
"Mamma Mia Duck": Tell young parents that "parenting is also self-nurturing" First, look at their identities from the perspective of character settings Second, look at the film from the storyline

author:Small gray ash ma
"Mamma Mia Duck": Tell young parents that "parenting is also self-nurturing" First, look at their identities from the perspective of character settings Second, look at the film from the storyline

Text/Little Ash Ma

"Mamma Mia Duck" is a family comedy animation film jointly produced by Wanda Film and Television Media Co., Ltd. and Force Animation, released in 2018.

The film tells that on the way to the south, Uncle Bing asks everyone to unite and set off collectively, and uses the slogan of "big geese and big geese family" to ask to motivate them.

However, the "best aviator" Dapeng is untamed and loves to make trouble, and accidentally broke up a group of ducks who rushed to the road when flirting with his girlfriend Jingjing.

Therefore, Dapeng, who did not obey the discipline, decided to fly alone, and had no choice but to form a "temporary father and son file" with two single ducks Taotao and Yi Yi, and embarked on a journey of searching for relatives and moving south.

They have undergone a series of thrilling, exciting and fun adventures.

In the end, Dapeng returned to the Wild Goose team with Taotao and rest.

At this time, Dapeng also washed and grew up and understood the meaning of the family.

Although "Mamma Mia Duck" is an animated film that tells the story of a big goose and two little ducks, it reflects the life of modern young people after becoming parents and tells us what the meaning of family is.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > First, look at their identities from the perspective of character settings</h1>

1. Dapeng, the best aviator in the flock of geese, but he is disobedient by nature and loves to be mischievous and troublemakers.

Falling in love with his girlfriend Jingjing but not wanting to get married, as the saying goes, "Falling in love without the purpose of marriage is playing hooliganism."

Dapeng has had no father and no mother since he was a child, and has no brothers and sisters, living alone, and feels that it is better to live freely without a family.

It can be seen that although Dapeng and Jingjing are in love, they do not want to get married, and even fear marriage, the reason is that Dapeng's original family is caused, and he has never experienced the meaning of family.

Dapeng is like many young people in modern society who are afraid of marriage, who want to pursue freedom, do not want to get married, and even fear marriage.

It is only because they do not understand the meaning of family and want to escape their responsibilities.

"Mamma Mia Duck": Tell young parents that "parenting is also self-nurturing" First, look at their identities from the perspective of character settings Second, look at the film from the storyline

2. Rest, little yellow duck sister. Mature and sensible, he treats his younger brother Taotao with care.

Rest is like the "eldest sister" in our family, as the saying goes, "the eldest sister is like a mother". Without his mother's company, He took on his own responsibilities and took care of Taotao.

3. Taotao, naughty and lively baby. He especially likes to eat and cries in all kinds. Even frantically hitting trees in very hungry situations, he would bite Dapeng's feet.

Taotao's image is like the "bear child" in our family, naughty and mischievous, will create all kinds of trouble for us, cry, no one can cure.

"Mamma Mia Duck": Tell young parents that "parenting is also self-nurturing" First, look at their identities from the perspective of character settings Second, look at the film from the storyline

4. Jingjing, Dapeng's girlfriend. Kind, inclusive and understanding dapeng. In the end, Dapeng was found and returned to the team with Dapeng.

Jingjing, sensible, symbolizes the role of mother in our family. Presumably, after starting a family, Jingjing will also be a good wife and mother in a family.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Second, look at the film from the storyline</h1>

The main line of the story is: the unruly Roc is separated from his team, and on the way to migrate, he is accompanied by two ducklings to find his destination.

1. Spend time with your child, and your child will be closer to you

At the beginning of the story, Dapeng is separated from his team because he is untamed, so he can only migrate alone.

On the way to migrate, Dapeng encountered Taotao and rest.

After Taotao was born, he saw Dapeng for the first time. He thinks that Dapeng is his mother, which is actually the phenomenon of animal imprinting.

Some mammals generally consider the first large animals they see at birth to be their mothers.

In fact, this reflects the child's simple trust in their parents, and they think that the people who accompany them are the people closest to them.

It can be seen from this that we should accompany our children more in family life, children are very simple, who accompanies them more, who plays with them more, they will trust whom and who to be close to.

Therefore, if parents want to develop a good parent-child relationship with their children, they should accompany their children more and be with their children.

"Mamma Mia Duck": Tell young parents that "parenting is also self-nurturing" First, look at their identities from the perspective of character settings Second, look at the film from the storyline

2. Parents do not need to take the exam, but they should study

After that, Dapeng and the two little ducks formed a companion and set out on the road together.

As a novice "mother", Dapeng must listen to them if he wants to explore and rest. Weak and incapable children can only listen to their parents, and obey their parents' instructions.

Dapeng dislikes Taotao's chaotic running, slows down the process of walking, and uses a rope to tie Taotao and drag Taotao away.

When telling a goodnight story to a child, he tells a story of fear to scare the child.

The hen Chun Pepper said, "You guy, will you take the child?"

"Mamma Mia Duck": Tell young parents that "parenting is also self-nurturing" First, look at their identities from the perspective of character settings Second, look at the film from the storyline

Dapeng taught Taotao and rest to learn to fly, throwing them into the air and ignoring them, it was really speechless.

This reminds me of the online phrase "parents don't need exams, it's terrible", and Dapeng is like the novice parent who has not passed the exam, when it comes to dealing with children, there is no good way.

He doesn't think about the child's situation, he just treats the child casually. Such parents are detrimental to the growth of their children.

Although parents do not need exams, parents should learn how to be good parents with their children.

3. Where there is a mother is home

Tao Tao asked, "Does Taoyuan Valley really have to be our home?"

Tao Tao said that he did not want to go to Taoyuan Valley and did not want to go home, because they found their mother.

Listening to Taotao's cute voice, I felt very moved.

In fact, where there is a mother is home.

After that, Dapeng dislikes Taotao and slows their entry into the city, and wants to abandon them.

Tao Tao said pitifully, "Don't go, Mom, please."

Sometimes, for children, the mother is all they have, and they trust the mother unconditionally.

Children want to be with their mothers, in fact, as long as there is a mother, the place is home.

"Mamma Mia Duck": Tell young parents that "parenting is also self-nurturing" First, look at their identities from the perspective of character settings Second, look at the film from the storyline

4. We are a family and want to walk together

Tao Tao and Yu Yu were sent to the "Taoyuan Valley" roast duck shop, and Dapeng realized his mistake of abandoning Tao Tao and Rest, and returned to find them.

Dapeng escapes from the roast duck shop with Taotao and Rest, and the wildcat chases after them, and they unite again to fight the wildcat.

After that, the two of them struggled in the snowstorm weather.

Dapeng collapsed tired in the snow, and he was encouraged to stand up and said to him, "We are a family, we want to walk together."

Taotao and Yuyu worked hard to bravely take Dapeng flying, and eventually they found the team and arrived at their home.

Thus, Dapeng also grew up and understood the meaning of home.

From this story, I see the strength of a family, encounter difficulties, no matter what, as long as the family is together, they will overcome difficulties and achieve the ultimate victory.

"Mamma Mia Duck": Tell young parents that "parenting is also self-nurturing" First, look at their identities from the perspective of character settings Second, look at the film from the storyline


Lively animated stories that tell us that home is important.

As parents, educating our children is also educating ourselves.

We should take responsibility for guarding our homes.

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