
Mamma Mia Duck: An exciting journey

author:Watch a movie with Yu Meng
Mamma Mia Duck: An exciting journey

During the Spring Festival, the animated movie "Mamma Mia Duck" was put on TV, which was quite interesting. Especially the lines in it, various dialects are popular, very grounded, and very humane. Today deliberately open the computer to re-watch, as a domestic animation, there is indeed a lot of progress, funny at the same time can always reflect some of the problems in the real society.

Mamma Mia Duck: An exciting journey

On the way to the south, the "best aviator" Dapeng is untamed and loves to make trouble, and accidentally broke up a group of ducks who rushed to the road when flirting with his girlfriend Jingjing. Dapeng, who did not obey the discipline, decided to fly alone, and had no choice but to form a "temporary father and son file" with two single ducks to taotao and rest, and embarked on a journey of searching for relatives and moving south all the way to Oolong. They have undergone a series of thrilling, exciting and fun adventures. Paddling through magnificent terraces, climbing over cold mountains, encountering hens and wives who are kind enough to take in their hens and wives, pigs riding spring trucks, and squirrels with half a bottle of Chinese medicine skills. On the way, they must always resist the evil cats that want to eat them, and they are almost "roast duck on the plate". Dapeng is closely related to the fate of the rest and Taotao sisters and brothers, and after this journey, the arrogant Dapeng has gradually learned responsibility and patience.

At first glance, this animated film still has a lot of characteristics.

Mamma Mia Duck: An exciting journey

First, the language is lively and full of humanity, and just listening to the voice also thinks that it is a group of lovely human beings in dialogue. For example: 1, Dapeng, why are you late again? Don't say your alarm clock is broken again, I've never seen anything like you in my life, it's too unreliable. 2, Lao Rui: "Dude, if you always treat life as a game, in the end you will find that you are only left alone." Dapeng: "Yes, because there is only one champion." Lao Rui: "No, I mean, you're going to miss a lot of people, people who love you, people who care about you, lovers and loved ones." Dapeng: "Lao Rui, don't forget, I am an orphan, and I have missed them since I was born." "There are so many more human lines like this that are worth savoring.

Second, closely follow the popular culture, such as the names of the pair of roosters and hens are called Chun Pepper and Zhiming, respectively, alluding to the movie IP "Chunjiao and Zhiming"; such as "I eat fat by my own ability, why do you let me lose weight?" As in the movie, the new compilation of the story of the tortoise and rabbit race. The whole language is relaxed and lively, the audience is easy to accept, and you can also feel the charm of today's popular culture.

Mamma Mia Duck: An exciting journey

Third, the most important point is that in addition to desperately teasing the audience, you can also feel full of positive energy thoughts. Through the exciting journey of Dapeng and the two little ducks, the film allows the audience to observe the changes of Dapeng before and after, from the initial solipsism to the back and forth of the team. Before the journey began, Dapeng's wings were broken, he couldn't fly, and he was no longer the "ace pilot", which was a great contrast to his idea that he would have reached Hongying Lake first. Dapeng's story also teaches us that no matter how strong the individual is, he can't do the team.

Mamma Mia Duck: An exciting journey

At first, Dapeng only enjoyed falling in love and did not want to get married. It is not because he plays too hard, but because he is an orphan, and his original family has completely affected him, making him think that he is not a good husband, a bad father, so he simply chooses to escape. The emergence of Taotao and rest has completely stimulated his "fatherly love", and it turns out that he can also be a good father. The influence of the original family on a person is very deep, there are bad and good, but love can change everything you think you can't change.

Of course, the film makes me feel good or two small buds, and any expression can turn me over.

Supporting such IP animation, this animated film allowed me to experience the rise of domestic animation again.

Mamma Mia Duck: An exciting journey

The film was co-produced by Chinese and American directors, and in addition to a large number of Chinese dialects and the current Chinese pop culture, there are many English interludes. Although the domestic box office was not high at first, it opened the door to the country and the box office abroad was still very high. The Douban score is as high as 7.1 points. I sincerely hope that director Zhao Rui can continue to create this small budding IP animation, the main line is cute and with a little warmth, this kind of family fun movie is a rare spice for people after tea and dinner.

Mamma Mia Duck: An exciting journey

The film is a rather Disney-style family fun cartoon, consisting of cute animated characters and jokes interspersed with them from time to time, with a little thrilling to the outside, which does not look boring. The film has few characters, a simple plot, and strong action, and from these perspectives, it is obvious that it is tailor-made for children.

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