
After looking at the current situation of 65-year-old Ding Yongdai, I knew that Jin Xing had already told the answer

author:Ling'er said

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After looking at the current situation of 65-year-old Ding Yongdai, I knew that Jin Xing had already told the answer

Text: Ling'er said

Editor|Ling'er said

After looking at the current situation of 65-year-old Ding Yongdai, I knew that Jin Xing had already told the answer


How could there be a big dream in the Tang Dynasty when you woke up! Today's screen saw this old drama bone sweeping the screen again, and Jin Cancan's acting skills were dazzling. is the person who Jin Xing called "Ding Yongdai is the clear stream of the entertainment industry" in the show back then!

After looking at the current situation of 65-year-old Ding Yongdai, I knew that Jin Xing had already told the answer

In the just-finished TV series "South to North", Ding Yongdai created an unforgettable image of a criminal police officer - Ma Kui. This once iron-clad and happy criminal policeman suffered from anxiety disorders when he got old, and his temperament changed greatly. Ding Yongdai vividly interprets the violent inner loneliness and depression in his behavior, allowing people to experience Ma Kui's inner world as if they were there.

After looking at the current situation of 65-year-old Ding Yongdai, I knew that Jin Xing had already told the answer

What's even more amazing is that Ding Yongdai played the supporting role of Zhou Zhigang in the big drama "The World", which was popular all over the country last year. Zhou Zhigang is a mental patient who stutters due to excessive nervousness, nagging and behaving strangely all day long. Ding Yongdai's meticulous performance almost makes people think that he is such a small person who lives on the fringes of society and is discriminated against.

After looking at the current situation of 65-year-old Ding Yongdai, I knew that Jin Xing had already told the answer

It was this outstanding acting skill that allowed Ding Yongdai to win the 2022 Magnolia Award for Best Supporting Actor in one fell swoop. In fact, as early as a few years ago in "Langya Bang", Ding Yongdai had already shown outstanding acting skills and successfully interpreted the image of a violent and tyrannical emperor.

After looking at the current situation of 65-year-old Ding Yongdai, I knew that Jin Xing had already told the answer

It can be seen that Ding Yongdai is good at digging into the hearts of characters, and fully embodies the character's personality characteristics and emotional changes in the external expressions. He has a unique interpretation technique, which can be called a performance master of "dimensionality reduction strike".

After looking at the current situation of 65-year-old Ding Yongdai, I knew that Jin Xing had already told the answer

Such superb acting skills were honed by Ding Yongdai for decades. Born in a scholarly family, he has had a strong interest in literature and art since he was a child, and later resolutely admitted to the Inner Mongolia Academy of Arts to study performance. But when he first debuted, he encountered many obstacles.

After looking at the current situation of 65-year-old Ding Yongdai, I knew that Jin Xing had already told the answer

At first, Ding Yongdai could only barely make ends meet in the crew, and often even food and clothing became a problem. In order to support himself, he had to work multiple temporary jobs and move from place to place like a prodigal son. At one point, he even thought about giving up his dream completely and quitting this despised profession.

After looking at the current situation of 65-year-old Ding Yongdai, I knew that Jin Xing had already told the answer


Just when he was struggling to get by, a turning point crept in. In 2000, Ding Yongdai was rediscovered and starred in the villain Bai Baoshan in the TV series "China Criminal Investigation Case No. 1". This evil, ruthless, and extreme character was portrayed by him in this way, and the audience all sang praises to him.

After looking at the current situation of 65-year-old Ding Yongdai, I knew that Jin Xing had already told the answer

After that, Ding Yongdai was also solidified by the market because he was too accustomed to playing a negative role, and could only be a villain image such as a ruffian, a hooligan, and a criminal in various dramas. But he was not imprisoned by the box, but used his acting skills to constantly break through people's cognition.

After looking at the current situation of 65-year-old Ding Yongdai, I knew that Jin Xing had already told the answer

In the 2017 period drama "Langya Bang", Ding Yongdai played the role of Emperor Liang Ye. The image of this domineering emperor is extremely challenging, but he is completely mastered by his delicate and nuanced performance. I don't know how many viewers were impressed by the kingly aura exuded from him.

After looking at the current situation of 65-year-old Ding Yongdai, I knew that Jin Xing had already told the answer

Since then, Ding Yongdai's acting skills have finally been fully affirmed by the industry. No matter what type of role he plays, he can always interpret his inner complex emotions vividly. As the so-called Hero's Night Festival is not late, Ding Yongdai finally gained a firm foothold in the film and television industry at the age of 65. In fact, in Ding Yongdai's difficult career as an actor, there are not only struggles and hardships, but also warm and interesting episodes.

After looking at the current situation of 65-year-old Ding Yongdai, I knew that Jin Xing had already told the answer

Everyone knows that Ding Yongdai is now recognized as a "good husband" in the circle, and he and his wife Zhao Xuehua are in love and grow old together. But have you ever heard that the story of their meeting and falling in love is so interesting?

