
Can drinking coffee "freeze age"? The "yes and no" of coffee

Andy Lau, Wu Jing and other starring sci-fi movie "The Wandering Earth 2" was released today, recently the two guest on the show, talking about filming and personal life, when Andy Lau revealed that he drank more than 20 cups of coffee every day, Wu Jing was stunned, funny asked: "Then you drank more than twenty cups of frozen age?" ”

Hearing this, netizens said: Go home tonight and drink coffee.

Can drinking coffee "freeze age"? The "yes and no" of coffee

Image from Weibo screenshot

And slowly, don't rush to follow suit. Coffee is not available to everyone, and even if it can, it must be in moderation. As for whether drinking coffee can freeze age and its other effects, let's take a look at what the research says.

First of all, the conclusion: coffee is a little help to health, may be a little help to "frozen age", but should not drink more, otherwise it may do more harm than good. As for the secret of the real "frozen age", it is actually not mysterious at all, and I will tell you at the end of the article.


Can drinking coffee help you "freeze your age"?

It might really help.

When we are young, our skin is rich in collagen, which can maintain the stability of the dermis structure of the skin. But as we age, fibroblast synthesis of Col1 (the most abundant protein in the body, produced by fibroblasts) gradually decreases, causing the skin to gradually show signs of aging and wrinkles to increase.

Can drinking coffee "freeze age"? The "yes and no" of coffee

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In vitro studies have used the effects of black coffee extract on human skin, and the results have shown that black coffee extract can promote the anabolism of Col1 and inhibit the synthesis of MMP-1, the enzyme that wrinkles the skin. In addition, it plays a role in regulating the mechanism of cell aging, regulating collagen metabolism, maintaining the structural stability of collagen fibers and intercellular matrix, improving and repairing skin wrinkles, and increasing the firmness of the skin. Moderate consumption of black coffee is beneficial for delaying skin aging. [1]

Caffeine also protects the skin from oxidative stress-induced aging by activating A2AR/SIRT3/AMPK pathway-mediated autophagy. [2]

In addition, caffeine can also prevent rosacea, and people without acne on their faces will naturally look younger. A 2018 study of 82,737 women found a significant negative correlation between increased caffeine intake and rosacea risk, with long-term adherence to daily coffee reducing the incidence of rosacea. [3]

Can drinking coffee "freeze age"? The "yes and no" of coffee

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Possible reasons are: caffeine has the effect of constricting blood vessels, can regulate hormone levels, contains antioxidants with immunosuppressive effects to reduce symptoms, and has anti-inflammatory effects, rosacea is a common chronic inflammatory skin disease.

It can be seen that drinking coffee every day is indeed beneficial to improve the skin, and can also help you better maintain your "youthful appearance". In addition, drinking coffee will also take in water, the more coffee you drink, the more water you indirectly supplement, enough water can prevent dry skin, but also make your skin more supple and smooth. However, coffee also has a diuretic effect, so remember to drink extra water.


What are the benefits of drinking coffee often?

Drinks like coffee, which are loved by many people, have other benefits besides helping you stay "younger".

1. Refresh your mind

The caffeine in coffee can cause central nervous system excitement, slight myocardial excitement, and make people clearer and energetic. It can temporarily relieve fatigue and improve work and study efficiency.

Can drinking coffee "freeze age"? The "yes and no" of coffee

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2. Improve athletic performance and endurance

Because caffeine stimulates central nervous system excitability, consuming caffeine before exercise can improve exercise performance regardless of gender. Many studies have shown that the intake of low and medium doses of caffeine 60~120 minutes before exercise has a more obvious effect on improving aerobic endurance. [4]

Caffeine increases intracellular calcium concentration, and the excited-contraction coupling effect is the most likely mechanism for improving strength and muscular endurance.

The International Society of Sports Nutrition published its attitude on the relationship between caffeine and exercise in 2021: caffeine has been shown to significantly improve athletic performance, such as improving muscular endurance, muscle strength, athletic speed, sprinting, jumping, throwing performance, etc. Both aerobic and anaerobic exercise have a positive effect, and can also enhance the concentration and vigilance of most people. [5]

When consumed in doses of 3-6 mg/kg body weight, athletic performance can be improved, and as low as 2 mg/kg is effective. For example, a 60 kg healthy adult who consumes 120 mg of caffeine can improve athletic performance, which is equivalent to about 1.5 cups of plain coffee (150 ml/cup).

