
"Thunder Warrior" seven deadly sins, the crew cunning provoked public anger, can make Li Yunlong angry

author:Film and television word-of-mouth list

"Thunder Warrior", which takes "Bright Sword 3" as a gimmick, has been pushed to the cusp of the storm once it was broadcast on major platforms. "Thunder Warrior" is introduced in the introduction: "Based on the heroic stories of Li Yunlong's main prototype, General Wang Jinshan and other heroes, the newly created youth version of the war epic masterpiece." "It's obvious that this is to rub the feelings and heat of "Bright Sword". However, the audience did not buy it, and the drama has been unanimously badly evaluated by netizens since it was broadcast.

"Thunder Warrior" seven deadly sins, the crew cunning provoked public anger, can make Li Yunlong angry

The People's Daily also published an article criticizing: "The Eighth Route Army" lived in a villa to apply hairspray, and do not use the idol drama routine on the theme of anti-Japanese resistance. Immediately some netizens found that the so-called "Bright Sword 3" "Thunder Warrior" has been removed from the shelves of major platforms, and at the same time, Hunan Satellite TV has also replaced the "Thunder Warlord" originally broadcast at 22:00 with "The Best Times". Since then, "Thunder Warrior", which has just aired 9 episodes, has come to an abrupt end.

"Thunder Warrior" seven deadly sins, the crew cunning provoked public anger, can make Li Yunlong angry
"Thunder Warrior" seven deadly sins, the crew cunning provoked public anger, can make Li Yunlong angry

A drama that is not supported by the official media or the public should have reflected on its own problems, but just yesterday, the crew of "Thunder Warrior" posted a long article on the official Weibo "cunning", which caused more intense criticism from netizens. In response to the production of Fang Wen's over-decoration and stealing the concept, netizens also summed up the "Seven Deadly Sins" of "Thunder Warrior", which is ironclad and cannot beaked.

"Thunder Warrior" seven deadly sins, the crew cunning provoked public anger, can make Li Yunlong angry
"Thunder Warrior" seven deadly sins, the crew cunning provoked public anger, can make Li Yunlong angry

1. Anti-Japanese heroes play handsome and wipe hairspray

Guo Xunkui and Wang Jinshan, two eighth-route army generals starring Gao Weiguang and Zhang Yunlong, took the lead in developing hairstyles, and from their styling we can't smell a hint of the war years. The hairstyles of the vintage oil heads are smeared with hairspray and hair wax, and no matter how fierce the fire is, their hairstyles are not moving at all, which is really admirable.

2. The female character has exquisite makeup and stud earrings

Wu Xin and Lai Yumeng and other female characters, but also the makeup is neat and exquisite, painting eyeshadow, applying eyeliner, the sense of modernity is too strong, let people always jump the drama, some actresses also wear studs into the mirror, let people can't help but ask, in such an era of national difficulties, the Soldiers of the Eighth Route Army have the conditions to do so much styling?

"Thunder Warrior" seven deadly sins, the crew cunning provoked public anger, can make Li Yunlong angry
"Thunder Warrior" seven deadly sins, the crew cunning provoked public anger, can make Li Yunlong angry

3. Female soldiers wear tight long skirts and nylon stockings

If the makeup of female soldiers is not thunderous enough, then please look at their costumes, everyone wears tight long skirts like Sailor Moon warriors, the clothes are clean and dusty, even on the battlefield, they also wear tight long skirts, and even some female hygienists wear nylon stockings and high heels that are incomprehensible.

"Thunder Warrior" seven deadly sins, the crew cunning provoked public anger, can make Li Yunlong angry

4. The generals of the Eighth Route Army smoke cigars and drink coffee

Although the crew wrote a sly argument that cigars were not a luxury in those days, people in the area had such a habit that they stood up to historical scrutiny. But apparently, no audience would pay for such a plot. The response of the crew here actually stole the concept, and netizens protested the rationality of this detail, not just whether it existed or not. If you have to be more realistic, you can accurately determine whether the character in history smoked cigars and drank coffee? This is obviously seriously inconsistent with the arduous anti-Japanese spirit of the Eighth Route Army. Even if there really is, in the era of lack of clothing and food, the crew magnifies some meaningless details and expands individual phenomena to the whole, which is obviously historical nihilism.

