
Singer Guo Mingming announced the suspension of singing due to idiopathic tremor, is this disease serious Idiopathic tremor Idiopathic tremor What are the symptoms of idiopathic tremor Generally do not appear symptoms: how to treat and prevent idiopathic tremor?

author:Dr. Song Pu, Department of Neurology

#Guo Mingming suspended singing for treatment ##Idiopathic tremor ##郭聪明 #

Singer Guo Mingming announced the suspension of singing due to idiopathic tremor, is this disease serious Idiopathic tremor Idiopathic tremor What are the symptoms of idiopathic tremor Generally do not appear symptoms: how to treat and prevent idiopathic tremor?

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Recently, because the singer Guo Mingming announced that he would suspend singing due to "idiopathic tremor", and let this disease be known to many people, what is idiopathic tremor, to put it bluntly, is the involuntary hand shaking of the cause is unclear, medically called tremor, which refers to an involuntary, rhythmic swing-like movement of a certain part of the body (which can be the hand, can also be the leg, head and other parts). This kind of jitter can not be controlled by itself, and the frequency and amplitude of jitter also have certain laws, the so-called idiopathic, that is, the reasons under the current medical research are not clear, doctors around the world have not figured out what the cause is, similar diseases or "idiopathic (primary) hypertension" and so on.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > idiopathic tremor</h1>

Before everyone knows about the disease of idiopathic tremor because of Guo's cleverness, I believe that the most well-known disease of hand tremor is Parkinson's disease, and older friends should have an impression, at the opening ceremony of the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games in the United States, the boxing king Ali held a torch to light the flame in an extremely uncoordinated manner, so that Parkinson's disease is well known to the world, and what many people do not know is that the most common disease that causes hand shaking is not Parkinson's, but idiopathic tremor.

As the most common disease that causes tremor, it is estimated that the prevalence of idiopathic tremor worldwide is as high as 5%, that is, 1 in every 20 people has this condition, which is the severity of symptoms. Some idiopathic tremors also have a familial genetic predisposition, also known as familial tremors. Previously, the medical community often used "benign tremor" to distinguish this disease from Parkinson's disease, because the past view was that unlike Parkinson's disease, idiopathic tremor did not have a serious impact on the patient's ability to live, and did not lead to a shortening of life, but later observations found that a small number of idiopathic tremor patients can also show severe symptoms, enough to cause a significant decline in the patient's ability to live, resulting in patient disability.

And unlike Parkinson's disease, there is little known about idiopathic tremor, the specific cause and pathogenesis, and it has not been studied clearly, but it is known that there is a certain familial heredity of the disease, so it is speculated that it may be related to genetic mutations, and it is pathologically speculated that it is related to brainstem (blue-spotted nucleus) and cerebellar lesions. Because of this, the "idiopathic" hat was worn before the name of the disease. That is to say, for example, most hypertension diseases will be preceded by a "primary hypertension" hat, that is, at the current level of medicine, the medical community can not explain the exact cause of the disease, in order to distinguish from those diseases that have a clear cause, doctors add a prefix, idiopathic or primary. For example, a small number of hypertensive patients are caused by adrenal gland diseases, etc., these hypertensions are collectively referred to as "secondary hypertension", I believe that with the continuous development of medicine, "idiopathic" and "primary" will gradually be replaced by "secondary".

Singer Guo Mingming announced the suspension of singing due to idiopathic tremor, is this disease serious Idiopathic tremor Idiopathic tremor What are the symptoms of idiopathic tremor Generally do not appear symptoms: how to treat and prevent idiopathic tremor?

