
Jet Li's "evil" is not as bad as you think

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Jet Li's "evil" is not as bad as you think

Jet Li is a well-known "Kung Fu Emperor", his success is not accidental, if it is not to pay thousands of times more efforts than ordinary people, how to exchange his outstanding achievements in acting career.

In the past, the most popular kung fu superstars Jackie Chan, Hong Jinbao and Jet Li, only Jackie Chan's big brother is still active in the entertainment circle, and the youngest Jet Li has retired early, which is regrettable.

Jet Li's "evil" is not as bad as you think

In recent years, Jet Li has lived in seclusion and rarely reported it, so he was once killed by some artificial rumors.

Plagued by illness, Jet Li has indeed suffered a lot. As we all know, Jet Li suffers from hyperthyroidism, and the symptoms mainly include protruding eyes, eyelid edema, vision loss and other symptoms.

So there was a time when we saw Jet Li being a puffed, puffy, and old image.

Jet Li's "evil" is not as bad as you think

If it is not the cause of the injury, Jet Li's height in his acting career will at least go to several levels.

Throughout Jet Li's life, he has been a low-key person and a high-profile person, and he often does it himself in some public welfare undertakings. However, even if he pays silently, there are still some people who are not inferior to him, thinking that Jet Li is "atonement".

Jet Li's "evil" is not as bad as you think

Jet Li's life is bright and clear, just like Huang Feihong, Fang Shiyu and other characters in the play. It is just that there are two topics that can never be bypassed in him, which have become his "burdens", and they are nationality issues and emotional issues.

Over the years, as long as jet Li is mentioned, it will usher in a wave of insults from some extreme netizens, such as "negative people", "scumbags", "abandoning wives and women" and so on.

This is not, recently the Internet leaked a group of ex-wife Huang Qiuyan's daughter playing soccer video, only to see the young woman in the video, tall, eyebrows clear- and beautiful, the appearance is not lost to the entertainment industry actress.

Jet Li's "evil" is not as bad as you think

Once the photo was disseminated, it immediately attracted heated discussion among netizens. Jet Li was pushed to the cusp of the storm again, and many netizens compared the woman with Li Zhi's two daughters, and felt that Huang Qiuyan's daughter beat Li Zhi's daughter in terms of appearance.

And sure enough, some people repeated the old matter, and then picked up Jet Li's "scars" and scolded him for not paying attention to his ex-wife's daughter, but was very fond of Li Zhi's daughter.

Jet Li's "evil" is not as bad as you think

In fact, the girl wearing a football suit in the video is not Huang Qiuyan's daughter, but a mainland Internet celebrity, who was later transported by Taiwanese netizens, and said that it was Jet Li's daughter, making a big oolong.

Jet Li's "evil" is not as bad as you think

The reason why Jet Li will be insulted for so many years is only because he did not stand up and respond positively to many rumors on the Internet, so it caused the public to misunderstand him.

Everyone's emotional life has grown up from splitting hands again and again. Jet Li, as a superstar in the entertainment industry in the past, has very few scandals and can be regarded as a clear stream in the entertainment industry.

There are only two women that we know well, one is Huang Qiuyan, a sister who looks like a green plum bamboo horse, and the other is Li Zhi, who has the appearance of a country and a city.

Jet Li's "evil" is not as bad as you think

Jet Li and Huang Qiuyan both belong to the kind of introverted people, and in the eyes of outsiders, the two should come together. However, Jet Li was more of a "brotherly feeling" for Huang Qiuyan at that time.

A "Shaolin Temple" made 17-year-old Jet Li popular overnight, and jet Li at that time was just a hairy guy, he only knew that he was red, he should work harder to shoot the drama, and he did not pay attention to the feelings at all.

And the girl's mind is always more, years of practice, Huang Qiuyan has long been secretly affectionate with this master and disciple, silently paying, willing to become the woman behind Jet Li.

Jet Li's "evil" is not as bad as you think

At that time, Jet Li was very slow to react to feelings, and only knew that Huang Qiuyan took good care of him. And he is also a person who knows how to repay the favor, after he became popular, he did not forget Huang Qiuyan.

So when Zhang Xinyan invited Li Lian to act in "Shaolin Kid", he recommended Huang Qiuyan to the director. Because Jet Li feels that he has succeeded, and he also hopes that Huang Qiuyan will also succeed, the relationship between the two has always been because Huang Qiuyan has not given up and has been in contact one after another.

Jet Li's "evil" is not as bad as you think

As the two works were put on the screen, the outside world was quite interested in Jet Li's love life, so they often matched Huang Qiuyan and Jet Li together, and over time everyone tacitly acquiesced to their relationship.