"Thunder Warrior" seven deadly sins, the crew cunning provoked public anger, can make Li Yunlong angry

5. The Eighth Route Army lives in a villa

The independent regiment headquarters of the Eighth Route Army was set up in a luxurious European-style villa, and the field hospital was even more neat and open. Such absurd props and scenes are really too thunderous.

"Thunder Warrior" seven deadly sins, the crew cunning provoked public anger, can make Li Yunlong angry
"Thunder Warrior" seven deadly sins, the crew cunning provoked public anger, can make Li Yunlong angry

6. The headquarters is luxurious and precious

Let's look again at the former headquarters of the Eighteenth Group Army of the Eighth Route Army, from the gate. It seems that there is nothing wrong with it, but when you enter the house, it is a different scene: the command hall with traditional decoration style is elegant and chic, and the marble tiles of a well-known brand are matched with traditional Chinese antique mahogany furniture, all of which exude the smell of books. Neatly arranged teacups, electric lights and telephones are readily available. Director, why don't you have a central air conditioner and a large-screen office computer? What is even more infuriating is that there is not a single map on the wall of the headquarters, and can it control the whole situation just by relying on the palm-sized map on the desktop? If you don't hang up the map, what is the rich tree and the fortune tree? Details that can't stand up to scrutiny are everywhere, and I really admire the painstaking efforts of the director and crew.

"Thunder Warrior" seven deadly sins, the crew cunning provoked public anger, can make Li Yunlong angry

7, aiming without looking at the scope, the double gun posture is too exaggerated

The posture of the double gun is really handsome, but with a single-handed gun, the recoil when the two guns are fired is unbearable for a woman, and how strong the wrist strength must be to make the bullet not deflect. And, without looking at the scope, can you really hit the enemy?

"Thunder Warrior" seven deadly sins, the crew cunning provoked public anger, can make Li Yunlong angry

Fifteen years ago, "Bright Sword" endured, popular, whether it was then or now, its influence is not small, Douban score is high at 9.4, the ratings of that year also reached a very "terrifying" level. Its lines, many viewers can recite a few sentences, and classic plots such as "The Death of the Monk" and "Attack on the County Town of Ping'an" are still haunted by people many years later. Compared with "Thunder Warrior" and "Bright Sword", there are too many places to learn. "Bright Sword" brings together the actors' true feelings, and truly interprets the arduous and simple mental state of the Eighth Route Army, whether it is costumes or props, it pays attention to grounding, close to reality, and does not have those flashy decorations.

"Thunder Warrior" seven deadly sins, the crew cunning provoked public anger, can make Li Yunlong angry

In terms of character portrayal, whether it is the director or screenwriter, or every actor, is a hard worker, the actor of the "monk" is a high-achieving student who returned from studying abroad when he takes over the play, but in the play, you can believe that he is really an honest and honest, martial arts and a little rustic monk. Li Yunlong is an extremely complex, extremely personality of the typical character, many people think that "big voice, big old rough" Li Yunlong, is the true color of teacher Li Youbin, but if there are other works that pay attention to the teacher, you can find that Teacher Li Youbin's portrayal of him has spent a lot of thought, in shaping his tough guy image, there is no superficiality, neither conceptualization, nor facial, nor flat, but in the laughter and anger, naturally rendering his heroic image, making him extremely artistically appealing and human.

"Thunder Warrior" seven deadly sins, the crew cunning provoked public anger, can make Li Yunlong angry

After so many years, the character image created by "Bright Sword" and the heroism of the Eighth Route Army it represents have become a classic in people's hearts that cannot be desecrated. And such a thunder drama as "Thunder Warrior" cannot be welcomed by the public, let alone recognized by the official media, and is destined to become a thunder drama for later generations to reflect. Text/Bang Yuan

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