
"Ranking Black Technology" on the single Serjuni Polar Ice Hell Perfect Control Field! New ideas on the single pig sister

author:Exceptional esports
"Ranking Black Technology" on the single Serjuni Polar Ice Hell Perfect Control Field! New ideas on the single pig sister

Introduction: Pig sister in the eyes of everyone often appears in the wild position, but recently in the high segment of Hanbok appeared a new single weak TP pig sister playing style, the performance is very good. Today, the author will give you a detailed interpretation of the routine of the weak TP pig sister, so that everyone can master a new black technology in the 11.18 version, let's take a look!

Hanbok Masters Segmented God Achievements at a Glance

"Ranking Black Technology" on the single Serjuni Polar Ice Hell Perfect Control Field! New ideas on the single pig sister
"Ranking Black Technology" on the single Serjuni Polar Ice Hell Perfect Control Field! New ideas on the single pig sister
"Ranking Black Technology" on the single Serjuni Polar Ice Hell Perfect Control Field! New ideas on the single pig sister
"Ranking Black Technology" on the single Serjuni Polar Ice Hell Perfect Control Field! New ideas on the single pig sister
"Ranking Black Technology" on the single Serjuni Polar Ice Hell Perfect Control Field! New ideas on the single pig sister

This is a few rounds of qualifying from the Hanbok Master Segment, the big god player used the single pig sister to easily win the streak, because it is a pure meat route, so the output will be slightly worse, so the MVP is relatively small, but from the point of view of the record, it is not lost to the MVP at all, and the head can basically pass ten figures per hand, which is still very powerful. Next, the author will give you a detailed interpretation of the play of Shan Se Jonny from many aspects!

Cersei's routine analysis

"Ranking Black Technology" on the single Serjuni Polar Ice Hell Perfect Control Field! New ideas on the single pig sister
"Ranking Black Technology" on the single Serjuni Polar Ice Hell Perfect Control Field! New ideas on the single pig sister

Shangdan SeJoni's gameplay mainly gives play to the advantages of pig sister's strong control, through the characteristics of faster single-line development rhythm to play, can make pig sister's equipment form faster than playing wild position. In this way, the mid- and late-stage pig sister Tandu can be very effective in pinning down the opponent's back row, so that the opponent cannot enter the field safely. This point is faster than the rhythm of playing the wild position, the choice of playing the wild boar sister in the summoner skill is generally flash +CJ, and the single pig sister chooses more, you can also bring a combination of weakness and TP, so that the tactical play is more, and with the weakness can also effectively contain the output of the opponent, the gameplay is more diversified.

Cersei's basic configuration

Rune interpretation

"Ranking Black Technology" on the single Serjuni Polar Ice Hell Perfect Control Field! New ideas on the single pig sister

Cersei's rune recommendation points are the main system resolute, the secondary system is dominant, and the attribute fragment is 1 attack speed + 2 armor.

Pig sister's control ability is relatively strong, especially Q skills have breakthrough, with control, pig sister in the control of people after a hand is glued to the follow-up output means, so the choice of cornerstone runes is the most ideal is the aftershock, with the pig sister's breakthrough, control can hit the second stage of damage, the cost performance is very high. Online pig sister can consider point blasting, so that early can rub the opponent's coating to increase their own development ability. The last two layers of the resolute system are generally point regulation + overgrowth to increase its ability to resist.

The rune points of the secondary system are maliciously slandered, and with the deceleration effect, additional real damage can be hit, and the ultimate hunter of the underlying rune points can increase the cd reduction of the big move, making the new round of control cycle of Pig Sister faster.

Outfit recommendations

"Ranking Black Technology" on the single Serjuni Polar Ice Hell Perfect Control Field! New ideas on the single pig sister

(Hanbok Daimyo Outfit Route)


"Ranking Black Technology" on the single Serjuni Polar Ice Hell Perfect Control Field! New ideas on the single pig sister

Pig sister's out-of-the-door outfit is recommended to make Dolan Shield, Pig Sister herself belongs to the Tan hero, and the out-of-the-box outfit is naturally considered in the direction of partial meat, so that the confrontation ability of the line can be improved a lot. Moreover, the early outbreak of Pig Sister is low, and the ability to rely on the line of Dolan Shield will be stronger.

Medium-term core:

"Ranking Black Technology" on the single Serjuni Polar Ice Hell Perfect Control Field! New ideas on the single pig sister

Pig Sister's mythical equipment considers making fire armor, because Pig Sister is a hero who needs to be glued to the output, and the fire armor can hit additional damage when it is closely exported in the middle and late stages, and the income is relatively high. Shoes are selected according to the different lineups of opponents, if the early is an advantage, you can get out of the small mask as soon as possible, the damage increase will be faster, and if the situation is unclear, turn the flatness equipment as soon as possible.

