
"Mamma Mia Duck": Another masterpiece of domestic comedy animation, do you really understand it?

author:Toot Toot Drama
"Mamma Mia Duck": Another masterpiece of domestic comedy animation, do you really understand it?

Mamma Mia Duck

"Mamma Mia Duck" is a domestic animation film, the film tells the story of the geese Dapeng and a pair of duck siblings formed a "southward migration to find relatives" team due to fate, along the way experienced a series of thrilling, exciting and interesting adventures, and completed the story of self-growth in this process.

"Mamma Mia Duck": Another masterpiece of domestic comedy animation, do you really understand it?

On the way to the south, there is a goose called "Dapeng", known as the "best aviator", but he likes to be alone, and his personality is also proud and complacent. Dapeng, who has such a personality, is reluctant to follow the team and decides to fly alone, but in the process of flying alone, he bumps into two lost "sisters and brothers" ducks taotao and rest, and the little ducks are bent on following Dapeng and mistakenly recognize them as their mothers. But the dapeng who pursues freedom does not want to bring two burdens, so he chooses to fly away, unfortunately hit the bell, and broke his wings, causing him to be unable to fly, and can only reach the place of migration, Hongyan Lake. But thinking that the road might be dangerous, he thought of a way to pretend to send them to the destination "Taoyuan Valley" with the ducks, while avoiding the attack of the old cat. This is where a thrilling journey begins.

"Mamma Mia Duck": Another masterpiece of domestic comedy animation, do you really understand it?

The title of "Best Flyer" makes Dapeng very proud and reluctant to walk with his fellow race, let alone take care of the little ducks that are many times weaker than him. Although humans are high-level animals, there are many similarities with other low-level animals. For example, once a person has some small achievements, he will be proud, and when he achieves greater achievements, he will feel that he is superior, and his bones reveal the arrogance of rejecting people thousands of miles away, and he disdains people who are worse than himself, just like the Roc in the film, he is disdainful of walking with two little ducks, but once he loses some ability and is no longer very "powerful", he will pretend to be with the ducklings.

"Mamma Mia Duck": Another masterpiece of domestic comedy animation, do you really understand it?

The two little ducks followed Dapeng all the time, but Dapeng had no sense of responsibility for them, and just hurried like a ceremony, passing a magnificent terrace and falling under a chicken shed. It began to rain heavily outside, and the three little ones had to spend the night in the chicken shed, but the owner of the chicken shed did not welcome them, but his wife loved the two little ducks very much, so she left them. During this period, the two little ducks could not sleep and wanted Dapeng to tell them bedtime stories, but Dapeng had never had the experience of bringing a baby, and actually told the bedtime story as a ghost story, which was criticized by the owner's family. Dapeng's behavior is understandable, although it is a female goose, but it does not have the experience of being a mother, because of this, Dapeng will be as proud as ever, if she becomes a "mother", with the "mother"'s innate motherhood, Dapeng will also become gentle and amiable; if it becomes a "mother", how can it not know how to take care of two little cute, how can it not have a sense of responsibility, compassion to take care of itself? If it becomes a "mother", how can it not tell a story to the two little ones and be scolded by the mother chicken?

"Mamma Mia Duck": Another masterpiece of domestic comedy animation, do you really understand it?

Along the way, the terrible old cat chases them in order to eat them, threatening the old turtle to reveal their whereabouts. Dapeng wanted to get up in the morning and sneak away, but was found by the multi-mouthed frog, and helplessly stayed to wake up the two ducks and continue to rush forward. Later, the old cat chased after the chicken shed and threatened the owner of the chicken shed with the same chicks to reveal their whereabouts. The two little ducks were very tired and hungry due to the long rush. The younger brother "Taotao" was even more hungry and could not walk, like a "I am hungry and even eat myself", which frightened Dapeng.

"Mamma Mia Duck": Another masterpiece of domestic comedy animation, do you really understand it?

