
Excerpts from the People's Daily's golden sentences, accumulation of essay materials, July 2 [Daily Update]

author:Excerpts from golden sentences
Excerpts from the People's Daily's golden sentences, accumulation of essay materials, July 2 [Daily Update]

1. The sense of urgency that needs to sprint every day, the sense of responsibility that cannot be assured everywhere, and the sense of mission that is always brave to shoulder heavy burdens.

2. In the state of the decisive battle in the first battle and the sprint at the start, we will spell out a curve of continuous economic growth and create a scene of project construction in full swing.

3. The strategic planning lays the foundation for the long-term, builds the beams and pillars of development, the work is pragmatic and effective, sets up the road and bridge for development, and the work orientation is proactive and promising, and the quantity and quality of development are improved.

4. In the face of major tests, pull out the posture and stand up; In the face of important tasks, set off momentum and rush forward; In front of the key levels, take it down with momentum.

5. Strengthen political awareness, build a loyal soul, strengthen the sense of purpose, build a strong feeling for the people, strengthen the construction of work style, and build a strong line of defense against integrity.

6. Strictly investigate violations of discipline and law by the "top leaders", strengthen restraints on the performance of duties and the use of power by the "top leaders", and complete the supervision system and mechanisms for the "top leaders".

Excerpts from the People's Daily's golden sentences, accumulation of essay materials, July 2 [Daily Update]

7. There is a political position for seeking things, a political position for the officer, and a political effect for accomplishing things.

8. Race against time to "grab", have the courage and insight to "break", work hard to "fight", and "do" in a down-to-earth manner.

9. The promotion must be fast and fast, the work must be strengthened, the measures must be strengthened, and the progress must be accelerated.

10. Ideologically, the source is clear, the foundation is consolidated, and in action, the government decrees are unimpeded, and the orders are prohibited, so as to truly know and respect, guard against fear, and abide by the bottom line.

11. A major breakthrough has been made in talent introduction and education, the overall improvement of the talent platform has been achieved, the talent brand has demonstrated the magnetic effect, and the talent ecology has been systematically optimized.

12. Not only do you see the hard work of making moves, but also seek soft ways to take advantage of the situation, do not do the work on paper, and do not hang the results on words.

13. The vision of "not afraid of floating clouds to cover your eyes", the bearing of "flying through the clouds and still calmly", the persistence of "insisting on the green mountains and not relaxing", and the courage and perseverance of "not breaking Loulan and never returning".

14. Persist in highlighting political loyalty, and answer the "political papers"; Highlight the service guarantee and answer the "development volume"; Highlight the purpose of serving the people, and answer the "people's livelihood volume"; Highlight the responsibility and answer the "safety volume".

Excerpts from the People's Daily's golden sentences, accumulation of essay materials, July 2 [Daily Update]

15. Do the big things safely, do the small things and easy things exquisitely, make the "internal affairs" at a high level, make the "external affairs" a high realm, grasp the iron marks, step on the stone to leave a mark, move forward steadily, climb a mountain and climb a peak, and create a new situation in the work for a long time.

16. The consciousness of facing the problem, the insight to find the problem, the courage to turn inward, and the practical measures to solve the problem.

17. "Water is not excited, people are not excited." "Encourage cadres and officials to start a business, so that the "lying flat" cadres "carp stand up", not just rely on "clenching fists and shouting cheers", nor can it just "give affirmation with a thumbs up".

18. Identified the new coordinates of development, issued a sprint mobilization order, and sounded the rallying cry for advancement.

19. Adhere to the top standard, maintain a full state, come up with real measures, grasp with one mind, make up your mind to do it, take off the skin to fight, really tighten, move, run, transform responsibility into action, action into results, and judge heroes with development and merits by actual achievements.

20. Be pragmatic and hard-working, and grasp the responsibility in your hands. The more difficult and the more difficult the task, the more vigorous it is to grasp the implementation. To do work, we must twist the important joints, focus on the weak links, conduct in-depth research and analysis, continue to make precise efforts, and take out the spirit of "pulling teeth from the tiger's mouth" to break all difficulties and obstacles on the way forward.

21. In the big war and big test, Mount Tai pressed the top and did not bend down, and did not retreat in the stormy waves, with a never-slackening mental state and an indomitable fighting attitude, facing contradictions and standing up in the face of difficulties.

22. Multiple major strategies converge and overlap, multiple major projects need to be vigorously tackled, and a number of important tasks need to be implemented in detail.

23. Maintain a sense of responsibility that is always on the job and never slackens, firmly grasp the current promising period of historical opportunities, and integrate into the overall pattern of development with a broad vision, a big mind, and a big responsibility.

