Lantern Dragon Shadow Red Plum Proud Snow


Creation is wordless but sentient, and springs every time it is cold

———— Zhang Weiping Xinlei

Dao Sichuan (47) | Da'an District: Lost Lantern Dragon Shadow Red Plum Proud Snow

▲ "Zhang Weiping Xinlei" Book near and far

Dao Sichuan (47) | Da'an District: Lost Lantern Dragon Shadow Red Plum Proud Snow

No. 140 Hongqi Road in Da'an District was once a legend of Da'an Salt Industry. This is the old factory area of the famous Zigong Da'an Salt Works, and now as a new cultural carrier for exploring the salt industry, it is the famous old salt farm in 1957, the modern symbol of the ancient salt capital of Zigong. Like the memory of Chengdu's eastern suburbs, this old factory area has also been built into a cultural complex that combines museum viewing and entertainment and cultural creation. It is the embodiment of the perfect integration of old history into the new era. Here, you can still see the prosperity and function of this once the largest salt factory in Zigong, through the combination of glass and steel, in the intersection of light and shadow, the sunlight leaking from the skylight is like a projection film, which can let us see the tip of the iceberg of the salt industry.

Dao Sichuan (47) | Da'an District: Lost Lantern Dragon Shadow Red Plum Proud Snow
Dao Sichuan (47) | Da'an District: Lost Lantern Dragon Shadow Red Plum Proud Snow

▲ Old Salt Works 1957


Another major feature of Zigong, and a commonly known element, is the dinosaur. The Zigong Dinosaur Museum is located in Da'an District, one of the world's three largest dinosaur sites, and contains all known dinosaur fossil specimens from the Jurassic period.

Dao Sichuan (47) | Da'an District: Lost Lantern Dragon Shadow Red Plum Proud Snow

Around 1915, an American geologist was on an expedition to Zigong lands, and he found a huge leg bone and a broken tooth. Twenty years later, the American paleontologist Gan Po identified the teeth and leg bones of a giant carnivorous dinosaur, and the existence of dinosaurs in Zigong was determined. In 1936, GanPo came to China and investigated again with The Chinese Chinese chiropractor Yang Zhongjian, this time digging up the skeleton of a giant sauropod dinosaur and naming it Rongxian Emei Dragon. From May 1979 to July 1981, the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chongqing Museum of Natural History and the Zigong Salt Industry History Museum successively carried out large-scale cleaning and excavation of Dashanpu, and excavated a large number of dinosaur fossils. A few years later, the Zigong Dinosaur Museum was built on the spot and became a famous large-scale site museum in China.

Nowadays, people come from Tribute, not only in the salt industry culture with heavy memories, but also in the delicious food of salt. Dinosaurs are also an important factor that drives people to come here, and who doesn't want to see these behemoths from billions of years, which is a proof of the passage of time and an excellent way to feel the vicissitudes and recognize themselves. At the very least, a tour of the Dinosaur Museum is sure to give you an indescribably novel experience.

Of course, in Zigong to feel the dinosaur culture, in fact, there is an important way, that is, the lantern festival.

On New Year's Eve last year, the flower market was lit up like day. The moon is on the top of the willows, and the people are about after dusk.

—————— Ouyang Xiu's "Sheng Cha Zi Yuan Xi"

Dao Sichuan (47) | Da'an District: Lost Lantern Dragon Shadow Red Plum Proud Snow

▲ Ouyang Xiu's "Sheng Cha Zi Yuan Xi" book near and far

Dao Sichuan (47) | Da'an District: Lost Lantern Dragon Shadow Red Plum Proud Snow

Lantern festivals are the most traditional art form in our country. After the festival, people will worship the gods by lighting lamps at fixed times. At that time, there was a grand lantern burning ceremony in Chudi to sacrifice the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. In the Central Plains, people burn lamps mainly to sacrifice the Purple Gu, who is in charge of silkworm mulberry, which is also the beginning of the Shangyuan Festival. Later, it evolved into a grand Lantern Festival. Since the Sui and Tang dynasties, Shangyuan has been an annual lantern festival. In these days, everyone can go to the street to watch the lights, and the flower lanterns for people to watch are also more and more exquisite and complex every year, and the shape is getting bigger and bigger. During the Shangyuan Festival during the Tang Dynasty, several large flower lanterns up to 20 zhang were produced, which are now almost sixty meters high, which is already a behemoth, which is staggering. In the subsequent dynasties, every lantern festival, the group of lights like the sea, all kinds of birds and animals, pavilions and ships, mythological figures, endless, at the same time there are a variety of artistic performances, it can be said that it is a carnival of the whole people.

The Qing Dynasty poet Tang Shunzhi's poem "Yuan Xi Ying Yong Ice Lantern" brilliantly recorded such a scene:

"New Year's Eve Shadow Eternal Ice Lantern"

Just pity the fire tree QianchunYan, suddenly saw Qinghui reflecting the moon.

