
Liu Changqing's poem, the night of the wind and snow returns to the people, and the return of the people refers to whom


Liu Changqing calls himself the "Great Wall of Five Words" because his five-word poems are well written. However, his career was not smooth, he experienced the four dynasties from Tang Xuanzong to Tang Shunzong, and as soon as he was admitted to the Jinshi, the Anshi Rebellion broke out.

Liu Changqing's poem, the night of the wind and snow returns to the people, and the return of the people refers to whom

Moreover, his personality is straightforward and he is not good at socializing, so he is ostracized and suppressed, and most of his life is spent in the local depreciation life. It is precisely because of his own inability and long-term contact with the bottom of society that his poetic style is also more melancholy and low.

In addition to expressing the gloomy feelings of the heart, the environment and imagery of the poems are also more obscure, and even give people a feeling of depression and sadness. His most famous poem is "The Master of Furong Mountain in the Snow".

The mountains are far away at dusk, and the white houses are poor in the cold.

Chai Men smell the barking of dogs, and the wind and snow return to people on the night.

You see his poem is "Every Snow at Dusk", how harsh the environment and climate in the poem are, and how hard people work. Whether it is the people who stay at the camp, or the owners of Furong Mountain, they have not stopped their busyness on the night of the wind and snow.

Liu Changqing's poem, the night of the wind and snow returns to the people, and the return of the people refers to whom

At that time, Liu Changqing's place of depreciation was relatively remote, and it was all mountainous and hilly. From the first sentence of the poem, "The Sun Is Far Away", you can see how hard he worked there. It was getting late, and the mountain road was still long.

The sun is far away, it is a harsh winter, there is no shop behind the village, like such a small mountain village, and then go deep into the mountains, I am afraid that there is nothing, so the poet has no choice but to stay there.

But "the sky is cold and the white house is poor", this second sentence turns to write the master's family of Furong Mountain. The weather was so cold, but the owner's house was a thatched house built of white thatch, so difficult and simple, it can be seen that their family did not open an inn.

Liu Changqing's poem, the night of the wind and snow returns to the people, and the return of the people refers to whom

The poet did not dare to go forward, staying overnight and worried about whether the cover of the master's house was sufficient, he would be able to do it this night, the key was to occupy the master's bedding, how did they spend the night.

It was windy and snowy outside, and the poet, as a traveler and a stranger, felt even more lonely and lonely at this time. He thought about it and didn't fall asleep in the middle of the night.

Suddenly I heard the barking of the dogs outside, the footsteps were getting closer and closer, the door made of firewood and grass was knocking, and someone had returned on the night of the snow and wind. The poet slept in the bed, he thought, this must be the master's family return, whether it is the father or the son is unknown.

Liu Changqing's poem, the night of the wind and snow returns to the people, and the return of the people refers to whom

The poet has been a local official for a long time, and he is still busy running on a night like this, feeling that he is very hard and wronged. But when he saw the owner's grass house and saw the master's family busy returning in the middle of the night to make a living, his soul was shocked.

Liu Changqing wrote this precisely to disclose the social reality of the Tang Dynasty, although his pen was not as profound and powerful as Du Fu, Du Fu said that "Zhumen wine smells of meat, and the road has frozen bones", and after all, he Liu Changqing also wrote about the living conditions of the low-level people and sympathized with them.

But when we appreciate this poem, we will find that there are several different understandings of the "return of the snowy night" in the poem. Some people say that it is the owner of Furong Mountain, and some people say that it is the author Liu Changqing himself.

Liu Changqing's poem, the night of the wind and snow returns to the people, and the return of the people refers to whom

So who exactly does this "night returner" refer to? If I follow the above explanation, then this night return refers to the master's home, he came back after the author fell asleep, the author can not see people can only hear the sound.

But some say it's the author himself. There are two understandings of this meaning, one is that he came to sleep late in the day, and it was the barking of the dog when he first entered the wood gate. This dog barking is not after the author sleeps, then this night returnee is the author Liu Changqing.

There is also a saying that since the author has set the title as "Fengxue Su Furong Mountain Master", there are two more words here "master", it seems that it does not make sense, it should be "Feng Xue Su Furong Mountain" is the best. But in fact, this is the hint that the author gives to people, that is, anti-guest, prompting you to think about who the real master is.

Liu Changqing's poem, the night of the wind and snow returns to the people, and the return of the people refers to whom

This means that although he wrote about the night of the wind and snow to stay in Furong Mountain, in fact, such a thing did not happen, just like Tao Yuanming wrote "The Tale of Peach Blossom Origin", which is also the author's fiction. The author's fictional purpose is to reflect such a mountain village, to reflect a group of people who are struggling to live at the bottom.

Reading this, we can't help but think of the great poet Du Fu, who when he stayed in Shi Trench Village, saw officers and soldiers pulling people to the front line to fight, so he wrote the famous "Stone Trench Official". Liu Changqing's way of writing this poem is not also a kind of similarity.

Liu Changqing's poem, the night of the wind and snow returns to the people, and the return of the people refers to whom

In general, this "stormy night return" seems to be writing about others, but it is actually the author writing about himself. The wind and snow are cold, and the sun is far away, which symbolizes the political environment that the author is facing. The blows and exclusions suffered by the author, the bumpy life experiences, can only be expressed in this obscure way.

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