24. Maintain the determination to jump up and touch the heights, scientific and thoughtful planning, the courage to open the way in the mountains, and the tenacity to climb the hills, and every step is high-spirited, firm and solid, vigorous, sonorous and powerful, seize the commanding heights, and strive for the initiative.

25. Maintain concentration, do not move like a mountain, do not reach the Great Wall is not a hero, do not reach the Yellow River unwillingly, do not break the Loulan vow not to return, accumulate small to become a big advance, and win with tenacity.

26. Practice has proved that behind every successful case will experience the hardships of "mountains and rivers with no way out", and only by gritting their teeth and persevering and working hard for a long time will they reap the joy of "another village".

27. Respect the law, grasp the heat, and prevent only talking about motivation and not conditions, only talking about enthusiasm and not science, leaving "bottomless pits" that cannot be filled and "rotten holes" that cannot be filled.

28. Benchmark the high position, raise the benchmark, aim high, pursue excellence, look into the distance, seek the big place, and break into the new place.

29. Interact with external factors, connect the process with the results, combine incentives with punishments, comprehensively stimulate the subjective initiative of cadres, let the dazzling report card continue to be presented, let the planted happiness tree continue to benefit the people, and let the satisfaction of the masses be comprehensively improved.

30. When the cadres, generals, and fierce generals who "roll up their sleeves and work hard" will bring out a batch of "real and eye-catching" "good dishes", "big dishes" and "hard dishes", cultivate a number of platform industrial parks with "plateaus and peaks", and do a good job of a number of "applauded and applauded" major events.

31. If you don't sweat "all over your body", don't take off "two layers of skin", and don't lose "three catties of meat", you won't be able to get a passing transcript.

32. Grasp every post, grasp every link, pay close attention to every standard, and force all fronts and all aspects to enforce and implement.

33. Prevent the spread of the phenomenon of countless people in the chest, no life in the eyes, and no results in implementation, so that those who are indiscriminate will not have a market, and those who guard their stalls and positions will not be able to stay.

34. Support and encourage cadres who dare to grasp good management, and ensure that those who work hard do not sweat and do not shed tears, those who do things are not tired, and those who are pragmatic do not suffer hardships.

35. Encourage the leaders to achieve better results, guide the backward people to catch up and compete for the first, and wake up the people who pretend to be asleep to get up and work hard.

36. "Lying flat" to watch the flowers bloom and fall, and "Buddhism" to watch the clouds and clouds are more in line with the "safety first" orientation. In order to solve these predicaments and make cadres want to do things, know how to do things, and get things done, it is necessary to make dialectical analysis and comprehensive treatment.

37. One action is worth a dozen programs. See, it's all difficult; Think, it's all a problem; Dry, there is the answer. Only by working hard can we really produce results and real results.

38. Aim at the "education" of leading industries, focus on the "introduction" of emerging industries, and "cloth" around future industries.

39. Adhering to the work concept of "time is not delayed by me, mistakes do not occur with me, and shooting represents my highest level", vigorously carry forward the spirit of "do it immediately, do it immediately", and form a good work style of "coming when called, being able to do it, and being able to do it".

40. The courage to fight, the attitude of hard work, and the enthusiasm for entrepreneurship.

41. The pain points of economic development, the difficulties of market entities, and the blocking points of project construction.

42. Firmly establish and practice a correct outlook on political performance, maintain concentration in real work, grasp opportunities in real work, solve difficult problems in real work, seek practical results in real work, and strive to create achievements that can stand the test.

43. The critical period of rolling stone climbing, the breakthrough period of transformation and upgrading, and the critical period of kinetic energy conversion.

44. Escort development with iron discipline, infiltrate the people's hearts with clean and healthy atmosphere, and prevent risks with a good work style.

45. Discipline should be learned and constantly updated, knowledge of discipline should be meticulous and accurate, discipline should be clear, and discipline should be persistent.

46. There is no resting place, only gas stations, we must tighten the clockwork, draw the bowstring, seize the favorable opportunity, take advantage of the favorable conditions, seize the commanding heights, do key things, and take out the report card.

47. To push the project, we must adhere to the "wall chart operation". Implement the responsibility on the shoulder, solve the problem to the scene, focus on tackling tough problems together, and run out of the "acceleration" of the project landing effect.

48. Only by showing hard work to overcome difficulties, the true ability to make a sound, and working hard and skillfully, can we roll stones up the mountain and achieve success.

49. Hard work and sweat are worthy of praise, and experience and inspiration should be cherished. There is nothing difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb.

50. We can't relax our economy for a moment, and we can't wait for a day to engage in construction.

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