
Hans Christian Andersen: Wrote beautiful fairy tales and enjoyed a hundred years of loneliness

author:Danyuan Dansk Beeauty

On August 4, 1875, a tall, thin old man with a clean face died quietly in a country house in Copenhagen, ending his lonely life with liver cancer. Many years later, the stories he created were translated into more than 150 languages and spread around the world, becoming the most profound bedside stories in countless people's childhood memories, and he is the father of modern fairy tales - Hans Christian Andersen.

Hans Christian Andersen: Wrote beautiful fairy tales and enjoyed a hundred years of loneliness

Today is the 145th anniversary of Andersen's death, in his pen, reality and fantasy blend, he wrote with innocence and compassion, with a sense of innocence and compassion, with a transcendent classic and beauty, after two centuries without fading.

Hans Christian Andersen: Wrote beautiful fairy tales and enjoyed a hundred years of loneliness

Andersen's life is a fairy tale

Andersen's life, like the ugly duckling in his fairy tale, started from humility, clinging to his own talent path, and eventually became a swan.

In 1805, Hans Christine Andersen was born in a poor family in Odense, Denmark, the father was a shoemaker, loved to read, the mother was a maid, she liked to tell stories to the little Hans Christian Andersen, these childhood experiences also invisibly laid the foundation for his later fairy tale creation of the original family.

Unfortunately, Andersen's father died of illness when he was 11 years old, and then his mother remarried, and little Andersen had to work part-time in the theater to support the family, and theater life became his original ideal of life, and Andersen was very eager to become an actor and show his beautiful and moving dancing style and singing voice.

Hans Christian Andersen: Wrote beautiful fairy tales and enjoyed a hundred years of loneliness

At the age of 15, he traveled alone to Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, with 13 coins, wearing the overly short clothes and pants left to him by his father, with holes in his boots and a large hat that was out of place. Such a tattered outfit made him suffer a lot on the way to self-promotion, but because Hans Christian Andersen was very good at singing, after several twists and turns, he was accepted as an apprentice by siberni, the dean of the Royal Danish Conservatory of Music, and since then he has entered the choir of the Royal Theatre.

However, providence tricked people, and Hans Christian Andersen soon entered the period of voice change, the original clear juvenile tone ceased to exist, and he had to leave the choir and redo his plans. In order to stay in the theater, Andersen decided to change his career to screenwriting, he spent 14 days to piece together a script to send to the Theatre Royal, only to get a refusal reply, just when discouraged, but received a letter from the director of the Royal Theatre, Jonas Colin, who greatly appreciated Andersen's talent and hoped that the other party would come to him.

Hans Christian Andersen: Wrote beautiful fairy tales and enjoyed a hundred years of loneliness

Jonas Colin was an important nobleman in Andersen's bumpy life, and he sent 17-year-old Hans Christian Andersen to study at grammar school, which was considered an over-aged student at the time, and gave Andersen a lot of financial support and spiritual encouragement.

In the years that followed, Andersen began to read a large number of literary classics, and tried to write poetry and novels, at the age of 24 was admitted to the University of Copenhagen, at the age of 30 published a long novel "Improv Poet", and 29 days later launched his first collection of fairy tales "Stories for Children".

It sounds like Hans Christian Andersen's life has ushered in a great reversal, but this is not the case, in the Danish literary world at that time, only poetry, drama, and novels were literary orthodoxy, and fairy tales were not in the flow. The young Hans Christian Andersen was criticized by a large number of literary and artistic figures, and some even felt that his fairy tales would make children have a wrong perception and should be banned. (The editor remembered that suicide plots were banned in children's literature not long ago, and the two are the same, and the history is indeed similar.) )

After the completion of "The Daughter of the Sea", Andersen could not find a publisher, and even his character was criticized, and today, Hans Christian Andersen is a star with a black physique. But he was strongly opposed to public opinion, did not succumb to popular opinion, and firmly engaged in fairy tale creation, until he was later recognized by the Danish king, and he began to be accepted by the mainstream literary community.

Hans Christian Andersen: Wrote beautiful fairy tales and enjoyed a hundred years of loneliness

Only by understanding this world will we love it deeply

Among the world's fairy tale writers who are full of stars, Andersen is outstanding because the biggest difference between him and the previous fairy tale writers is to let the fairy tales go out of the simple collation and repetition of folk tales, directly from the treasures of real life, and through its spiritual techniques and poetic language, to create a fairy tale masterpiece that can truly touch the "soul" of the reader.

In the impression of many people, fairy tales are for children. In fact, most andrshankar Andersen's fairy tales are not written specifically for children. From the publication of the third collection of fairy tales, he deliberately removed the phrase "tell it to children". In his fairy tales, children harvest magnificent imagination, tenacious will and loving comfort, while adults understand more complex and broader.

Hans Christian Andersen's sentimentality always harbored hope, and with a trembling poetry, he laid a gentle background like moonlight for the tragedy. Among them, the most typical is "The Little Girl Who Sold Matches", a barefoot girl in a cold freeze, catching a glimpse of a happy life in the faint light of matches, reaching out to be embraced by the loving grandmother in the phantom.

Only by understanding this world will we love it deeply. In his later works, Andersen's style was more realistic, but not cynical, but more devoted to humanity. Because he had experienced the hardships of life, he actually ignited a raging fire from the cold.

"The Glorious Thorn Road" shows his high degree of optimism and confidence in "people". In this prose poem-like work, Andersen depicts many outstanding predecessors in human history, who without exception walk on the "glorious thorny road", face suffering and are not discouraged, and they inspire the fighting spirit of later generations with their own hard work and persistence.

Like his Little Mermaid, Andersen could see both the deep sea and the starry sky. Re-reading Hans Christian Andersen with an adult mindset, it is not difficult for us to find that his concern for the bottom, the insight into the irony of social darkness, and the yearning for truth, goodness and beauty, although in the form of fairy tales, are neither naïve nor outdated, shining with enduring literary charm.

Hans Christian Andersen: Wrote beautiful fairy tales and enjoyed a hundred years of loneliness

"The glorious thorny road really has no end"

Andersen's life experience also influenced his fairy tale creation, and many of the 168 fairy tales he wrote in his lifetime were told in fairy tale brushstrokes about the cruel real world. This is somewhat similar to Miyazaki, who makes cartoons but does not produce sweet and dreamy marshmallows.

Andersen's thorny path may not have ended until after his death, which he probably expected, but he was convinced that the end of the road was rebirth, healing and happiness.

Hans Christian Andersen: Wrote beautiful fairy tales and enjoyed a hundred years of loneliness

"Mankind, when the soul understands its mission, can you experience the happiness that you feel in this moment of awakening? In this moment, all the wounds you have inflicted on the glorious path of thorns, even if they have been inflicted by yourself, will heal and restore health, strength, and pleasure; the noise will become harmonious..." (excerpt from The Glorious Path of Thorns)

"There is really no end to the glorious thorny road", as long as the world is still there, there will always be people who want to set foot here, although millions of people are looking forward to it.

Hans Christian Andersen: Wrote beautiful fairy tales and enjoyed a hundred years of loneliness

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