In fact, throughout the "love" process, Huang Qiuyan did not dare to express her inner thoughts too bluntly, taking good care of Jet Li at the same time, and deliberately restraining her emotions.

Finally, one day, Jet Li suddenly understood, knew Huang Qiuyan's love for him, and immediately proposed the idea of marrying Huang Qiuyan.

Jet Li's "evil" is not as bad as you think

In this way, Jet Li and Huang Qiuyan were married with hindsight. This year, Jet Li was only 24 years old.

It's just that this happy marriage lasted only 3 years, and then it quickly parted ways. Just because of one daughter , Lee Chi.

Years later, Jet Li said in the program: "For the sake of Li Zhi, you can ruin the so-called future, every day's blood vessels are boiling, I know that is love!" ”

Jet Li's "evil" is not as bad as you think

The appearance of Li Zhi made Jet Li understand what love is, just as Huang Qiuyan was desperate for jet Li. And now Jet Li is also facing a choice in life, compared with Huang Qiuyan's bland married life, he has no hesitation in choosing to talk to Li Zhi about a vigorous love.

Jet Li's "evil" is not as bad as you think

Many people think that Jet Li is making excuses for his departure, but Xiaobian believes that Jet Li's struggle and helplessness at that time, the composition of family affection between him and Huang Qiuyan is far more than love.

Jet Li's "evil" is not as bad as you think

In order to make up for Huang Qiuyan, Jet Li can be said to have gone out of the house and left everything in the United States to the other party. Jet Li's "abandoning wife and children" has always been circulating on the Internet, but Jet Li is really not as bad as everyone thinks.

Huang Qiuyan's two children are also raised by Jet Li, because he usually has to shoot, Jet Li gave this responsibility to his brothers and sisters to help take care of his two daughters.

In addition, although Huang Qiuyan and Jet Li did not have a husband and wife relationship, the two are still friends, and to this day Huang Qiuyan will call "Mother" when she sees Jet Li's mother.

Jet Li's "evil" is not as bad as you think
Jet Li's "evil" is not as bad as you think

Later, Huang Qiuyan had a relationship, in order to congratulate his ex-wife on remarriage, Jet Li deliberately took out 50,000 US dollars in the name of the child to buy a car as a gift for Huang Qiuyan.

Many celebrity couples in the entertainment industry, once divorced, belong to the state of fighting to the death and not interacting with each other, and even some people tear each other apart because of interests. Like Jet Li and Huang Qiuyan, it is simply rare.

If Jet Li still has feelings and righteousness for Huang Qiuyan, how could he ignore his own flesh and bones? Over the years, the public's misunderstanding of Jet Li has been too deep.

Ex-wife's eldest daughter: Li Si

Jet Li's "evil" is not as bad as you think

Born in 1988, Huang Qiuyan became pregnant with her when she went abroad, and the beauty of the eldest daughter followed her mother Huang Qiuyan.

For the education of his two daughters, Jet Li did not dare to slack off for a moment, and sent the sisters to a well-known university in the United States for further study.

Ex-wife's youngest daughter: Li Timmy

Jet Li's "evil" is not as bad as you think

The youngest daughter, Li Timmy, is 1 year younger than her sister Li Si, and she looks more like her father Jet Li. The two daughters have been very well-behaved and obedient since childhood, almost never going out to play alone, in addition to their classmates, their best friends are their uncles and aunts' cousins.

Although they rarely see their fathers every year, whenever neighbors mention Jet Li to them, they always show a proud expression.

Both sisters inherit Jet Li's low-key personality, and neither in the school nor in life now, they do not want to live in the spotlight.

Jet Li's "evil" is not as bad as you think

When four daughters are in the same frame, can you tell who is who? Celebrities are also people, and Jet Li is reluctant to explain too much about his private life, the purpose of which is that he does not want his daughters to be disturbed too much by the media.

Today, the 58-year-old Jet Li spends most of his time in temples around the world to pray for blessings. But sometimes, for the sake of his daughter, he is also obliged to occasionally make cameos in some movies.

It is reported that last year's "Mulan", the reason why Jet Li will star, is entirely because of listening to the words of the two daughters, the daughter said that it is to promote Chinese culture.

Jet Li's "evil" is not as bad as you think

20 years ago, Jet Li gave up everything for Li Zhi, and 20 years later, Jet Li put all his love into his four daughters. His good father image is undoubtedly well-deserved, as to whether he is a "good husband", it can only be a benevolent person who sees wisdom.


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