In addition, caffeine can also promote energy expenditure and fat metabolism, which can help with weight loss.

Can drinking coffee "freeze age"? The "yes and no" of coffee

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3. May be helpful in preventing Parkinson's disease

Foreign scientists have found that coffee contains eicosanoyl-5-hydroxytryptamine. Animal experiments have shown that this substance, taken in combination with caffeine, can delay or prevent the development of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease (note that this is only animal experimentation). [6]

4. Prevent type 2 diabetes

The "Food and Health - Scientific Evidence Consensus" released by the Chinese Nutrition Society pointed out that moderate consumption of coffee (about 1~2 cups of American coffee per day) may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

It has also been mentioned that chlorogenic acid and other phenolic compounds in coffee can inhibit glucose absorption and increase insulin sensitivity by interfering with glucose transport. Coffee can also prevent diabetes by reducing body fat. [7] Compared with subjects who drank up to 2 cups of coffee per day, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes with at least 4~6 cups of coffee per day was relatively lower.

However, to prevent diabetes, don't add sugar when drinking coffee!

In addition, as for whether drinking coffee regularly can prevent cancer, a new Australian study found that drinking coffee is not associated with cancer, and daily coffee consumption neither increases nor reduces the risk of cancer. [8]


What happens if you drink too much coffee?

Although drinking coffee regularly has many benefits to the body, this does not mean that the more coffee you drink, the better, and different groups of people have different tolerance for coffee.

Excessive coffee drinking can cause insomnia, palpitation, temporary increase in blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, yellowing of teeth, and increased calcium loss. Moreover, excessive coffee consumption is also not friendly to cardiovascular health and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, including raising blood cholesterol, raising blood pressure, and increasing plasma levels of homocysteine. Homocysteine is neurovascular toxic and is closely associated with the onset of Alzheimer's disease. [7]

Can drinking coffee "freeze age"? The "yes and no" of coffee

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There have also been studies that have mentioned that drinking high doses of coffee per day (five or more cups of caffeinated coffee per day) increases the risk of gastric cardia cancer. [9]

In addition, it is best not to drink unfiltered coffee, because it contains caffetol and caffetol can increase the level of total serum cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (bad cholesterol), which in turn increases the risk of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. [7]


How much coffee is safe?

Since drinking too much coffee is harmful to health, how much is it safe?

The Institute of Nutrition and Health of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the Food Hygiene Branch of the Chinese Preventive Medicine Association and other 5 institutions jointly issued the "Scientific Consensus on Coffee and Health" a few days ago, suggesting that the daily caffeine intake of ordinary adults should be controlled within 400 mg.

Can drinking coffee "freeze age"? The "yes and no" of coffee

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Equivalent to no more than 4 cups of pure coffee (150 ml/cup), if it is a small packet of 1.8~2 grams of instant coffee, no more than 5 bags per day.

In addition, it is not recommended to drink coffee for children and adolescents, the elderly, pregnant and lactating people, people with high blood pressure, patients with glaucoma, people with a genetic tendency to high intraocular pressure, and patients with osteoporosis.


This is more recommended if you want to "freeze age"

Although drinking coffee can delay aging somewhat on a basis, we don't need to drink a lot of coffee every day for "freezing age", after all, drinking too much is harmful to health. If you want to stay young, you can work more on diet and exercise.

1. Diet

Eat foods rich in vitamin C, high-quality protein, and antioxidants. Foods supplemented with vitamin C are recommended winter dates, kiwi fruit, oranges, grapefruit, oranges, strawberries, papayas; Foods supplementing high-quality protein are recommended for meat, eggs, milk beans, and meat is recommended to consume more foods rich in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as salmon, anchovies, herring and other deep-sea fish; Foods with antioxidants recommend eating more dark vegetables, such as broccoli, purple cabbage, Chinese cabbage, rape, carrots, tomatoes, etc.

