
If you have the chance, remember to wait for me and I will be fine

author:Brother John and his three daughters

I have always felt that I am a relatively lucky person, in friendship, love, the gain is also very large, today's look, although related to my personality, impulsive and radical, not defensive of people, but I also gained a lot of care and love. Friends say that if I'm not in debt, I'm a very good person, to be a friend, to be a brother, really nothing to say.

Reviewing my own problems, dragging down the family, dragging down the parents, also dragging down the friends, owing so much money to the bank, I have never panicked, but in the past two years, the friends' lives are not good, I can no longer give them lick trouble. Sometimes even I am too autistic, but I know that I have to get through this robbery myself, cherish those who care and love you, cherish those who help you in your low period, even if one day, never go back to the past, I have to repay other people's feelings, remember the good of others.

If there is a chance, wait for me, I will be fine, everyone together


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