
He was selected twice to move China", and he was defeated twice, touching the people, but not moving China

author:Sweet water

He was selected twice to move China", and he was defeated twice, touching the people, but not moving China

As a historian, I am deeply moved by the story of this old man who is white and alive. He used his practical actions to interpret the principle of "accumulating small goodness into great goodness", and with the hands of an ordinary worker and a fiery heart, he helped countless poor students realize their dreams and become the pillars of society.

The old man Bai Fangli was born in poverty, and he experienced the war since he was a child, and had to go to the city to make a living. With a dilapidated tricycle, he not only supported his family, but also worked hard to provide for his children's education. Although he failed to complete his studies, he always cherished the power of knowledge and spent his life running for the education of his children.

He was selected twice to move China", and he was defeated twice, touching the people, but not moving China

In the 80s of the last century, when the old man Bai Fangli saw that the children in his hometown could not go to school due to poverty, he resolutely decided to donate all his hard-earned savings to the school, and picked up the tricycle again and started the 18-year road of "love education". With the simplest and simplest way of labor, with his own hands and painstaking efforts, he sponsored more than 300 poor students to complete their studies, realized their dreams, and lit up the future of countless children.

He was selected twice to move China", and he was defeated twice, touching the people, but not moving China

The touching deeds of the old man Bai Fangli were widely circulated in the society, and he was nominated twice for "Touching China", but in the end he failed to win the award. This is undoubtedly regrettable and incomprehensible. But as netizens said, Bai Lao's good deeds have long surpassed the honor of "moving China", and he used his ordinary life to interpret what it means to "move people's hearts". He has cared for the growth of generations of children with the tenacity and perseverance of an ordinary person, and has become the embodiment of real "great love in the world".

He was selected twice to move China", and he was defeated twice, touching the people, but not moving China

The old man Bai Fangli was alone all his life, paying silently and never expecting anything in return. His story makes us deeply feel that even if a person has a low social status, as long as he has good intentions and adheres to the right path, he can change the fate of others and change himself. He told us with his actions that no matter whether rich or poor, as long as he has a kind and upright heart, a person can create miracles and become a model for society.

He was selected twice to move China", and he was defeated twice, touching the people, but not moving China

The story of the elder Bai Fangli reminds us that social progress requires everyone's participation and dedication. Even ordinary workers, as long as they stick to their beliefs and interpret kindness with their hands, they can become the spark that ignites the lives of others. He used his life to leave us with eternal inspiration and touching. We should learn from and carry forward his spirit, so that this sincere and selfless love can continue to live on in this era.

He was selected twice to move China", and he was defeated twice, touching the people, but not moving China

Although the old man Bai Fangli lived a difficult life, he still maintained a positive outlook and care for others. Even in the last days of his life, he still paid attention to the situation of poor students and hoped to continue to provide more help to them. This kind of persistent act of kindness is impressive.

He was selected twice to move China", and he was defeated twice, touching the people, but not moving China

The old man's words before his death were even more moving, he said that although he was old and frail, if he could earn more in the coming year, he would definitely continue to sponsor more poor students. This spirit of generosity and selflessness makes us deeply feel that even in a desperate situation, as long as the heart is still full of justice and kindness, one person can create amazing deeds.

He was selected twice to move China", and he was defeated twice, touching the people, but not moving China

Bai Lao's story also teaches us a vivid life lesson. He has proved with his life that even ordinary workers can become heroes in the eyes of countless people as long as they adhere to the right path and give back to the society with love. His story inspires us not to deny ourselves because of our status, but to be a role model for everyone as long as we uphold integrity and kindness.

He was selected twice to move China", and he was defeated twice, touching the people, but not moving China

It is this tenacity, perseverance and selflessness that makes Bai Lao highly respected and loved by all walks of life. At the time of his death, countless citizens spontaneously came to bid farewell, and the scene was moving. It can be seen that he has not only won the gratitude of poor students, but also won the respect and recognition of the whole society.

He was selected twice to move China", and he was defeated twice, touching the people, but not moving China

Although Bai Lao has passed away, his spirit will live on forever. His story will surely inspire countless people to devote themselves to the cause of benefiting the society, and write more touching chapters with their actions. We should learn from and carry forward Bai Lao's good deeds, so that this spirit of selfless dedication can be passed on from generation to generation in our time.

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