
Purine is easy to high uric acid, high uric acid is easy to gout, high uric acid gout patients how to avoid high purine

author:Tophi terminator

Many patients with hyperuricemia or gout have such feelings, suffering from gout or hyperuricemia without knowing it, often in the physical examination or joint pain such as hands and feet, an examination found that uric acid is high or there is urate deposition in the joints. At this time, many patients will be very nervous: "Director Liu, I have high uric acid, what should I do, is it necessary to control my diet in the future"; "Director Liu, the condition investigation report said that there is urate deposition in my joints, will it cause damage to the bones, and will there be many taboos in diet in the future."

Purine is easy to high uric acid, high uric acid is easy to gout, high uric acid gout patients how to avoid high purine

I believe that many patients with hyperuricemia or gout have such problems, today, Lao Liu will share with you what is high uric acid, what is purine, and the relationship with gout?

Talk about purines in food and uric acid in blood

Uric acid is a product of human metabolism, and long-term increase will trigger the occurrence of gout. The production of human uric acid mainly comes from two aspects: one is the nucleic acids and other purine compounds produced by protein catabolism in human cells, and endogenous uric acid is generated by the action of some enzymes; Second, the purine compounds, nucleic acids and nucleoproteins contained in food are digested and absorbed and exogenous uric acid is generated by the action of some enzymes.

Purine is easy to high uric acid, high uric acid is easy to gout, high uric acid gout patients how to avoid high purine

The production process of uric acid is quite complex and requires the participation of some enzymes, which can be divided into two categories: enzymes that promote uric acid synthesis, mainly 5-phosphate nucleic acid, -1-pyrophosphate synthetase, adenine phosphonucleotidyl transferase, phosphoribose pyrophosphate transferase, and xanthine oxidase; The enzyme that inhibits uric acid synthesis is hypoxanthine-guanine nucleoside transferase.

If the activity of these enzymes is abnormal, hyperuricemia may occur due to excessive uric acid production. There is also a situation where kidney excretion is disordered for some reason, so that uric acid accumulates in the blood, and hyperuricemia will also be formed, of course, with the gradual increase of uric acid, uric acid is deposited in the form of urate in joints, connective tissue and even kidneys, which will cause gouty arthritis and even kidney stones or gouty nephropathy.

Most of the purines absorbed by the body are related to diet

As mentioned earlier, the human body absorbs purine, and it is not used by the human body will form uric acid to be excreted, and when the excretory function is abnormal, it will cause the deposition of uric acid, hyperuricemia and even cause gout attacks. So where do the purines absorbed by the human body come from? Lao Liu believes that this is closely related to our daily diet.

Purine is easy to high uric acid, high uric acid is easy to gout, high uric acid gout patients how to avoid high purine

Clinical studies have found that 90% of patients are inseparable from high-purine foods such as seafood, meat, and beer, but vegetables, fruits and other low-purine foods are less intaked, so high-purine is at work in the body and further metabolized into uric acid.

Uric acid is the product of adenine and guanine metabolism in the human body, and adenine and guanine are responsible for biological genetic information and conveying the substances contained in nucleic acids, and almost all substances in the organism are being metabolized all the time and are constantly updated.

Purine is easy to high uric acid, high uric acid is easy to gout, high uric acid gout patients how to avoid high purine

When adenine and guanine complete their respective missions, they will be excreted in the form of uric acid, uric acid is the human body "garbage", because of the excretory dysfunction, it is easy to deposit in the form of urate in the joints, to the hands, feet, ankles, heels, knees, wrists, fingers and other joints are the most common.

Food purine metabolism is easy to form uric acid, how should we control our diet?

Since uric acid excretion is closely related to purines in food, it is very important to pay attention to personal eating habits and not wait for gout to come to the door to regret it. Lao Liu believes that paying attention to diet conditioning not only has a good control effect on patients with gout and hyperuricemia, reduces gout attacks, but also has a great preventive effect on the prevention of metabolic and metabolic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and hyperlipidemia. So, how should patients with hyperuricemia and gout choose food?

Purine is easy to high uric acid, high uric acid is easy to gout, high uric acid gout patients how to avoid high purine

1. Try to avoid high-purine food: seafood, animal offal, beef, mutton, hot pot are all high-purine food, such foods should be avoided as much as possible, in addition, old fire soup, oyster sauce, sauce, unprocessed beans, purine content is also high, should be avoided as much as possible.

2. These "waters" must be avoided: doctors often say that patients with high uric acid or gout should often drink water to promote the excretion of uric acid. But drinking water is not drinking alcohol or high-sugar, carbonated drinks. Although the purine content of alcoholic beverages such as liquor, beer, and fruit wine is not high, it is easy to cause the production of uric acid after entering the human body; The same is true for fructose and carbonated drinks, which can affect uric acid excretion or increase uric acid synthesis.

Purine is easy to high uric acid, high uric acid is easy to gout, high uric acid gout patients how to avoid high purine

3. Control the amount of purine intake: some of our food belongs to high purine, some belong to medium purine, and some belong to low purine. In life, gout patients should eat as little purine food as possible. However, purine foods such as tofu, dried tofu, and bean sprouts do not significantly increase blood uric acid and can be eaten appropriately, but excessive intake will also lead to increased uric acid; Lao Liu suggested that the daily intake of dietary purines in patients with hyperuricemia or gout should be controlled at 200mg, so as to achieve regular life and diet in order to avoid hyperuricemia and gout attacks.