
Wang Xingyue's studio apologized Fans: My kid's brother is right, netizens are hotly discussing whether this is public relations or true love

author:Xiao Hao told interesting stories


Wang Xingyue's studio's apology statement: the handling of a public relations crisis

Wang Xingyue's studio recently issued an apology statement to deal with the problems related to the material output of "Ink Rain and Clouds". The statement mentioned that the relevant content has been deleted, and the publicists who reviewed the published materials have been seriously criticized and dealt with in accordance with the company's system. All propagandists are also called upon to engage in deep reflection and self-examination.

Wang Xingyue's studio apologized Fans: My kid's brother is right, netizens are hotly discussing whether this is public relations or true love

The studio expressed its sincere apologies to the audience and netizens. This series of actions shows the studio's seriousness and determination to deal with the problem.


Fans' attitude: There is nothing wrong with Wang Xingyue!

Despite the studio's apology, Wang's fan base has shown unwavering support. They believe that Wang Xingyue himself has not done anything wrong, and the problem lies with the studio's operation team. This kind of fan loyalty and support, although it alleviated the public relations crisis to a certain extent, also sparked some discussions about fan culture and artist management. Netizens have commented on social media, some expressing their understanding, while others have expressed their opinions.


Wang Xingyue's Operations Team: Rush or Strategic Mistake?

Wang Xingyue's operation team was accused of being too eager in this incident, trying to increase the vertical conversion rate of drama fans by hyping CP. This strategy is not uncommon in the current entertainment market, but it has also sparked discussions about the long-term development of artists and their fan base.

Wang Xingyue's studio apologized Fans: My kid's brother is right, netizens are hotly discussing whether this is public relations or true love

Some netizens pointed out that even if an artist is smashed through capital and resources, if there is not enough fans and purchasing power to support it, the subsequent development of the artist will face difficulties. This view has sparked widespread discussion on social media.


The actor's way of becoming popular: works, national degree and personality charm

In the discussion of this incident, many voices emphasized the key factors of the actor's popularity: the work, the national degree and the personality charm. They believe that an actor can become popular because of a role, but to achieve long-term popularity, it is more necessary to rely on personal knowledge, emotional intelligence and personality charm.

Wang Xingyue's studio apologized Fans: My kid's brother is right, netizens are hotly discussing whether this is public relations or true love

This view has been shared by many netizens, who believe that artists should rely more on their own efforts and talents, rather than attracting fans through hype and other means.


Controversial summary

Wang Xingyue's studio's apology statement and fans' firm support, as well as the operation team's strategic mistakes, have become the focus of discussion on this incident. Netizens expressed their opinions on social media, some supported the studio's handling of the treatment, and some believed that artists should pay more attention to their own inner cultivation. This kind of controversial discussion not only increased the attention of the event, but also made more people start to think about the real elements of the artist's long-term development. What do you think? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment area.

Wang Xingyue's studio apologized Fans: My kid's brother is right, netizens are hotly discussing whether this is public relations or true love

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