
NetEase: Blizzard's proposal is indecent and Liu Xin was issued a consumption restriction order, not to fly, etc

author:Le Bang
NetEase: Blizzard's proposal is indecent and Liu Xin was issued a consumption restriction order, not to fly, etc

Everyone thinks that Blizzard and Liu Xin are the same, the former lion opens his mouth, the latter kills people and says that people deserve to be deserved. Y Chale dry goods time to:

NetEase: Blizzard's proposal is indecent and Liu Xin was issued a consumption restriction order, not to fly, etc

1 Blizzard has core technology that you can't copy, there is no way not to admit the planting, just give up; Liu Xin clearly said that others blocked the gun for you, and you also said that if people are looking for themselves, then they are issued a consumption restriction order, and they are not allowed to take a plane, etc., don't they deserve it. The former relies on the law, and you can only give up cooperation; The latter accept the law and passively accept the consumption restriction order.

2 Law is a tool, in the eyes of the rich is a tool, in the eyes of ordinary people? I do not know. But I only know that the law is also afraid of the power of many people, and the law will not be the public, but also pay attention to the public opinion. So who exactly does the law influence for? On the one hand, there are rich people, and on the other hand, the masses of N many together.

3 Law is a major means to achieve justice in social life and achieve common welfare, so law is also the technology of society. If the law cannot be enforced, it is tantamount to no law. Although the law is sacred and inviolable, above the law, there is a higher authority, that is, justice - the conscience and conscience of the people. You taste, you savor.

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NetEase: Blizzard's proposal is indecent and Liu Xin was issued a consumption restriction order, not to fly, etc
NetEase: Blizzard's proposal is indecent and Liu Xin was issued a consumption restriction order, not to fly, etc

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