
CCTV broadcast "A Dog's Way Home", the US media finally reacted, Hua Chunying responded to the US evacuation of Afghanistan, the scene was a chaotic US domestic throwing pot at each other, the US media reacted to Hua Chunying's response to the US media speculation

author:Rainbow International

On the day the Taliban occupied the Afghan capital, the US military hastily withdrew from Afghanistan, which aroused great concern in the international community. On the same day, CCTV announced six sets of programs, including movies such as "Jane Eyre" and "A Dog's Way Home".

CCTV broadcast "A Dog's Way Home", the US media finally reacted, Hua Chunying responded to the US evacuation of Afghanistan, the scene was a chaotic US domestic throwing pot at each other, the US media reacted to Hua Chunying's response to the US media speculation

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > the U.S. evacuated Afghanistan, and the scene was chaotic</h1>

According to the Global Times reported on August 20, the withdrawal of US troops from Kabul airport was very chaotic. The U.S. military implements the principle of "America First" and only allows its own people to enter, and people from other countries can only obediently wait.

In the face of the chaotic scene, the US military seems to be powerless, and can only stand on a human wall and shout to the crowd to collapse and shout "Back off!" ”。 From time to time, guns are fired to warn and disperse the crowd.

When the US military withdrew, it set harsh requirements for its allies, requiring that the allies' planes could only stay on the airsplain for 30 minutes, which made the evacuation planes of Germany, Britain and other countries not bear anyone at all.

In the withdrawal from Afghanistan, the United States once again broke its credit. The U.S. military's approach has led allies to believe that the U.S. military seems to leave them alone at all times, once again questioning whether the United States is reliable.

CCTV broadcast "A Dog's Way Home", the US media finally reacted, Hua Chunying responded to the US evacuation of Afghanistan, the scene was a chaotic US domestic throwing pot at each other, the US media reacted to Hua Chunying's response to the US media speculation

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="11" > the United States to throw pots at each other</h1>

At the same time, the United States has also set off a war of insults and blamed each other. U.S. officials have accused U.S. intelligence of inaccurately predicting when the Ghani administration will fall. Intelligence insisted it was not wrong and that it was the actions of others that led to the failure of U.S. policy in Afghanistan.

Other U.S. officials have denounced the State Department's slow processing of "special immigration," while the State Department has accused Congress of overly cumbersome procedures, with as many as 14 procedures.

U.S. President Joe Biden also claims that the failure of U.S. policy in Afghanistan is not his, but on former U.S. President Donald Trump. Biden also blamed the failure of The Afghan president's Ghani policy, pushing his responsibilities away.

CCTV broadcast "A Dog's Way Home", the US media finally reacted, Hua Chunying responded to the US evacuation of Afghanistan, the scene was a chaotic US domestic throwing pot at each other, the US media reacted to Hua Chunying's response to the US media speculation

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="17" > the U.S. media reacted</h1>

The United States withdrew from Afghanistan, and the "Saigon" moment reappeared. Instead of reflecting on the failure of its military policy, the U.S. media has focused on whether anyone is laughing at the United States.

A series of films in the six sets of China's CCTV has triggered a heated discussion among Chinese netizens, who said that "seeing this movie can't help but combine it with the situation in Afghanistan", and also aroused the attention of the US media to Chinese public opinion.

After many days, the US media finally reacted, "You can throw the pot to China." The US media has diverted the attention of the US domestic and international community by claiming that "China ridiculed the failure of the Afghan policy" and reduced the international community's insults against the United States.

CCTV broadcast "A Dog's Way Home", the US media finally reacted, Hua Chunying responded to the US evacuation of Afghanistan, the scene was a chaotic US domestic throwing pot at each other, the US media reacted to Hua Chunying's response to the US media speculation

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="23" > Hua Chunying responded to the US media speculation</h1>

At the Foreign Ministry's regular press conference on the 18th, a reporter asked what China's view was that the US media claimed that China was laughing at the defeat of the United States fleeing from Afghanistan.

Hua Chunying responded, "Do you still need Chinese ridicule?" Hua Chunying pointed out that it is not difficult to understand that such a voice will come out in the United States. She said that this is the consistent practice of the United States, and the United States has always been unwilling to find the reasons for problems encountered by itself, and has not tried to solve the problem fundamentally, but has been throwing the pot to the outside world.

Hua Chunying pointed out that in fact, whether the US policy in Afghanistan is a failure, whether the US allies still think that the United States is reliable and credible, I believe that everyone has the answer in their hearts.

Editor: Li Jianguo

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