
The Hilletti Shepherd, is a Collie Shepherd that is well-proportioned and beautiful, and can easily be mistaken for a small breed of the Rough-haired Shepherd. The ancestors of the Shepherd are shepherd dog breeds, so they can be made

The Hilletti Shepherd, is a Collie Shepherd that is well-proportioned and beautiful, and can easily be mistaken for a small breed of the Rough-haired Shepherd. The Shepherd is a shepherd breed, so it makes an excellent family dog and a clever guard dog. The Sheleti Shepherd is one of the ten most popular domestic dogs.

Joyty is intelligent, adaptable, friendly to others, and belongs to a more sensual type of dog. Joyty is loyal and passionate to her hosts and very easy to train. Its coat is very well cared for. Joy hair is long but not shedding, usually combed with a steel comb. The amount of exercise of the Joy Eaty is not very large, and it can be trained to play some tricks. It is also very dignified and pleasant to bring with you on outings with friends, and the food intake of Joyetti is small and easy to feed.

Joy loves to scream, especially when happy, in addition, the personality is a little stubborn, when he does not want to obey, he will play the fool, and his life habits are not easy to change, for example, he often recognizes his sleeping turf, and usually does not want to sleep elsewhere.

#cute pet# #dog# #喜乐蒂 #

The Hilletti Shepherd, is a Collie Shepherd that is well-proportioned and beautiful, and can easily be mistaken for a small breed of the Rough-haired Shepherd. The ancestors of the Shepherd are shepherd dog breeds, so they can be made
The Hilletti Shepherd, is a Collie Shepherd that is well-proportioned and beautiful, and can easily be mistaken for a small breed of the Rough-haired Shepherd. The ancestors of the Shepherd are shepherd dog breeds, so they can be made
The Hilletti Shepherd, is a Collie Shepherd that is well-proportioned and beautiful, and can easily be mistaken for a small breed of the Rough-haired Shepherd. The ancestors of the Shepherd are shepherd dog breeds, so they can be made
The Hilletti Shepherd, is a Collie Shepherd that is well-proportioned and beautiful, and can easily be mistaken for a small breed of the Rough-haired Shepherd. The ancestors of the Shepherd are shepherd dog breeds, so they can be made
The Hilletti Shepherd, is a Collie Shepherd that is well-proportioned and beautiful, and can easily be mistaken for a small breed of the Rough-haired Shepherd. The ancestors of the Shepherd are shepherd dog breeds, so they can be made
The Hilletti Shepherd, is a Collie Shepherd that is well-proportioned and beautiful, and can easily be mistaken for a small breed of the Rough-haired Shepherd. The ancestors of the Shepherd are shepherd dog breeds, so they can be made
The Hilletti Shepherd, is a Collie Shepherd that is well-proportioned and beautiful, and can easily be mistaken for a small breed of the Rough-haired Shepherd. The ancestors of the Shepherd are shepherd dog breeds, so they can be made
The Hilletti Shepherd, is a Collie Shepherd that is well-proportioned and beautiful, and can easily be mistaken for a small breed of the Rough-haired Shepherd. The ancestors of the Shepherd are shepherd dog breeds, so they can be made
The Hilletti Shepherd, is a Collie Shepherd that is well-proportioned and beautiful, and can easily be mistaken for a small breed of the Rough-haired Shepherd. The ancestors of the Shepherd are shepherd dog breeds, so they can be made

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