The doctor held a trembling hand

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5" > what are the symptoms of idiopathic tremor</h1>

Hand tremor The most common symptom caused by idiopathic tremor is involuntary shaking of the hand and forearm, which can be unilateral or bilateral, and many unilateral symptoms can slowly develop into bilateral. The symptoms of hand shaking are generally obvious when holding something or raising the arm, and the body movement is about to end when the shaking is most severe, such as drinking water, when the water cup is about to be delivered to the mouth is about to be drunk, the most shaking, severe patients can not complete the action of drinking water on their own, which is the so-called "postural / action tremor". This feature is different from Parkinson's disease, parkinson's limb shaking, the most obvious when stationary, that is, "resting tremor", and Parkinson's patients do not necessarily have shaking symptoms.

Head tremors and tremorillations Idiopathic tremors can appear involuntary noding or shaking of the head, i.e. head tremors, and some people even have vocal tremors when speaking.

Symptoms improve after drinking Idiopathic tremor There is also an interesting situation, that is, after drinking, many patients with drinking habits, when they just drink, there is still some shaking in the wine glass, a few glasses of wine are drunk, the symptoms are obviously alleviated, some people think that it is caused by alcohol addiction, in fact, it is not.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="30" > symptoms of idiopathic tremor:</h1>

Leg tremor Idiopathic tremor rarely affects the legs, especially when the legs are not moving, involuntary shaking, and Parkinson's disease needs to be considered.

Bradykinesia Idiopathic tremors often do not cause slower/sluggish movements in patients, especially when walking, and patients generally do not have particular sensations and manifestations.

Limb weakness, stiffness Because idiopathic tremor generally does not affect the increase in muscle tone, patients generally do not have stiffness and inactivity of the limbs, which are obviously different from Parkinson's disease.

Singer Guo Mingming announced the suspension of singing due to idiopathic tremor, is this disease serious Idiopathic tremor Idiopathic tremor What are the symptoms of idiopathic tremor Generally do not appear symptoms: how to treat and prevent idiopathic tremor?

Agging-associated Diseases Associated with Aging

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="17" > How is idiopathic tremor treated and prevented? </h1>

No need for treatment For many patients with early stages of idiopathic tremor, although there are some symptoms such as hand shaking and shaking, but basically do not affect life, doctors often do not recommend the use of drugs, because drugs only alleviate symptoms, neither cure the disease, nor delay the development of the disease, "cure the symptoms" rather than "cure the root cause".

Drug therapy When the symptoms of jitter are more obvious, causing a significant decline in quality of life, the doctor may prescribe drugs for the patient in order to control the symptoms, but there is no specific drug for this disease, the types of drugs are more, the dosage and usage are also exquisite, when the patient gets the drug, it may be found that it is the treatment of epilepsy, heart disease, and even sleeping pills, not that the doctor prescribed the wrong one, because these drugs are often effective for the symptom control of idiopathic tremor. It is also because of the particularity and non-specificity of the drug, doctors are often more cautious when using, medication and discontinuation are regular, therefore, idiopathic tremor patients should not use drugs privately, not to mention do not follow the doctor's instructions to eat and stop, when to take medication, how to reduce the stop, need to consult a professional neurologist.

Surgical treatment For severe patients, the above many different types of drug treatment effects are not satisfied, you can also consider surgical treatment, which requires professional neurologists to help patients judge.

As for prevention, because the cause of the disease is not clear at present, it is not effective to prevent it. It can only be said that when your family has idiopathic tremors, or even Parkinson's disease, you should know that this disease has a certain family genetic predisposition and needs to pay attention to your symptoms. But don't worry too much, it doesn't mean that there are elders, you will have them yourself, and you can't say that your children will be "passed on from generation to generation" and so on. It is just that the chance of onset is greater than that of the average person.

Key References:

1.Benito-León J, Louis ED, Bermejo-Pareja F, Neurological Disorders in Central Spain Study Group. Risk of incident Parkinson's disease and parkinsonism in essential tremor: a population based study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2009; 80:423.

2.Louis ED. Essential tremors: a family of neurodegenerative disorders? Arch Neurol 2009; 66:1202.

3.Louis ED. Environmental epidemiology of essential tremor. Neuroepidemiology 2008; 31:139.

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