After looking at the current situation of 65-year-old Ding Yongdai, I knew that Jin Xing had already told the answer

It turned out that it was when Ding Yongdai was still working in the repertory troupe. By chance, he caught a glimpse of a pair of bright red cloth shoes backstage in the theater and was immediately fascinated by the owner of the shoes. In this wonderful love at first sight, Ding Yongdai started the road of pursuing Zhao Xuehua to lie down and win.

After looking at the current situation of 65-year-old Ding Yongdai, I knew that Jin Xing had already told the answer

Relying on Ding Yongdai's infatuation, the two got married without any grand ceremony. Now that they have been together for more than 30 years, they are still in love as before, and they can be described as a model couple of artists.

After looking at the current situation of 65-year-old Ding Yongdai, I knew that Jin Xing had already told the answer

However, Ding Yongdai still has some regrets in family life. Due to the long-term filming outside, the relationship with his son Ding Ning has always been a little rusty. There was even a period of time when Ding Yongdai was too strict with his son, which caused the relationship between father and son to fall into a cold period for a while.

After looking at the current situation of 65-year-old Ding Yongdai, I knew that Jin Xing had already told the answer

Fortunately, Ding Ning later studied abroad and studied film, which can be regarded as realizing Ding Yongdai's dream when he was young from another road in the film and television industry. It's a pity that Ding Ning has not married yet, and Ding Yongdai has no descendants to inherit the incense.

After looking at the current situation of 65-year-old Ding Yongdai, I knew that Jin Xing had already told the answer

Such twists and turns in his life have tempered Ding Yongdai more and more old and stable. Time flies, and now he is in his old age, but he still does not forget the artistic pursuit of his youth. Whether it is showing his heroic demeanor in "Langya Bang", or deeply excavating the dark side of human nature in "South to North", Ding Yongdai has conquered countless audiences with his excellent acting skills.

After looking at the current situation of 65-year-old Ding Yongdai, I knew that Jin Xing had already told the answer


As Venus said back then, Ding Yongdai is indeed a clear stream, clear to the bottom, and never turbid. In today's entertainment industry, which is full of too many wars of words and scandals, he is a positive model. Don't do things that attract attention overnight, only focus on your own artistic path, and speak with superb performance skills, this is Ding Yongdai's consistent style.

After looking at the current situation of 65-year-old Ding Yongdai, I knew that Jin Xing had already told the answer

It can be said that Ding Yongdai's journey was by no means achieved overnight. From the initial obscurity, to the highly recognized title of "a generation of performance masters", he has written a legend with his perseverance and tenacity.

After looking at the current situation of 65-year-old Ding Yongdai, I knew that Jin Xing had already told the answer

Tracing back to his roots, Ding Yongdai's love for the performing arts stemmed from his family environment when he was a penzi. He was born into a scholarly family, and many of his ancestors have been in the literary and artistic circles for a long time

After looking at the current situation of 65-year-old Ding Yongdai, I knew that Jin Xing had already told the answer

The prestigious predecessors have been influenced by excellent culture since childhood. At that time, there were not many rural intellectual families, and Ding Yongdai was particularly interested in literature and art since he was a child, and often sat alone in the corner to perform and tell stories.

After looking at the current situation of 65-year-old Ding Yongdai, I knew that Jin Xing had already told the answer

After reaching puberty, Ding Yongdai's yearning for an acting career became even greater. Although his family did not agree with his "troubled road", he still insisted on being admitted to the Inner Mongolia Academy of Arts. Since then, Ding Yongdai has embarked on a long and tortuous acting career.

After looking at the current situation of 65-year-old Ding Yongdai, I knew that Jin Xing had already told the answer

At that time, Ding Yongdai, who had just graduated from school, was full of beautiful visions for the future. Who knew that as soon as he left school, he encountered many setbacks, and he worked hard in obscurity for more than ten years. For a while, he even had to work part-time jobs to make ends meet, and his dreams were shaken.

After looking at the current situation of 65-year-old Ding Yongdai, I knew that Jin Xing had already told the answer

In this way, Ding Yongdai was the only one left with outstanding acting skills, and he worked hard all the way. Although he also encountered a short period of low time in the middle, he never wavered in his pursuit of his dreams. Until now, he is over the age of six, but he still maintains a high degree of enthusiasm for acting, and has repeatedly shown his superb acting skills on the screen.

After looking at the current situation of 65-year-old Ding Yongdai, I knew that Jin Xing had already told the answer

Unconsciously, Ding Yongdai has become one of the few "living performance legends" in the entertainment industry. Whether it is his outstanding performance on the big screen or his humility and courtesy in real life, he has won the respect of countless people.

After looking at the current situation of 65-year-old Ding Yongdai, I knew that Jin Xing had already told the answer

Someone once commented: "Ding Yongdai is an encyclopedia among actors, and every role has a new interpretation in him." Looking at his wonderful performances on stage, film and television works, you will have a deep understanding.

After looking at the current situation of 65-year-old Ding Yongdai, I knew that Jin Xing had already told the answer

From a sifter to an actor, from obscurity to well-known, Ding Yongdai has written a legendary life with his perseverance. His story teaches us that as long as you dream and pursue it persistently, any ordinary person can eventually achieve great things.

After looking at the current situation of 65-year-old Ding Yongdai, I knew that Jin Xing had already told the answer

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