
Liu Xin's shocking move: Jiang Ge sold tea to make money, cinnabar to ward off evil suspense revealed, live broadcast permanently banned!

author:Elegant Artist 8cF

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Recently, Liu Xin's series of amazing actions have caused an uproar in the society. From Jiang Ge's sale of tea to make money to the revelation of the suspense of cinnabar to ward off evil spirits, these events shocked people.

Liu Xin's shocking move: Jiang Ge sold tea to make money, cinnabar to ward off evil suspense revealed, live broadcast permanently banned!

In the end, the live broadcast platform also announced a permanent ban on Liu Xin, a decision that triggered people's deep thinking about the online live broadcast industry. First of all, let's review the incident of Jiang Ge selling tea to make money.

Jiang Ge is a former anchor who was active on the online live streaming platform and has been loved by many fans for his sweet voice and affinity. However, she has recently been exposed to promote tea with false publicity and make huge profits.

This incident has raised questions about the integrity of online anchors and raised concerns about the regulation of the live streaming industry. Another interesting event is the revelation of the suspense of cinnabar to ward off evil spirits.

Liu Xin's shocking move: Jiang Ge sold tea to make money, cinnabar to ward off evil suspense revealed, live broadcast permanently banned!

Cinnabar is a traditional repellent item that is used by many to ward off evil spirits and keep peace. However, Liu Xin claimed in the live broadcast that he had the ability to uncover the suspense of cinnabar to ward off evil spirits, and obtained a lot of wealth by selling so-called decryption methods.

Eventually, his actions were revealed as fraud, an incident that once again raised questions and warnings about the webcasting industry. In the face of Liu Xin's shocking move, the live broadcast platform finally took action and announced a permanent ban on it.

This decision reflects a zero-tolerance attitude towards violations, and also sends an important message to the general audience: the live broadcast platform will strengthen the supervision of the behavior of anchors and protect the rights and interests of viewers. However, these events have also raised more questions about the development and regulation of the webcasting industry.

Liu Xin's shocking move: Jiang Ge sold tea to make money, cinnabar to ward off evil suspense revealed, live broadcast permanently banned!

False publicity, fraud and other problems not only exist in Liu Xin alone, but may also exist in more anchors and live broadcast platforms. How to strengthen the review and supervision of anchors and how to protect the legitimate rights and interests of viewers are all issues that need to be solved urgently.

At the same time, the audience should also be rational and vigilant. In online live broadcasts, false publicity and fraud occur from time to time, and viewers should maintain the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, and not blindly follow the so-called influencers.

At the same time, the government and relevant departments should also strengthen the supervision of the online live streaming industry, establish more complete regulations and systems, and ensure the healthy development of the industry. In this era of information explosion, the webcasting industry has become an indispensable part of people's lives with its interactivity and entertainment.

Liu Xin's shocking move: Jiang Ge sold tea to make money, cinnabar to ward off evil suspense revealed, live broadcast permanently banned!

However, we cannot negate the value and potential of the entire industry because of individual events. By strengthening supervision and guidance, we can enable the webcast industry to better serve society and bring more valuable content and experience to viewers.

In the end, the discussion and warning triggered by Liu Xin's shocking move should make us think about the development direction of the online live broadcast industry. Only on the basis of establishing integrity and norms can the online live broadcast industry continue to develop healthily and bring more positive energy and beneficial information to the audience.

Liu Xin's shocking move: Jiang Ge sold tea to make money, cinnabar to ward off evil suspense revealed, live broadcast permanently banned! , Disclaimer: If the content of the article involves the content of the work, copyright pictures or other issues, please contact the author within 30 days, if the reflection is true, we will delete the responsible article as soon as possible. The article is for reference only and does not constitute any investment or application advice.

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