
Pan's Labyrinth: Where there are any angelic elves, there are only demons

author:Whoops movies

After watching it, I feel that the fairy tale dream in my heart has collapsed a little, and the beginning of the film is that the little girl and her mother go to the stepfather's military camp, and the beginning reveals the selfish cruelty of the stepfather, because she wants the child in the wife's belly to be born next to her, regardless of the discomfort of the pregnant wife's body, so that they travel a long way to the military camp.

Pan's Labyrinth: Where there are any angelic elves, there are only demons
Pan's Labyrinth: Where there are any angelic elves, there are only demons
Pan's Labyrinth: Where there are any angelic elves, there are only demons

Ophelia, unable to stand her stepfather's daily killings, fantasizes about an underground kingdom with kings (dead fathers) and elves. Pan god gave her a chalk that could draw the door and told her to eat the child's monster's stealing knife, as long as she went there and did not eat that thing, the monster could not see, but Ophelia did not keep her promise and could not resist tempting to eat that thing, the monster opened its eyes to catch her, and finally escaped with chalk.

Pan's Labyrinth: Where there are any angelic elves, there are only demons
Pan's Labyrinth: Where there are any angelic elves, there are only demons

On the other side, because her mother gave birth because of the long journey, Ovilia found Pan Shen, who gave her a little person to let her put under her mother's bed and soak her blood with milk, and sure enough, her mother got better.

But soon after, he was discovered by his stepfather and mother, who threw the villain into the fire and burned it.

Pan's Labyrinth: Where there are any angelic elves, there are only demons

At this time, the mother's stomach was in severe pain, and the younger brother was about to be born. Later, her mother gave birth to her brother and died, and Ophelia had no relatives. The only person who is upset with her mother is Ophelia, she wants to escape from this place, when the maid spy next to her stepfather steals the key and prepares to escape with Ophelia, but is found by the stepfather and arrested, ready to deal with the spy maid, only to be killed and run away. When Pan finds her and wants to take her brother to the labyrinth, Ovilia steals her brother by adding sleeping pills to her stepfather's wine, but soon her stepfather catches up with him with a gun.

Pan's Labyrinth: Where there are any angelic elves, there are only demons

Pan asked her to choose to sacrifice her own blood or her brother's blood to the king of the underground, and finally Ovilia sacrificed herself

Pan's Labyrinth: Where there are any angelic elves, there are only demons
Pan's Labyrinth: Where there are any angelic elves, there are only demons

Finally, Ovilia went to the Underground Kingdom to meet Her Father and Mother

Pan's Labyrinth: Where there are any angelic elves, there are only demons

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