Dapeng helplessly went to find food, fed it and lamented that life is not easy! Dapeng went to find food to feed the two little ducks, which was forced by the environment, and if there was no old cat's tiger eye, Dapeng would probably sneak away in the morning. It knew that the old cat was chasing them, and if he left the weak two small ones behind, they would be killed, and the young man's life would end there. This environment forced it to develop compassion and had to find a way to save them, and the influence of the environment on the animals was great, which made Dapeng learn a little sense of responsibility. For people with high emotional intelligence, no matter how arrogant and how much they hate others, when they encounter danger, they will still choose to fight recklessly, which is a person's sense of responsibility and responsibility, and this quality is precious.

"Mamma Mia Duck": Another masterpiece of domestic comedy animation, do you really understand it?

Later, the old cat caught up with them, and dapeng tried his best to protect the two small ones, and when he fled for his life at the mouth of the cave, he did not run away first, but let the two little ducks step on him first, and then he left last. In addition to the thrill, here can actually faintly see that the selfish Dapeng has gradually changed, its sense of responsibility and love has increased a little, the audience sees here, the emotion for Dapeng has also added a few points, more and more love this arrogant Dapeng.

"Mamma Mia Duck": Another masterpiece of domestic comedy animation, do you really understand it?

Later, Dapeng encountered a flock of geese on the way, and he was very angry because he shouted for help on the shore and did not get a response, so he fired the fire on the two sisters and brothers. The sister "Rest" found that Dapeng did not really want to take them back to the team and go to Taoyuan Valley. Just to use them as a shield for himself, he blamed Dapeng a bit, and then pulled his brother and Dapeng to part ways, and later the two sisters and brothers successfully returned to the team. This fragment is enough to give people a deep revelation: treat others sincerely, and if you are dishonest, or even have intentions, you will become more and more unpopular, and eventually everyone will leave you.

"Mamma Mia Duck": Another masterpiece of domestic comedy animation, do you really understand it?

Dapeng walked alone on the road with anger and regret and met the humorous and kind squirrel Kaka. Kaka helped Dapeng heal his wings and made Dapeng successfully fly. During a flight, it flew alone to the "Taoyuan Valley" to see the two little ones, but found that it was not the paradise that everyone longed for, but a roast duck shop. Seeing that the two siblings were caught in the kitchen of the store, Dapeng was so anxious that he finally rescued the duckling and turned the roast duck shop upside down under his several efforts. I thought it was over, but the damn old cat caught up with them again, and finally under the counterattack of the three of them, the old cat was rushed to the sky by the cannon. In the end, Dapeng took Taotao and The two siblings to find his girlfriend Jingjing, and the four of them formed a happy family.

"Mamma Mia Duck": Another masterpiece of domestic comedy animation, do you really understand it?

In the film, Dapeng gets the help of squirrels, probably because he sees Dapeng's love and sense of responsibility; the ducks do not become roast ducks on the plate in the end, thanks to Dapeng's "claws" to save each other; and in the end, the three of them can defeat the old cat, all by relying on their mutual cooperation, mutual help and resourceful response in the face of difficulties and the spirit of not abandoning and not giving up. Whether it is a big goose or a duck, the director tells everyone in the form of animation that you can't shrink back when you encounter difficulties, you must face difficulties, calmly cope with them, and your peers must cooperate with each other to achieve a win-win situation; no matter how much achievements a person has achieved and how high his reputation is, he cannot be too arrogant and selfish, cannot forget his roots, and cannot abandon the partners who fought and worked with you in the first place.

"Mamma Mia Duck": Another masterpiece of domestic comedy animation, do you really understand it?

In addition, the meaning that the film wants to convey is actually related to marriage. The protagonist of the film, the goose, symbolizes loyal and unswerving love. "Ask what the world's situation is, orthodox people live and die" refers to the geese, because the geese are a pair of male and female, and once the spouse dies, it is no longer a matching bird. The film tells people in the society through Dapeng leaving his girlfriend Jingjing to finally find Jingjing and form a small family to tell people in the society that in marriage, both parties should be loyal to the other half like the geese, loyal to the marriage, and should not be chaotic and abandoned, which is another hidden meaning that the film wants to tell us.

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