Late God Suit:

"Ranking Black Technology" on the single Serjuni Polar Ice Hell Perfect Control Field! New ideas on the single pig sister

In the later period, the god outfit was not fixed, and the pig sister needed at most an output outfit to be enough. The follow-up can make up for the madman, which can increase the frankness and confrontation ability of the pig sister. Other Tandu equipment is flexibly adjusted according to the different lineups of opponents, if the AP hero is stronger, then more magic resistance is also OK, generally to the gargoyle, ice heart and other equipment to consider, more golden oil.

Add point analysis

"Ranking Black Technology" on the single Serjuni Polar Ice Hell Perfect Control Field! New ideas on the single pig sister

Q: Pig Sister's breakthrough and control skills, generally secondary promotion skills, can be used as the first hand to make up for the control;

W: The main output means of Pig Sister can also play the effect of slowing down and retaining people, which is very practical and has high offensive efficiency;

E: Can hit damage, stun opponents, core control skills, can be used in combination with Q;

Pig Sister's plus point main W vice Q, there is R point R.

A comprehensive analysis of Cersei's gameplay

Early line ideas

On the single pig sister belongs to the Tandu hero, the early line is mainly developmental, try to avoid direct conflict with the opponent, because the output and explosive ability of the pig sister's type of hero monomer will be slightly worse than some mainstream warriors on the single, but its own control ability is relatively strong, playing pig sister on the single can do "to promote the strengths and avoid the weaknesses". During the line period, if the opponent likes to press the line, let the line press the opponent, we only need to do the normal repair of the knife, so that the opponent is in the state of pushing the line can create support opportunities for nakano on his side. When the teammates come, Cersonne then plays the first hand control, which makes it easier to cooperate with the teammates to control and kill the opponent. The steady development before level 6 is to find opportunities to kill. Generally, Cersei's combos are to use the attack to start to superimpose the E skill of debuff on the opponent, and then use the Q melee to play the first wave of blows with E to play the joint control, and then cooperate with the W + A connection output This is a more common combo mode, it is easy to make up the control when the teammates come to support, as long as you can grasp the rhythm of the line on the single, you can easily find the opportunity to control and kill the opponent.

"Ranking Black Technology" on the single Serjuni Polar Ice Hell Perfect Control Field! New ideas on the single pig sister

Medium-term support batting method

Pig Sister will become more capable of controlling the field after having a big move. In terms of summoner skills, pig sister's choice is generally a combination of weakness + TP, and when playing support in the middle of the game, it is mainly based on the availability of summoner skills to choose support. If the line is a disadvantage, in the medium term, deal with the line of troops first, and then support (in the case of TP, you can fight like this), if the line is an advantage, push the line as soon as possible to tie the opponent's order, and then liberate yourself to support more directions, you can catch the middle road or use TP to pass down the road. Play pig sister must learn to card the opponent's field of vision blind spot, so that when the opponent reacts, you can give R skill control, so that the control ability of the connection will be very strong. If it is for the support of the upper half of the area, you can use the grass in the wild area to card the field of vision, so that it is easier to hit the opponent with the first hand to Q and R. And then with the W, E skill close output, pig sister is more meaty, the output ability will be slightly worse, mainly in the front row to play containment, play control, so that the opponent is difficult to play.

"Ranking Black Technology" on the single Serjuni Polar Ice Hell Perfect Control Field! New ideas on the single pig sister

Post-team combat skills

Pig Sister's team fighting skills in the later stage are mainly to play the two major advantages of their own regiment control and meat to fight. The position of the Pig Sister Team Battle is as far as possible in the front end, so that it can effectively eat the damage of the opponent and make the opponent unable to break through the defense line of the Pig Sister. If the opponent has more breakthrough heroes, Pig Sister should consider using weak and R skills to fight backhand protection. Hang R and counter-control the opponent when the opponent breaks into the hero, so that the teammate can be given the opportunity to find the output position. In general, the pig sister team battle is very meaty, and the team battle must be at the front end of the output point to play the output, do not hide behind. Stand more to the front of the front, so that you can better catch the opponent's flaws to supplement the skill. The regimental battle pig sister is mainly controlled, and the playing style will be relatively more fierce.

"Ranking Black Technology" on the single Serjuni Polar Ice Hell Perfect Control Field! New ideas on the single pig sister

Shangdan Sejonne can eat a single line per person, so that the equipment will form faster, and it will be faster to make the meat outfits needed than the wild. I believe that after everyone learns the gameplay of the single pig sister, there is a new black routine on the single, let's try it!

The above is the entire content of this issue of "ranking black technology", if you have interesting Hanbok high-segment upper-score routines, black technology, low-segment happy play, riot routines, or what views and suggestions you have on this issue's strategy, you can put forward your views in the comment area!

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