
X love for too long has so many disadvantages

author:Seek medical advice
X love for too long has so many disadvantages

This issue of the case: Mr. He and his wife have been married for nearly half a year, is in the sweet atmosphere of the newlywed Yan'er, every time he lives X life, Mr. He tries to extend his time as much as possible, always hoping to show his masculine side, but also hope that his wife can be satisfied.

At first, although he was exhausted every time, he could perform quite well in the length of time, but over time he found that his "little brother" seemed to be less obedient, and even felt uncomfortable, and went to the hospital to do relevant examinations to find that his predecessor glands were "sick" due to his excessive prolongation of X life.

X love for too long has so many disadvantages

Why men want to be "long-distance running champions"

For most men, they are always willing to show their most masculine side in X life, usually hoping that they can be tougher and more durable, so as to get the appreciation and like of the opposite sex.

According to the survey, at least 70% of men want to extend their X love time, and there is also a deliberate delay in the process of X life, they believe that lasting X love ability is directly proportional to their own charm.

X love for too long has so many disadvantages

Does X Love also have perfect time?

Most of the time, many people are blind to the calculation of X love time, some people start from the pre-play, some people start from X sex. In fact, the scientific calculation of X love time is also based on evidence.

According to the tests of American researchers, the "international unit of measurement" of X love, also known as the ejaculation latency period (IELT), is proposed, indicating that the time from tintin entering the Y channel until the completion of ejaculation in the Y channel is the real time of X love, and its reference standard is between 7-13 minutes. Moreover, according to a large number of survey data, less than 7 minutes will always make people unfinished, and when it exceeds 13 minutes, the sense of experience will plummet.

X love for too long has so many disadvantages

Therefore, the longer the time of X love, the better, so the pleasure and satisfaction that X love brings to people is not determined by the length of time.

X Love for too long is also harmful

Clinically, X life lasts too long, not only the benefits are not obvious, but the disadvantages are more prominent:

1, too long time will lead to physical exhaustion

X love for too long has so many disadvantages

As we all know, in the process of X love, many organs of the human body need to participate in this movement, the spirit is also highly tense and concentrated, the X organs of both men and women will continue to be in a highly hypergestatic state, and the heartbeat is accelerated, blood circulation is intensified, resulting in accelerated metabolism, and the consumption of body functions in this process will be very obvious.

If X lives for too long, it will cause the human body to have a phenomenon of physical exhaustion, and there will be a feeling of fatigue of lack of energy and physical weakness, such as not resting in time, and even this feeling will last for many days and is difficult to alleviate.

X love for too long has so many disadvantages

2, X love satisfaction decreased

Surveys show that most men do not get their expected satisfaction after the extension of the pursuit of X love time, due to physical exhaustion will replace the excitement brought by X love, and hunger will increase, even at the end of the difficulty of perseverance, the sense of experience continues to decline with the extension of time.

3, causing physical diseases

Clinically, it has been shown that in the process of X life, the X organs of both sides continue to be in a highly hyperemic state, and require close contact and activity, and too long a period of time will lead to the emergence of some pathologies: women may have urinary tract infections, menstrual disorders, etc., and men may have prostate diseases, such as prostatitis.

X love for too long has so many disadvantages

How to scientifically manage X love time

Regarding the time of X love, it is too short for people to be satisfied, and too long may lead to the body eating, so it is necessary to foresee and manage the science of X love time.

1. Stop appropriately

Men should learn to smoothly control their pre-ejaculation emotions, if they are too tired, they can take a proper rest of 30-60 seconds before the GC comes, relieve fatigue and reduce the stimulation of X organs, so that not only the X love time increases but also reduces the fatigue of both parties.

X love for too long has so many disadvantages

2, experience cooperation

X love is after all a matter for both men and women, but also pay attention to a tacit understanding and cooperation between the two sides, when feeling each other's needs can be guided or helped to alleviate, of course, the specific need for the two people in practice to try to feel.

3. Change the X crossbody position

Different X-cosmopathic positions bring people different feelings, and changing the X-cosmosis position will also help alleviate the fatigue of one party, and some asanas can also help men reach GC faster and control X love within a comfortable range.

X love for too long has so many disadvantages

4, X love times is not greedy

The number of X love in the life of the couple, it is best to coordinate according to the needs of both parties, do not blindly pursue the increase in the number of X love, maintain a good X love is not only the lubricant of the couple's life, but also allows people to have confidence and health.

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