
Picture 1 shows Liu Nuanxi from the same village, and the "rice flower" in picture 234 is Liu Nuanxi's "witness" Han Su who did not appear in court. #The second instance found that Liu Xin locked the door of the room when the case occurred##二审认定刘鑫对江歌

author:Jiang Ge's mother

Picture 1 shows Liu Nuanxi from the same village, and the "rice flower" in picture 234 is Liu Nuanxi's "witness" Han Su who did not appear in court.

#The second instance found that Liu Xin locked the door when the case occurred# # The second instance found that Liu Xin was obviously at fault for Jiang Ge's murder # #刘暖曦微博账号被永久禁言 #

Picture 1 shows Liu Nuanxi from the same village, and the "rice flower" in picture 234 is Liu Nuanxi's "witness" Han Su who did not appear in court. #The second instance found that Liu Xin locked the door of the room when the case occurred##二审认定刘鑫对江歌
Picture 1 shows Liu Nuanxi from the same village, and the "rice flower" in picture 234 is Liu Nuanxi's "witness" Han Su who did not appear in court. #The second instance found that Liu Xin locked the door of the room when the case occurred##二审认定刘鑫对江歌
Picture 1 shows Liu Nuanxi from the same village, and the "rice flower" in picture 234 is Liu Nuanxi's "witness" Han Su who did not appear in court. #The second instance found that Liu Xin locked the door of the room when the case occurred##二审认定刘鑫对江歌
Picture 1 shows Liu Nuanxi from the same village, and the "rice flower" in picture 234 is Liu Nuanxi's "witness" Han Su who did not appear in court. #The second instance found that Liu Xin locked the door of the room when the case occurred##二审认定刘鑫对江歌

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