
Five European and American horror films, you may not have seen it, but you must have heard of it, and it is the most enjoyable to watch at night

author:Shunko's simple diary

When it comes to horror movies, the first thing that comes to mind is some of Lin Zhengying's Hong Kong zombie films, but that was a long time ago. Most of the early Hong Kong horror films were mainly funny, such as Lin Zhengying, Zheng Zeshi, and Hong Jinbao.

Five European and American horror films, you may not have seen it, but you must have heard of it, and it is the most enjoyable to watch at night

Later, like Qiu Litao, after the Peng brothers came out, the level of terror was greatly improved. But today I will not talk about domestic horror films, but let's talk about European and American horror films. Just like the article I just wrote earlier, I also chose five, all of which are classics in the classics.

5. "The Sixth Sense of The Spirit", Bruce Willis is one of the few horror films, to be honest, this horror film is not based on the theme of horror, but wins with the plot.

Five European and American horror films, you may not have seen it, but you must have heard of it, and it is the most enjoyable to watch at night

The film tells the story of Malcon, a child psychologist played by Bruce Willis, who, while helping a child treat a mental illness, does not believe the child's statement, causing the child to grow up to be psychologically distorted, persecuted, and shoots Malcolm with a gun.

Melcon began to take the initiative to care for these children after experiencing this storm, what is the reason why his treatment is ineffective?

Five European and American horror films, you may not have seen it, but you must have heard of it, and it is the most enjoyable to watch at night

Luckily, McCone met Cole, a patient with the same symptoms as the child, so McConn began to try to help him, and that's how the story unfolded.

Five European and American horror films, you may not have seen it, but you must have heard of it, and it is the most enjoyable to watch at night

The film also tells some questions about the family, as well as some communication with children. A lot of times, we really should care about our kids, and maybe there are a lot of things we miss because we don't have the patience.

4. "Island Horror", the thriller starring the goddess Nicole Kidman, and the previous "Sixth Sense of The Spirit", the plot is very good, but the slight difference is that the horror atmosphere of this film is in place, especially Nicole Kidman's surprised performance, which adds a lot to the film.

Five European and American horror films, you may not have seen it, but you must have heard of it, and it is the most enjoyable to watch at night

The final ending is also a reversal, very powerful, people are haunted, and here the ending suddenly finds that this is "making trouble".

Five European and American horror films, you may not have seen it, but you must have heard of it, and it is the most enjoyable to watch at night

3. "The Exorcist", this is an old movie, but the old movie can not deny its high energy. In 1973, it was possible to make a film of this level, and I really admired Hollywood's production ability.

Five European and American horror films, you may not have seen it, but you must have heard of it, and it is the most enjoyable to watch at night

The film tells the story of a little girl who is possessed by a demon and then exorcised by a priest. The story seems simple, but the small stories and content mixed in are still very rich. For example, the relationship between the male protagonist and the mother, the sacrifice made by the male protagonist in order to save the little girl.

Five European and American horror films, you may not have seen it, but you must have heard of it, and it is the most enjoyable to watch at night

Anyway, it's also a classic horror movie, and although it's old, it's still recommended to everyone.

2. "Conjuring", directed by Wen Ziren, mention wen Ziren can think of a lot of horror films, this "Conjuring" is just one of them, compared to "Chainsaw Horror" may not be as famous, but in terms of horror, I still prefer "Conjuring".

Five European and American horror films, you may not have seen it, but you must have heard of it, and it is the most enjoyable to watch at night

The film tells the story of The Perron family who have worked hard to move into the dream of a big house, wanting to enjoy the life of the idyllic countryside, but with the tragic death of the dog on the first day, various supernatural events occurred in the family, which made the Perons feel fear.

Five European and American horror films, you may not have seen it, but you must have heard of it, and it is the most enjoyable to watch at night

The Penons, who have no way to do so, can only find Warren and His wife, Ed Warren and Rowling, a pair of experienced exorcists, but in the face of the Perron family's troubles, how can they help?

Five European and American horror films, you may not have seen it, but you must have heard of it, and it is the most enjoyable to watch at night

This is a supernatural film based on real events, and some of the scenes bring people a lot of excitement. The film also borrows some of the content of "The Exorcist", which can be said to be a very good horror film.

1. "The Shining", no way, this movie is too famous, although it does not seem as scary as imagined now, but its historical status is here, what else can you do?

Five European and American horror films, you may not have seen it, but you must have heard of it, and it is the most enjoyable to watch at night

Jack Nicholson's acting skills are superb, but any star of this kind of movie emperor level who wants to star in a horror movie is a super classic movie. Like the aforementioned "Sixth Sense of Spirits" and "Island Horror" are like this.

Five European and American horror films, you may not have seen it, but you must have heard of it, and it is the most enjoyable to watch at night

Similarly, as an Oscar-winning film, Nicholson wants to make a horror movie, which must be a strong script. This film is adapted from Stephen King's novel of the same name, with Stephen King's golden signboard, and also Stephen King's screenplay, and Nicholson's participation in filming is also very normal.

Five European and American horror films, you may not have seen it, but you must have heard of it, and it is the most enjoyable to watch at night

Unlike the previous ones, the horror of "The Shining" is not ghosts, but people's hearts, people's madness.

Well, without too many spoilers, these movies are all big investment, big productions, and they are also very famous movies. You can leave a message on the message board to talk about your feelings or recommend the best horror movie in your mind.

Thanks for reading.

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