
Santos steps down as Portugal manager! What the hell did he do wrong?

Santos steps down as Portugal manager! What the hell did he do wrong?

Portugal Meritorious Coach Santos

The Portuguese Football Federation has officially announced that the 67-year-old coach Santos has officially stepped down from the position of head coach of the Portuguese national team, ending eight years of coaching the Portuguese national team!

A summary of Santos' achievements in charge of Portugal

Santos led the Portuguese national team to two European Championships, two Nations Leagues, two World Cups, winning one European Cup and one UEFA Nations League. It can be called the meritorious manager of the Portuguese national team!

Santos steps down as Portugal manager! What the hell did he do wrong?

Portugal won Euro 2016


Santos steps down as Portugal manager! What the hell did he do wrong?

Portugal 2019 UEFA Nations League champion


What exactly was wrong with Santos in the quarterfinals?

Portugal was not favoured before the World Cup and was only ninth in odds to win the title. However, after winning the first two games of the group stage and qualifying early, the outside world changed expectations for this team. And it was from this time that Santos's mentality also changed! The good record and criticism of Ronaldo made him start to abandon Ronaldo, who shared his honor and disgrace, and this idea was reinforced after excluding Ronaldo from the starting line-up but beating Switzerland 6-1. The world gave Portugal the best words after the victory over Switzerland, and Portugal became the favorite team to win the title, all this made Santos a little fluttery!

Santos steps down as Portugal manager! What the hell did he do wrong?

Morocco vs Portugal pre-match data comparison

When analyzing the preview of the two teams before the game (refer to my pre-game preview article, never be an afterthought), I said the following:

1. Morocco's style against Portugal, 6-1 win over Switzerland cannot be used as a reference for this match! They are solid defensive counter-attacks, and one of the main counter-attacking means is to break through on the wing

2. Portugal does not have many ways to face intensive defense, the only one who can act as a corkscrew is Ronaldo, and in fact, it was Ronaldo who opened the deadlock for the team in the first two games of Portugal! This point did not include Santos, he only saw that Ronaldo is no longer the omnipotent Ronaldo before!

3. B Fei B and Felix have a soft style of play, and it is difficult to do anything against a team with strong defense

4. Portugal's central midfield defensive depth should be strengthened

5. Whether Portugal can win this game will depend on how the manager responds

结果‬是桑托斯‬犯了‬每一条‬我‬提及‬的错误‬! 他‬没有‬意识‬到‬本场‬比赛‬的艰巨‬,采用了‬跟‬瑞士‬一模一样‬的首发阵容‬。 把‬开瓶器‬C罗‬排除‬出‬首发‬。 三个‬前场‬球风‬偏软‬的‬球员‬一起‬首发‬。 只‬安排‬了内维斯‬一个‬后腰‬而且‬上了另一个‬对抗‬不足‬的中场‬球员‬‬‬奥塔维奥‬。


所以‬桑托斯‬的执教能力‬不足‬是个‬不争‬的事实! 连‬我‬这样‬一个‬球迷‬都能‬看出来‬的好几个‬大‬问题‬他‬一个‬都‬没有发现‬并‬应对‬。 他‬同样‬也‬没有看出来‬世界‬足球‬发展‬的趋势‬! 曼城‬为什么‬要‬引进‬哈兰德‬? 西班牙‬和‬德国‬为什么‬会‬出局‬? 没有‬攻坚‬的控球‬是‬毫无意义‬的,这是‬连‬控球‬鼻祖‬瓜迪奥拉‬自己‬都‬低头认错‬的事实‬了‬,但是‬桑托斯‬并‬没有看到‬!

What is the future of the Portuguese national team?

Although Ronaldo has not yet announced his retirement from the national team, he will definitely not participate in the next World Cup! Where does the post-Santos and Ronaldo era of Portugal go?

First of all, the new coach who takes over should see the trend of world football development! To find a qualified fulcrum for Portugal who can play up front. The little fast trident composed of B fee B Xifelix will not have any chance against the strong team.

Secondly, it is necessary to accurately position the Portuguese team. In the past 20 years, thanks to the presence of Cristiano Ronaldo, Portugal has gradually stepped into the ranks of the world's best teams and won the European Championship and the UEFA Nations League. But we must see the irreplaceable role played by Ronaldo in it. Portugal may decline after his retirement, and this should be prepared from the heart. Don't look at Portugal's high price, but the high-priced players are all similar in style, they are all small and fast players. Cancelo and Dias, who are extremely expensive defenders, proved to be unqualified defensive leaders, so they could only play well at the club and fall short in the national team.

Finally, find a suitable leader for Portugal! It is questionable whether fee B can take on this role. There are no words for his fighting spirit, but his brave spirit is not enough!

Write at the end

Santos steps down as Portugal manager! What the hell did he do wrong?

Weeping Ronaldo

Santos and Ronaldo have achieved each other in the past eight years, but in the end he chose to give up Ronaldo. To quote Duan Xuan: "Santos should not let Portugal's heroes bid farewell to the World Cup in this way anyway, the big deal is out, but where would you have been in charge without Cristiano Ronaldo?" ”

Maybe sometimes it's a fan of the authorities. In any case, let's wish the old coach Santos all the best in the future!

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