
"You see who's coming" is the girl with the story, Kim Mi-er

author:Tianjin Satellite TV

Tianjin Satellite TV broadcast on July 17 "You see who is coming" invited young singer Jin Mei'er with a new song as a guest, she became famous in the "Avenue of Stars", do not know that behind the fame hides her deep heart hurt, so far single she clarified for the first time that and the singer Tashi Dunzhu who often cooperates is not a lover relationship, this girl full of stories recalls the past, what makes her feel remorseful? What makes her feel so warm?


Big guest Kim Mi-er

Jin Mei'er graduated from the Department of Music Performance, School of Arts, Yanbian University. He has won the 2008 overall champion of CCTV's "Avenue of Stars" and has twice appeared on the stage of CCTV Spring Festival Gala.

"You see who's coming" is the girl with the story, Kim Mi-er

Jin Mei'er was born in a very wealthy family, her father was originally a famous local entrepreneur, the family is well-off, she changed 6 pianos when she was a child, and her parents have paved the way for her future.

"You see who's coming" is the girl with the story, Kim Mi-er

When she was 17 years old, her father's career was severely damaged, bankruptcy, illness, death, and repeated blows to Jin Mei'er, just when her father died, Jin Mei'er was still participating in the competition of "Walk of Fame", so she felt guilty about her father Jin Mei'er.


Mysterious guest Wang Xiaowei

Singer Wang Xiaowei, who is the same as Jin Mei'er as the 2008 "Walk of Fame" annual champion, encouraged each other and accompanied each other during the long competition, becoming good sisters who talked about everything.

"You see who's coming" is the girl with the story, Kim Mi-er

They recalled that when they won the annual championship of the "Walk of Fame" in 2008, they did not expect to produce three championships that year, when Jin Mei'er did not invite any relatives and friends to take the championship in a confused way.

"You see who's coming" is the girl with the story, Kim Mi-er


Mysterious guest stone

Singer Stone, he has worked on the same stage with Kim Mei'er several times.

"You see who's coming" is the girl with the story, Kim Mi-er

The stone indicates: We are two different types of peers, and there is a sense of hero pity for each other. Jin Mei'er thought that she could read his personality from the sound of the stone's music.

"You see who's coming" is the girl with the story, Kim Mi-er


Mysterious guest Zhou Hui

Actress Zhou Hui met Jin Mei'er on the boat by chance, and quickly became a girlfriend, and the two sincerely treated each other in life, which made her feel warm.

"You see who's coming" is the girl with the story, Kim Mi-er

Zhou Hui believes that Jin Mei'er can bravely take up the burden of life after the family change, and insist on the cause she loves.

"You see who's coming" is the girl with the story, Kim Mi-er

Host Wang Weinian encouraged her: the grind of life will make people's hearts full, accelerate growth, no experience can not sing touching songs, music is the driving force to love life.

"You see who's coming" is the girl with the story, Kim Mi-er

Tonight, July 17th

Tianjin Satellite TV "You See Who's Coming"

Brilliant presentation

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