Out of the sea fish beads are still carrying water, full of sleeves want to be cold.

Candle flowers do not hinder the shadow in the air, and the halo is suspected from the moon.

For the sake of the east wind of the language, the last night still has to be happy.

Dao Sichuan (47) | Da'an District: Lost Lantern Dragon Shadow Red Plum Proud Snow

▲ "New Year's Eve Shadow Eternal Ice Lantern" Book near and far

Dao Sichuan (47) | Da'an District: Lost Lantern Dragon Shadow Red Plum Proud Snow

Zigong lantern festival inherits the wonderful and exquisite ancient lantern festival, and the flower lanterns displayed by the Chinese Lantern World every year not only integrate dinosaur elements, but also absorb traditional Chinese culture in a wide range, and combine sound and light to display brilliantly. Here you can show the soft water of Jiangnan, the lonely smoke of the desert, the legend of the Silk Road, and the tea horse civilization. China's ancient architecture, terracotta warriors, blue and white porcelain, shadow puppetry, etc., have been mixed into the big world of this lamp, dreamy and confused, so that people who enter it forget the reality, which is worthy of the world-renowned "world's first lamp".

Dao Sichuan (47) | Da'an District: Lost Lantern Dragon Shadow Red Plum Proud Snow


Most people who have been to Zigong will not forget the wonderful lantern scene, but few people know that Da'an District is actually the hometown of loyal martyrs.

In 1964, an opera called "Sister Jiang" was staged at the Beijing Children's Theater, and for a time the audience was full. On the fourth day of the performance, Zhou Enlai and his wife Deng Yingchao were also attracted to watch. Since then, "Sister Jiang" has set off a wave of enthusiasm in the literary and art circles, and more than twenty performances in Beijing have all been full. At that time, reporters from all over the world reported one after another, and the audience also praised it. A month later, Mao Zedong, accompanied by Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, Dong Biwu, He Long, Chen Yi, Xu Xiangqian, Nie Rongzhen, Yang Shangkun, Lu Dingyi, Luo Ruiqing, and others, watched "Sister Jiang" in the small auditorium on the third floor of the Great Hall of the People. Later, the "Sister Jiang" crew toured the country, setting off a wave of enthusiasm in the land of China, and the melody of "Red Meizan" was also sung all over the country.

The red plums on the red rock are open, and the frost feet of thousands of miles are stepped on.

The cold of The Three-Nine is not afraid, and a piece of Dan's heart opens to the sun.

Dao Sichuan (47) | Da'an District: Lost Lantern Dragon Shadow Red Plum Proud Snow

▲ "Red Mezan" Book near and far

Dao Sichuan (47) | Da'an District: Lost Lantern Dragon Shadow Red Plum Proud Snow

The opera "Sister Jiang" was adapted by the famous songwriter Yan Su based on the novel "Red Rock", and the prototype of Sister Jiang was the famous female martyr Jiang Zhujun born in Da'an District. Her original name was Jiang Zhujun, and the name Jiang Zhujun was changed to after she engaged in the revolutionary cause. When she was a child, her family was poor, and when she was 8 years old, when zigong was in drought, her mother took her and her brother to flee to Chongqing, where she worked as a child laborer for 3 years. Twelve hours a day, when she was not tall enough to reach the machine, the boss added a stool for her to stand on. But after all, she was young, and soon her body would not be able to eat. So she quit her job, her mother became a maid, and she finally returned to the academy. Jiang Zhujun cherishes her hard-won learning opportunities, very hard, the whole primary school, she skipped the grade, and ranked first in the school. In recognition, the school awarded her a silver medal. After graduating from primary school in the orphanage, she was admitted to South Bank Middle School, where she was influenced by Ding Yaofu, an underground member of the Communist Party of China, and gave birth to revolutionary enlightenment ideas. After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, she often organized singing teams and propaganda teams in middle schools to preach patriotism and salvation everywhere. After being admitted to high school, Jiang Zhujun quickly joined the party and became a member of the Chinese Communist Party. At first, she was only doing the organizational work of young students, but after the Anhui Incident, she distributed leaflets everywhere to publicize the truth of the Anhui Incident and expose the treachery of the Kuomintang. The following year, she was appointed as a member of the Chongqing New District Committee of the Communist Party of China. According to the instructions of her superiors, she and Peng Yongwu pretended to be husband and wife to establish a secret organ of the Chongqing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, where they passed on important party tasks and news. The two of them worked closely together, fell in love for a long time, and then really came together.

Later, Peng Yongwu heroically sacrificed himself when he launched an armed insurrection and fought against the enemy. When Jiang Zhujun mourned, she did not indulge in it, and she inherited her husband's legacy and continued to fight. Peng Yongwu was killed in Wanxian County, Chongqing, and she also decided to stay in this dangerous place, where her husband last existed.