Can drinking coffee "freeze age"? The "yes and no" of coffee

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2. Drink plenty of water

Maintaining adequate daily water intake can delay aging and prevent chronic diseases. It is recommended that women drink at least 1500 ml per day and men drink 1700 ml.

3. Keep moving

Exercise not only strengthens muscles and bones, but also accelerates blood circulation in the skin and promotes metabolism. There are also studies that show that exercise can achieve anti-aging effects by stabilizing the telomere structure and delaying telomere loss. [10]

Can drinking coffee "freeze age"? The "yes and no" of coffee

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If you want to slow down aging, don't expect to drink coffee, after all, everyone has a different tolerance for coffee. Some people may have no problem drinking many cups, but some people can't stand just one or two drinks.

If you want to "freeze age", the most important thing is to have a regular routine and a balanced diet, but don't expect "special food". Many people have good skin care, plus medical beauty makeup, they naturally look beautiful and young. In the new year, I wish everyone more and more beautiful!


[1] CUI Liwen, ZHANG Jialing. Effects of black coffee extract on collagen and aging-related genes in human skin fibroblasts[J].Journal of Food Safety and Quality Detection,2019,10(03):710-714.)

[2] Li YF, Ouyang SH, Tu LF, et al. Caffeine Protects Skin from Oxidative Stress-Induced Senescence through the Activation of Autophagy. Theranostics. 2018;8( 20):5713-5730. Published 2018 Nov 10. doi:10.7150/thno.28778

[3] Li S, Chen ML, Drucker AM, et al. Association of Caffeine Intake and Caffeinated Coffee Consumption With Risk of Incident Rosacea in Women. JAMA Dermatol. 2018;154(12):1394-1400. doi:10.1001/jamadermatol.2018.3301

[4] LIU Yihong,LIANG Rui. Effect of caffeine on delaying exercise fatigue and aerobic endurance[J].Contemporary Physical Education,2022(6):0129-0131.)

[5] Guest NS, VanDusseldorp TA, Nelson MT, et al. International society of sports nutrition position stand: caffeine and exercise performance. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2021;18(1):1. Published 2021 Jan 2. doi:10.1186/s12970-020-00383-4

[6] Scientists: Coffee contains anti-brain aging substances or can delay Parkinson's disease[J].Chinese Journal of Food Science,2018,18(12):51.)

[7] ZANG Yanfen, CAO Yanan, WU Xiaomei. Occupational Health and Occupation,2022,38(03):425-428+432.DOI:10.13329/j.cnki.zyyjk.2022.0046.

[8] Australian study: coffee drinking is not associated with cancer[J].Chinese Journal of Food Science,2019,19(07):208.)

[9] Martimianaki G, Bertuccio P, Alicandro G, Pelucchi C, Bravi F, Carioli G, Bonzi R, Rabkin CS, Liao LM, Sinha R, Johnson K, Hu J, Palli D, Ferraroni M, Lunet N, Morais S, Tsugane S, Hidaka A, Hamada GS, López-Carrillo L, Hernández-Ramírez RU, Zaridze D, Maximovitch D, Aragonés N, Martin V, Ward MH, Vioque J, Garcia de la Hera M, Zhang ZF, Kurtz RC, Lagiou P, Lagiou A, Trichopoulou A, Karakatsani A, Malekzadeh R, Camargo MC, Curado MP, Boccia S, Boffetta P, Negri E, La Vecchia C. Coffee consumption and gastric cancer: a pooled analysis from the Stomach cancer Pooling Project consortium. Eur J Cancer Prev. 2022 Mar 1;31(2):117-127. doi: 10.1097/CEJ.0000000000000680. PMID: 34545022; PMCID: PMC8972971.

[10] PENG Shuai, QIU Fen, LI Shuangyan, et al. Exercise and anti-aging:Biological mechanism of telomeres affected by exercise[C]//.Proceedings of the 7th Guangzhou International Symposium on Exercise and Health in 2022.,2022:234-235.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2022.037051.

Author: Xue Qingxin, member of Chinese Nutrition Society, registered dietitian, health manager, public nutritionist

Reviewed: Nguyen Quang Feng, Director of Science and Technology Department, Kexin Food and Nutrition Information Exchange Center

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