A few months later, due to the betrayal of the traitors, she fell into the hands of the enemy. The Kuomintang agents in Chongqing's second office tortured her in every way, tiger stools, electrocution, steel whips, and even cruelly nailed bamboo sticks into her ten fingers, trying to get out of her mouth the party organization situation and list of the eastern Sichuan riots. But no matter how tortured the enemy, this woman in her twenties resisted with amazing perseverance and did not say a word.

"Torture, that's too small a test. Bamboo sticks are made of bamboo, and the will of communists is steel! This is the bold words she left behind.

The enemy could not get the information out of her mouth, and could only give up and imprison her for a long time. Later, when the People's Liberation Army won one victory after another and the Kuomintang withdrew from Chongqing, Chiang Kai-shek ordered the massacre of many revolutionary volunteers, and Jiang Zhujun was one of them. At the moment of the execution, she still took the lead in shouting "Long live the Chinese Communist Party, down with the reactionaries", and under the cold muzzle of the gun, her life became eternal.

People have never forgotten this heroic female martyr, affectionately called her Sister Jiang, under the wide dissemination of the novel "Red Rock" and the opera "Sister Jiang", Sister Jiang has long become a household name. And Daan is her hometown.

Dao Sichuan (47) | Da'an District: Lost Lantern Dragon Shadow Red Plum Proud Snow

In September 2009, Sister Jiang was selected into the list of "100 Heroes and Model Figures who Made Outstanding Contributions to the Founding of New China". Surprisingly, in this list, there is actually a Da'an person, his name is Deng Ping.

When Deng Ping was a teenager, the Chinese proletarian revolutionary Yun Daiying had led revolutionary activities in this area, and after he was affected, he was admitted to the Wuhan branch of the Whampoa Military Academy early. While in school, he joined the Communist Party of China, and in 1927, he was assigned by the party organization to do military movement work in the Kuomintang Hunan Army. Here, he met Peng Dehuai, and the two cooperated with each other and widely publicized. Deng Ping has a strong affinity, so she can perform secret underground work tasks very well. In July of the following year, Deng Ping, Peng Dehuai and Teng Daiyuan plotted to launch the Pingjiang Uprising. After that, he and Peng Dehuai led 4 brigades to establish a base area in southern Hunan and mobilize the masses. In 1930, Deng Ping served as the commander of the Fifth Red Army and the chief of staff of the Third Red Army, and made outstanding contributions in the five anti-"encirclement and suppression" struggles. After the Zunyi Conference, Deng Ping assisted Peng Dehuai to cross the Chishui River twice and attack Loushan Pass.

Deng Ping has always been a pioneer and insisted on commanding at the forefront. In the battle against Zunyi, he braved the rain of bullets to survey the enemy situation with Zhang Aiping, but unfortunately was shot in the head and died. He was only 27 years old.

After the capture of Zunyi City, Zhang Aiping wrote a poem in memory of Deng Ping with a deep heart:

When is the long night dark? Huangpu learns martial arts to seek classics.

The Northern Expedition shook the tide of thieves, and the Pingjiang Uprising helped Feng Flame.

The "encirclement and suppression" smashed the painstaking planning, and the Long March turned to the heavy burden of the battle.

Zunyi City spilled blood, and the three armies cried strange men on the way.

Da'an also has many places to see, such as the magical and unique Triangle Village, the meticulous and exquisite Gong Fan, and the unforgettable cuisine. The beef roasted elbow and the fireside beef in Da'an District are all salt flavors that must be tasted here.

The lamp illuminates the Taikoo Dragon and tastes the eight guests, which is the impression of Daan.

HuanXi Sha Daan


The ancient village cave is open and bright, the water, fire and salt well coexist, and the five lakes are shocked by the exploration of thousands of meters.

Taikoo Dragon Shadow knows the vast miao, the sea market lamp street through the Heavenly Gate, only to see the red plum proud of the cold ice.

Dao Sichuan (47) | Da'an District: Lost Lantern Dragon Shadow Red Plum Proud Snow

▲ "Huan Xi Sha Daan" Book near and far

Dao Sichuan (47) | Da'an District: Lost Lantern Dragon Shadow Red Plum Proud Snow

Sichuan, an ancient region with a history of more than 5,000 years, is a whole that cannot be seen in its whole, it is vast, spanning longitude and latitude, and there are countless legends and stories that are still sleeping today. However, when we walked into the districts and counties of Sichuan, the macroscopic things suddenly became concrete and clearly reflected in the eyes.

Join us in exploring 183 different Tianfu Humanities Codes.


The End

Calligraphy/Near Text/Wangchuan Meibian/Fuji Sweet Picture/Network

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